13 Instagram营销趋势2023您需要观看


通过关注我们此处包括的Instagram营销趋势,您将能够建立一个有效的Instagram营销策略并创建高质量的内容,使您的追随者感到兴奋。This way, you can get more followers, increase engagement, and earn more revenue via the platform.

13 Instagram营销趋势2023您需要观看:

13 Instagram营销趋势您需要观看:

如果您使用Instagram进行营销,或者您正在考虑进行营销,那么保持最新的Instagram营销趋势很重要。Instagram has more than 2每月10亿个活跃用户; 500+ million check the platform every day. In addition,90% of Instagrammers follow a business on the platform。有了这么大的用户群,很容易在噪音中迷失。通过关注我们此处包括的Instagram营销趋势,您将能够建立一个有效的Instagram营销策略并创建高质量的内容,使您的追随者感到兴奋。让我们看一下您可以适应目标的13个Instagram营销趋势。

1. Content (Still) Reigns

Virtually every year, we highlight how content will play an important role moving forward. So, in 2023,t should come as no surprise that content is still the most important thing to consider when planning your Instagram marketing strategy.

有几种内容营销工具可以帮助您创建惊人的Instagram内容,但不要太强调生产价值。在过去的几年中,我们看到了一种未经过滤和“真实”内容的趋势Instagram影响者and brands, and that trend will continue(but more about that later)


While more candid content is on the rise, you still need to ensure that your content is eye-catching and tells a story. Instagram users have become increasingly better at determining if the content they're seeing is genuine and authentic, thanks in large part to accounts like纽约的人也正在分享失败的影响者,而不是策划饲料只是为了表现出成功。



关键是您不需要提醒高质量content matters. It’s like having to remind someone working in customer service that they need to be friendly and respectful. If you’ll be using Instagram, or any other social media platform for that matter, you’ll need to ensure that every single post is high-quality. Though, as mentioned, quality shouldn’t be confused for perfection. Authentic content that shows you in a real light can also be high-quality posts.

2. Reels Usage Will Rise

Instagram卷轴,Instagram对Tiktok的回应,使用户可以创建和编辑60秒的短形式视频内容。It’s not a new feature, but you can expect to see many more Reels in 2023.What makes it so popular is that it’s a great option to capitalize on TikTok-style content, trends, and challenges without having to move to another platform and build your audience again.

品牌可以leverage Instagram Reels在他们的营销策略中有多种方式。对于初学者来说,即使您不打算在tiktok上创建内容,也可以在平台上的最新情况下保持最新状态。然后,您可以成为最早在Instagram卷轴上启动这些趋势的创作者之一。通过信息内容轻松进入Instagram卷轴也很有帮助。在您已经了解的内容上创建内容,并与您的受众分享。



The average Instagram user is looking to connect with real people whose lives look like their own — not celebrities. When寻找Instagram影响者to represent your brand, consider all types有影响力的人。由于与受众的联系,越来越多的纳米和微型影响者被合作。虽然他们可能只有数千名追随者,但这些影响者倾向于获得更好的参与,仅仅是因为他们与数千人保持联系更容易。

What’s more, by working with nano and micro-influencers that are relevant to your brand, you can stretch your Instagram marketing budgets as they typically charge less. So, it’s really a win-win.


Instagram Liveuse skyrocketed over recent years. What makes Instagram Live such a popular and effective tool is that it lets you interact with viewers right then and there on the spot, ultimately helping to create a deeper connection. It also lets you leverage storytelling which can help to humanize your brand.

从新产品更新到品牌公告,再到现场活动,您可以通过多种方式将Instagram Live纳入营销策略中。在某些情况下,您可以简单地使用移动设备。使用智能手机拍摄的原始现场镜头可能更真实。


Leading social media platforms where internet users purchased products during a live streaming event in 2022



同时,如果您正在寻找如何通过Instagram利用现场购物的Inspo,则可以关注Tanya Taylor(@tanyataylor).


Fact: increasingly more consumers are turning to the internet for their shopping needs for everything from clothing to food to cars. And, it’s no longer reserved for official business websites. Social commerce is also on the increase. According tosocial commerce stats到2023年,全球社会商务销售预计将超过1万亿美元。

Even if you don’t want to put live shopping to the test (after all, it doesn’t suit all brands), try Shoppable Posts.

