Aspire(formerly AspireIQ)

Best for:
On request
Best for:
On request






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Aspire(formerly AspireIQ)
Aspire(formerly AspireIQ)
One of the best of the early influencer marketing platforms, Aspire still ranks at the top. Fully featured (yes, it has that one you’re looking for) and thoughtfully designed, the platform provides everything you need before, during, and after your campaigns.
Pros and Cons
Truly end-to-end software that leaves its users wanting for nothing
Tons of forms and templates that make everyone’s life easier
Influencers recommended by the algorithm often seem irrelevant and randomly generated
Best for: Large Brands, Agencies



Aspireoffers three levels of service to access the platform. In all cases, pricing is customised and requires a yearly commitment (if you’re going to try software that bills itself as a long term solution, it makes sense to give it a year to judge the results).

  • Basic —1用户,1个活动活动,完全访问影响者数据库,推荐引擎,广告系列和影响者管理工具以及广告系列分析
  • Pro —以上所有内容均针对4个用户和4个活跃的广告系列,以及专门的“成功经理”,社交聆听以及跟踪最多5位竞争对手的影响者的能力。
  • Enterprise —以上所有内容均针对无限的用户和10个活跃的广告系列,成功的经理变成了一个成功团队,此外,您还可以自动为电子签名,可自定义的媒体价值发送法律合同,以确定ROI和可导出的数据。



Though an influencer needs to have an account on the platform in order to participate in campaigns, the database of influencers isn’t restricted to those who’ve opted in. There are over 500,000 profiles to search through, all found by the software’s underlying algorithm. It crawls the web gathering massive amounts of data on social accounts, and the best ones filter through and get added to the platform.

经历了追求的影响发现模块enhancements, most notably with the way they give customers a variety of ways to find the right influencers. There is, of course, a straight ahead search engine, where you can search for keywords, hashtags, topics, etc., and then filter the results down by specifying follower counts, average likes per post, and other demographic info (for the influencers and their audiences). But finding influencers isn’t restricted just to searching for them. There are other methods Aspire uses so that you can truly discover someone you might not have otherwise seen.



You can use the “Quickmatch” feature, which they describe as a “Tinder for Influencers.” It’s a pretty apt description. Navigate it into the Quickmatch tab and you’re presented with an influencer based on your preferences. You’ll see a name, profile pic, follower count, average likes, and a short bio. Below that is a grid of recent content for you to look at—if you’re interested you can either send a general invite to collaborate, or make an offer right there for an existing campaign. Otherwise, you click “Skip” and you’re shown another influencer.


最后,您可以通过将其内容与您提供的图像相匹配来搜索影响者。这可能是过去广告系列的成功图像,也可能是您想看到的特定主题。它可以来自您在Google Drive上存储的图像库。上传后,您将获得非常相似的结果,这是为您的广告系列找到新声音的绝佳起点。


  • Campaign Creation,定义以下内容:
    • Campaign nameand description of the kind of content you’re looking for
    • 资格限制based minimum number of required followers and/or average likes per post
    • Content Guideline Templates,这定义了广告系列任务的要求。例如,您可能有一个用于Instagram照片的模板和另一个Instagram视频,还有另一个用于YouTube视频的模板。这可以自动包含所有精美的印刷品。
    • 观众的喜好, with respect to their age, gender, and location
    • 创作者的兴趣/主题
    • Creator Management,对于品牌将为创作者提供免费产品的广告系列(要审查或付款)。这使品牌可以自动选择产品,从而允许提交建议的创建者选择产品(或其尺寸,颜色等)
    • Auto-response message, sent to any creator who submits a proposal for the campaign.
  • 活动生命周期管理, enabling brands and agencies to drill down and see which creators are in which phase of the campaign—those who’ve sent proposals, those who you’ve sent offers to, those who are waiting for the arrival of product, those who’ve accepted and are working towards publishing, those who’ve completed their work and are waiting for payment, and those who’ve received payment. They've even added automation here, with automated emails sent when triggered. If an influencer hasn't accepted an offer, or they're overdue on content, reminder emails are sent and logged along with the rest of your communications.

  • Digital Term Sheets, which are used to spell out the terms and conditions of each individual deal. These act as a contract, spelling out the work that will be done and the money that will be owed. It also stipulates the review process that might occur before publication, as well as any requirements for the content itself (i.e. required hashtags, what links to include, and anything else that a brand might want to make sure is included).
  • Product Tracking,当产品被运送到内容中(或者是唯一的付款)时。使用来自Creator Managementfeature listed above, brands/agencies can track and monitor and track the progress of their shipments to creators.
  • Content Collaboration,这使创作者可以将其内容提交给品牌/代理商,然后他们可以检查数字学期表中阐明的每个要求或请求更改。
  • Trackable Sales Links, which are generated through the platform so that each influencer has her own sales link to display in the content. This link is what makes it possible to track the success of each campaign (and each influencer in that campaign)
  • Creator Performance Spreadsheet,这并不是真正的电子表格,而是一种更好的方式,可以将每个影响者的绩效统计数据保持在准备中。
  • Campaign Analytics,您可以在这里看到您所花费的钱(也称为ROI)的摘要。该摘要包括个人影响者的绩效统计数据,使您很容易看到谁交付和谁表现不佳。
  • 付款,在平台上处理,绝对免费。这是值得居住的,因为它仍然很少发生。

不过,不要以为仅仅是因为一场竞选活动已经结束了Aspire不再提供的。这是自上次外观以来我们看到的主要新增功能之一,这是一个很好的新增功能。有影响力者创建的内容的性能比赞助帖子(也称为:ADS!)要好得多,这已经不是什么秘密了。不太了解的,但可能不会长时间user-generated content increases engagement with Facebook ads。Aspiregives you a way to tap into that. As campaigns end and you’re diving through all the numbers, you can add high performing content to a favorites lists for future use. There’s more to this than just getting two posts out of one assignment from an influencer (although that is a good selling point). You won’t just know that post performed well, you’ll knowwhoit did well with, andwhere.当您将目标人群插入Facebook广告控制台时,您会发现所有信息都非常有用。

在此附加功能之后,Aspire最近也announced它正在测试新的Facebook广告仪表板。这将使您比Facebook广告本身更深入地了解受众响应,因为您可以根据内容和受众数据隔离响应(例如,How did that caption do with women in Europe?) The more info you get about what works and what doesn’t means your future ads only get more and more targeted and engaging—all using field-tested influencer content that’s already been paid for and licensed.


自从我们上次研究Aspire以来,很明显发生了很多变化,我们可以最终的说法是更好的。除了新功能和改进的旧功能外,Aspire的重点似乎也有所转移。这不是一个枢轴 - 只是一个转变,也是一个非常受欢迎的转变。市场的所有标准都在那里 - 发现,激活,管理,日程安排,出版 - 它们都做得比竞争对手更好或更好。


Services Offered:搜索/发现影响者关系管理影响者市场Team Collaboration ToolsContent ReviewContent Library广告系列管理Campaign ReportingE-commerce Tools产品/赠品工具形式和合规性Payment Processing社交听力竞争对手研究视觉发现Influencer Content Amplification



