Why Influencer Marketing on Pinterest Has Huge Potential for B2C Businesses


首先,Pinterest主要是视觉的。诚然,也是如此InstagramSnapchat,,,,but Pinterest looks at things from a different perspective. There are no social feeds, as such. Also, Pinterest is more like a search engine, in many ways, than a social media channel. People search for “boards” depicting images on topics of their choice and then follow those boards they like.这是Pinterest首席执行官兼联合创始人Ben Silbermann,describing it to investors back in March of 2010

这是一种工具,可以帮助人们分享并发现他们喜欢的东西。 People join Pinterest to create these collections through pinboards, and to follow collections created by their friends.


看看Pinterest的零售垂直策略领导者Amy Vener,describes the service

Pinners所做的基本核心不是与人们建立联系 - 它是与激发他们灵感并在现实生活中做事的品牌建立联系。

从这个意义上讲,Pinterest的工作方式与Instagram和Snapchat相反。Pinterest并没有像您在社交媒体上一样在帖子中与追随者分享图像,而是鼓励您将(PIN)图像放在板上,并等待人们像他们一样看到他们,并像他们一样他们在自己的董事会上。是的,您可以通知您的追随者已固定图像 - 但是您的大多数视图都来自搜索。

One side effect of Pinterest’s visual nature is that many of the pins depict items that a board’s owner has, or wants to have. This means that many of the images depicted are aspirational. People often choose to browse or search for items that they would like to buy. As a result, Pinterest can be particularly important for retailers. A consumer sees something in an image that they would like themselves. Their natural reaction is to try and find that product, and any retailer who makes it easy for them to locate the product is likely to benefit from increased sales.



Who Uses Pinterest?



Pinterest Puts the “Consume” in “Consumer”

Vener’s new description of the service isn’t just meaningless marketing fluff built around a rebrand: the numbers back up what she’s saying. According to a survey of Pinterest users andtheir data:

  • 60%的人说他们从Pinterest那里获得了他们的想法
  • 72% say Pinterest influences them to shop when they weren’t even looking for something to buy
  • 90%的人说Pinterest可以帮助他们决定购买什么
  • Pinterest比Facebook(Snapchat(71%)和Twitter(200%),Pinterest向电子商务网站推荐的流量要多于Facebook(高33%)

Pinterest Has Built a Platform to Link Brands and Top Influencers

在有影响力的营销方面,Pinterest的标记相对较慢。金博宝188备用网址这被认为是因为它有自己的广告市场,并且认为有影响力的营销可以吞噬这一点。金博宝188备用网址但是,在2016年底,它迟来建立了一个平台,成为品牌和有影响力者PIN Collective的聚会场所。

In order to access these creators, businesses have to commit to a minimum media spend (basically: promoted pins and other content). They can then work with these creators to create content specifically for the brand account’s boards. The details of the work, including any payment, are worked out between them—Pinterest doesn’t get involved or take a cut here. Presumably, so long as the minimum spend is met, there’s nothing stopping these brands from also sponsoring pins or boards on the creators’ feeds, as well.

This is a great way to drive traffic to their Pinterest boards, and when other people start pinning these posts,the traffic just increases。Remember, these are people looking for things to buy, even when they hadn’t intended to buy anything.

也就是说,目前,它将有影响力的人限制在精选的出版商,生产商店和独立创作者中。在发布时,PIN Collective始于:

Although Pin Collective limits the influencers to these selected creators (predominantly, macro-influencers), any brand, big or small, is eligible to use the service.

Pinterest, Now Under the Influence

对于不符合Pinterest的广告支出标准的较小企业和品牌(因此无法访问PIN COMPATIVE)e good news is that they’ve officially opened up their API for influencer marketing platforms. The partners signed on include,Aspireiq(以前是Revfluence),HYPR,,,,Influence.co,伊齐,Klear,mavrck,Obvious.ly, andOpen Influence。对于使用其中一个平台之一的任何人来说,这里的重大新闻是,您可188滚球地址以将有影响力的广告系列扩展到Pinterest上,并访问只有集体主义者可用的数据和见解的完整补充。您也可以从您自己的帐户中删除这些指标,从而集中报告。

If your platform isn’t listed here, you can probably give them a nudge to get on board.



这与一条推文(很快消失)甚至Facebook帖子大不相同,这将在相对较短的时间内消失。它需要3½ months for the average Pinterest pinto receive half of its traffic (i.e. its half-life). In comparison, the average tweet has a half-life of 24 seconds, and the average Facebook post’s half-life is 90 minutes.

As a result of this, for influencer marketing to be successful on Pinterest a brand should focus on somebody who is skillful at amplifying Pins through the Pinterest search engine, ahead of somebody who simply notifies lots of followers that they have pinned new content.