在Instagram移动应用中Shoppable Posts在左下角的小购物袋中出现在您的饲料中,您可以点击产品以查看有关它们的更多信息。Instagram也有一个购物部分,所以如果您感兴趣在Instagram上出售, now's the time to get started.


随着Instagram Live和Instagram Reels内容的增加,请注意Instagram视频进入2023年。随着Meta鼓励Instagram更多地使用视频,以便它可以与Tiktok竞争,视频内容将继续占主导地位。

Instagram视频是Instagram的视频平台,结合了IGTV和Feed Videos。一段时间以来,从2018年开始,IGTV是Instagram的长期视频。但是,IGTV从未作为YouTube杀手脱起来,在2021年底,Instagram将IGTV重新命名为“ Instagram视频”,将其与人们在常规Instagram feed中共享的视频合并。


7. AI内容建议将有更多时间


到目前为止,招待会并不是很棒。平台收到许多投诉(包括来自凯莉·詹纳(Kylie Jenner)等人的投诉之后再次制作Instagram Instagram”),它在2022年7月宣布,它将减少用户在提要中看到的AI-Recsmunded帖子的数量。不过,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)宣布,他们期望其AI推荐的内容将从15%增加到30%经过the end of 2023.

AI内容建议的主要问题是,用户希望从他们的朋友那里查看更多更新,而不是从个人资料中看到的随机内容,甚至没有遵循。Instagram的负责人亚当·莫塞利(Adam Mosseri)解释说,这些变化是基于使用趋势的。因此,该平台将继续使用它们,因为它希望与用户的兴趣相匹配。


8. Ad Practices Will Need to Change

广告行业受iOS的推出14受到了重大影响。如果您尚未设法在2022年围绕Apple的应用跟踪透明度策略进行导航,那么这里有一些想法,即WebFX(其中之一)leading digital marketing agencies in the US, 分享:

  • 结合一种更具侵略性的方法,但请记住保持适应能力
  • 给您的广告额外两到四个星期,以便您可以更好地评估其性能
  • “回去”传统的最佳广告实践,例如突出效果,而不是功能

9. Misinformation Won’t be Tolerated



In short, brand accountability is only going to become more critical. More and more social media users are starting to hold their brands to higher standards on social media. Users have no issue with calling out brands that they (used to) love out in the open on social media.


10. Representing Diversity Will Get (You) More Limelight

Adding to our previous point about brand accountability, diversity and inclusivity will also enjoy more attention in 2023. Ensure that you treat minority groups fairly and not just members of your own target audience, but also your own employees.



模因并不是什么新鲜事物,但是2023年将是新的是它们在社交媒体营销中使用的频率。尼尔·沙弗(Neal Schaffer)在他的博客上预测,模因将更多地用作营销工具。虽然社会可能很快就会诉诸社交媒体,例如包容性,多样性,工资等。他们仍然笑了。模因不仅可以快速笑,而且还可以用来对当前情况提供幽默的评论。换句话说,如果正确完成,模因可以帮助您保持相关性。




13. Better Integrations


今天的社交媒体预测,Meta将与Instagram上的外部创作者合作,而不是转向自己的内部工程团队,以使数字艺术家登上并感到兴奋。一些当今社交媒体期望的工具是由Instagram,AR和3D帖子上的实时照片生成的GIF,以及Spark AR平台的3D创建工具集成。





内容仍然是最重要的给thought to when you are planning your Instagram marketing strategy. Since 2019, there has been a trend toward unfiltered and "authentic" content from Instagram influencers and brands. Candid content that is eye-catching and tells a story works well. So, it can be a good idea actually to share your failures as well and not just your success stories. This type of content will make you a lot more relatable to your audience.




您可以以各种方式利用Instagram卷轴。首先,您应该了解Tiktok上发生的事情(即使您不使用Tiktok来创建内容),然后确保您是第一个在Instagram Reels上启动这些趋势的人之一。另一种方法是创建有关您已经了解很多主题的内容,然后您可以与受众分享。

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