
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Large e-commerce Brands
On request
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Large e-commerce Brands
On request

first poston this website, we made a big point about defining what influencers are—or, rather, who they are. Unlike celebrities, we said, “influencers can be anywhere. They can be anyone.” If anyone working for Mavrck read that post when it was first published, I imagine they were thinking something along the lines of, “Well, duh.”


最终的结果是仍然在the influencer marketing game, but is playing by wildly different—and innovative—rules. The whole notion of spending time, searching through influencer search engines and filtering down to find people who fit into your vertical, match your style, have the right number of followers and engagement stats—that has its place for long-tail campaigns where the aim is a bigger, more loyal audience. Eventually, though, the point of building that audience is to turn them into customers. The idea behind Mavrck cleverly flips that normal process on its head, asking the question:

What if—instead of finding influencers to get us more customers—we found customers and turned them into influencers?

这个问题本身已经是一个独特的(但常识)对有影响力的营销所涉及的。金博宝188备用网址当品牌搜索有影响力的人时,他们通常喜欢从已经表现出对公司或产品有亲和力的人开始,并且有很大的追随者。没有任何品牌亲和力,他们会为大量数量而定。但是,激活那个有影响力的人可能会成为一个漫长的求爱 - 您本质上是向一个人营销,希望将来能够吸引她的受众。尽管有所有证据表明影响者的关注者越多,但她的观众的参与就越少。

mavrck audiences

Mavrck跳过所有的鳍ding influencers—micro-influencers specifically—from people who are already your customers. It’s part of a thoroughly programmatic approach to all aspects of influencer marketing.

Pros and Cons
Existing customers make the best influencers, and Mavrck helps you find the right ones
Truly programmatic approach means campaigns mostly run themselves once they’ve been set up
Snapchat and TikTok reporting are lacking
Limited ways to filter and sort influencers
Best for: Large e-commerce Brands



Access to the Mavrck platform is sold on a subscription basis and the pricing is customized based on customer needs. If you’re wondering if it’s in your budget, here are two relevant facts that should help you figure that out:

  • Mavrck目前的客户名单中有许多知名人士:Gillette,Dunkin’Donuts,Universal Studios,New Balance,Proctor&Gamble,Sears和JetBlue。列表还在继续,您已经听说了该列表中的每家公司。
  • Mavrck的独特功能之一是,当客户登录并通过网络或移动移动设备购买某些东西时,影响者激活可能发生。由于平台的重点是大规模上市,这意味着您的电子商务渠道每天已经在处理数百个(即使不是数千美元)的交易。Mavrck自己的case study stats请参阅“每1000个影响者”的结果。阅读另一种方式,那就是“每1000名客户”。


As mentioned in the Overview, Mavrck has a programmatic approach to influencer marketing. From a high level, this means that the variety of campaign types offered on the platform can all be set up easily in a kind of fill-in-the-blanks fashion. The campaign is already programmed, you just need to tell the platform all the specifics, not unlike a standard influencer marketplace. The difference here is that Mavrck offers many more programs—beyond the creation and amplification of content—than other marketplace platforms. And many of these can be almost entirely automated, making the phrase “marketing at scale” truer than ever before.

在发生任何标识和激活之前,您必须设置并定义所有想要运行的广告系列。这一切都发生在后端,您可以在其中使用Mavrck的20个预定义的“数字活动”中的一种,以供您的影响者参与。这可能就像与朋友共享优惠券,甚至是创建自己的品牌的内容。当然,您的客户分享这些东西会赢得奖励。You can segment your influencers based on a wide variety of criteria, from demo- to psychographic information—and you can assign digital activities to them based on the segments they land in. You’ll have set this all up in advance, before you get to the point of influencer activation.


mavrckworks by connecting with your existing digital presence, so when you create campaign briefs and solicit participants, everything can be published to a white-labeled standalone microsite, or as a plugin with your existing website, mobile app, and even email newsletter. The process for influencer identification is accomplished in one of two ways. There’s a traditional discovery tool within the platform, in which you can search through the database of 2.5 million influencers. You can also recruit your existing customers in a few ways, like having them log in to your e-commerce site using their Facebook profile or setting up a portal to have them sign on as “ambassadors.”

Influencers from either of these pools need to sign up for your brand’s Mavrck platform using their social media accounts. Because of this, every person you work with is granting the platform access to their data, and Mavrck ingests it all via API. The number of followers, posts, engagement (likes and comments), brand affinities, favorite movies, hometown—all of that gets indexed and parsed by the Mavrck algorithm. At this stage, what’s most important is the customer’s influence, measured by all the standard metrics for reach and engagement. At this point a determination is made about how influential this customer might be, and is automatically activated into a campaign that she’s qualified for.

mavrcksupports the full spectrum of different influencer personas, including micro, macro and mega influencers. All that content the influencers create on your behalf is designed to get people back to your site to register or buy something. At that point, they can sign on, too, and you’ve now got direct marketing access to them—not just email but all of the data they’ve supplied to their social network.

Depending on the type of campaign you’ve run, you may be able to just sit back and wait for results to start flowing in. If the campaign is a referral program, for example, Mavrck handles rewarding the referrers. For a program that’s a survey—something that reimagines influencers not just as marketing partners but as consumer advisors—you just create the questions and Mavrck presents the results in an easily digestible report, something you’re able to refer back to as needed. For traditional influencer campaigns, the platform offers a familiar workflow manager, though it is far and away superior to most of what you’d find on competing marketplace platforms. When working within campaigns, Mavrck feels more like a fully-featured CRM than an influencer marketing platform. This makes all the sense in the world, though, given Mavrck’s customer-centric approach to influencer marketing.

对于围绕有影响力的关系管理而建立的功能,也可以说同样的话(这更有意义,因为这句话的缩写是CRM的一封信)。除了可以看到每个影响者的令人难以置信的细节级别(得益于用户授权,API访问的数据)外,您还可以通过任何喜欢的配置将影响者分组在一起,但是您想对它们进行分类。由于这些影响者也是您的客户,因此报告为您履行双重责任。您不仅看到大使在网上代表您的有效性,还可以直接研究客户人口统计信息。借助大多数有影响力的平台,您对创作者的了解188滚球地址很多,对观众的了解却很少。借助Mavrck,您的客户很高兴地告诉您您想了解的一切。了解如何最好地向他们推销,这意味着他们会更热衷于您代表您的营销。And much of this happens continuously and without the need of intervention, collecting new customers and influencers alike all the while.


Since viewing the demo of Mavrck, I found myself describing it to others on the IMH team as “influencer marketing, where your influencers don’t know they’re your influencers.” While that’s true, it also sounds maybe a little evil—which really isn’t the case. To the customers activated as influencers through the platform, the whole experience feels like an advanced loyalty program. They get special offers, rewards on purchases, incentives for sharing content, coupons. And even if they don’t know they’re part of some specific marketing campaign, they certainly understand that the brand or product benefits when they share content around it—and it all sounds like a fair deal.

So, to revise my earlier description: if an influencer marketing platform could have a baby with a loyalty/rewards platform, that baby would be Mavrck. That baby would be clever as hell, too.

Services Offered:Search/Discovery影响者关系管理广告系列管理Campaign ReportingInfluencer Analysis受众分析E-commerce Tools