与Twitter,Facebook和类似平台不同,品牌对宏观影响者也起着重188滚球地址要作用。这些通常是满足的生产者,他们可能会从他们发起的内容中带来大量的追随者。例如,经营时尚博客的人又将在博客上使用的销钉照片,这将是宏观影响者的一个例子。他们的图像可能具有备受追捧的产品并吸引可靠的支持 - 也许多达10,000至1,000,000个关注者。但是,这些人的支持往往比微影响者的追随者更不那么热心。



Influencer Marketing is Less About the Influencer and More About Content


Pinterest, paramoun内容t. If an influencer creates a high-quality image, with enticing text surrounding it, it could well be found six months later by somebody searching on Pinterest. In this situation, the content has to stand up by itself, not rely on an influencer’s reputation, to interest the searcher.


If a brand opts to create content for an influencer campaign, there are a few ways it can help ensure that people will find the image in a search.



对于这个特定的例子,有影响者可能会使用的一种特殊类型的PIN,称为丰富的PIN。丰富的引脚是直接在销钉本身上包含额外信息的引脚。有六种类型的丰富的别针:App, Movie, Recipe, Article, Product and Place. For instance, the Recipe Pin allows you to add ingredients, cooking times and serving information to a recipe image.

Just like Google, the Pinterest search engine relies heavily on keyword terms. You may not think much about SEO when you write a tweet or a Facebook post, but you should always compose your Pinterest content with SEO in mind. The best influencers will already know this and will ensure that anything they pin is treated appropriately.

Don’t forget that pins are not just images. You do have up to 200 characters available to go with the image on a pin. This text needs to be informative, interesting, and SEO-friendly, too.


Macro-influencers, in particular, are renowned on Pinterest for the quality of their content. Micro-influencers are renowned for the distribution of their content. In many situations, brands will do well to send free products to influencers and encourage them to create, pin and share that content. These people are the experts at creating content that sticks around, which people will still be encountering in their searches months later.

This presupposes that influencers can see the merit in and like a particular product. If they do, they will most likely produce and share images that make the product look highly desirable.


这些往往是微型影响者,他们对追随者具有很高的影响力。品牌可以鼓励他们从网络跨越的图像中获取图像,从而积极地描绘产品,以固定它们,以便他们的追随者可以找到它们。在许多方面,Pinterest都在内容策划方面表现出色 - 这就是大多数人创建董事会的方式。

做的好方法之一ing this is to encourage the influencers to focus on lifestyle images that just happen to include the particular product - in many ways this is not that different from product placement in movies. An image might show a happy family having a barbecue - they just happen to be using a particular branded bottle of tomato sauce on their steaks.

Think Mobile

We are now in an era where there is a huge use of mobile devices to access the internet. This is particularly the case with social media users. 70% of Pinterest activity happens on mobile devices, and a whopping 80% of Pinterest e-commerce sales occur on mobile devices.

It goes without saying that any content a brand provides for an influencer to use needs to be mobile-friendly, and just as importantly, any websites that pins link to need to work well on mobile, too.


Once an influencer pins a post on Pinterest, it is likely to be very widely seen. This makes it ideal for promoting giveaways and competitions. It is highly likely that when people see a pin promoting your event or giveaway, they will in turn also promote your event on their other social media accounts, for example in a Facebook post.

Shopping Ads For the Win

Pinterest已将此功能提供给平台上数百家企业。为了保持对视觉发现的新发现的关注,购物广告旨在复制商店购物的体验。如果您去家具店寻找沙发,那么您将迅速扫描所有选择,在某些东西引起您的眼睛时仔细观察。This has as much to do with the way the sofa looks as it does with the display it’s been set up in. Shopping ads give you the same ability to create an appealing “display,” much like you’d find in a store, mixing detailed images of the product with more lifestyle-oriented photos, showing the sofa “in action.”

These images are automatically pulled in from a brand’s product feed and presented to PInterest users as a promoted pin in their search results. The visual appeal of these ads has been shown to be very effective on the Pinterest population (which, it bears repeating—AGAIN—is made up of people who are there with intent to buy things).


Pinterest is unique among all the popular social platforms. For one, they no longer consider themselves a social platform. The central theme of consumer inspiration is still there, but users are no longer the primary audience. Pinterest has doubled down on their knowledge that people come there looking to buy things but shifting their developmental focus on to attracting and keeping businesses. Where Instagram relies on users to create content and community, attracting businesses to the platform, Pinterest is looking at things from a reverse perspective. They’re trying to make it easier for businesses to develop better content and to get noticed, knowing that the more brands they have to inspire people, the more people will join Pinterest. These latest moves are designed to make it a beneficial platform for more than just the big companies that can afford to advertise with promoted content. Now, smaller companies that have seen the positive effects of influencer marketing can leverage the platform, as well, without huge spending commitments. If you thought the scramble toward influencer marketing was starting to slow down, it looks like you thought wrong. Things are just starting to get pinteresting.
