4.5out of 5 stars
Best for:
Small and Medium Brands
从$ 0起
4.5out of 5 stars
Best for:
Small and Medium Brands
从$ 0起


这是一种与大多数平台所采用的方法截然不同的方法,尤其是市场(从表面上看,这是对andy188滚球地址ment.co做什么的最接近的一般描述。我们看到的大多数(好的,全部)市场是相同过程的变体:创建广告系列简介,将其广播给平台上的任何影响者,等待他们应用,并与您选择的少数人一起运行广告系列。而且,当然,您可以使用rangement.co来做到这一点,但它也可以作为其自己的社交媒体平台。We’ll get into how this works in practice in The Details, but for now it’s enough to say that the concept behind means brands are better able to foster and sustain the sorts of authentic and long-term relationships that are at the heart of influencer marketing. And that’s something that no other marketplace can do (or has even attempted).

actract.cohas been around since 2016, and its three founders—Niel Robertson, Jeff Smith, and Ryan Angilly—built out their company with a long term vision. They’ve seemingly operated in the shadows of the industry, making very few waves or splashes. Their Crunchbase profile is an information wasteland: there are barely any useful details about the company, nor is there much of anything in the way of press coverage or news. With its emphasis on collaboration through community, the founders needed to spend time actually building that out. By design, becomes more useful, and has more value, as the platform grows larger. It makes sense then they weren’t advertising themselves too heavily in the early years.

That also makes how much they’ve been able to grow the community doubly impressive. With almost no publicity or marketing, is now a social network and marketplace with over 250,000 members. Roughly 150,000 of those are the influencers themselves: that’s where the team focused most of their recruiting energy, the classic “If you build it, they will come” philosophy. Influencers are still the platform’s number one priority in terms of acquiring new users. Those influencers share the service with 70,000 businesses, including some very well known brands like Amazon, Jack Daniels, Bumble, and Dyson. The remaining 30,000 accounts are for personal use: people who are neither influencers nor brands. This could be a person who wants to become an influencer but hasn’t got the numbers yet, or it could be someone like—oh, I don’t know, maybe a writer of influencer marketing based content and software reviews who wants to keep his eye on what’s going on in the industry. In this way, has created something that’s truly unique for the IM software landscape. takes the idea of an influencer marketplace, and tweaks it ever so slightly to add a social media component. In this way, becomes more than a marketplace—it’s a meeting place where influencers and brands can develop actual organic, authentic connections.
Pros and Cons
Community-focused platform drives/supports authenticity
Many rave reviews from users
Influencers author their own profiles rather than relying on data




  • Business Basics, $0/month —使用基本帐户,您可以构建自己的个人资料并访问rangement.co社区。您可以进行每次搜索最多50个结果的基本搜索,并在最多3个列表中组织这些结果。您将获得有影响力者的标准人口统计。您可以在平台上创建和发布广告系列,获取无限的应用程序,并在决定是否要与他们合作时,每月最多有12位影响者的消息。
  • Business Pro,$ 600/mo(至少6个月) -有了一个专业帐户,您将获得多个个人资料,高级搜索,无限结果,无限列表,高级搜索(包括人口统计学),无限竞选,广告系列管理,竞选报告,团队成员和竞选活动促销(即潜在客户)。

Influencers also have a couple of options for their accounts:

  • Basic, $0/month —免费计划的影响者可以在网站上设置完整的个人资料,每周与其他5个成员联系,每周申请5个品牌活动,每次搜索50个成绩,最多3个其他影响者,品牌和代理商的列表,并获得access to their Instagram followers’ demographics.
  • Pro, $4/month (billed annually) —Influencers with a Pro account get30 member contacts/month, 30 brand campaigns/month, unlimited results and lists, Instagram follower data, see who’s viewed their profile.

For both influencers and brands, paying for the Pro plan puts a “PRO” badge on their profile (or should we say PRO-file? [hashtag dad jokes]).


If you’re at all familiar with influencer marketing software, you might be wondering how a marketplace platform could double as a social channel. There’s an inherent community to social networks, while marketplaces have a more mercenary quality to them. Brands and influencers alike are only there for themselves, and trying to negotiate their best prices. Where does the community fit in?

这就是为什么影响力的创建者。金博宝188备用网址当然,有一个寻求工作要素的工作:有600多个现场活动,品牌正试图找到与之合作的创作者,创作者正在尝试寻找想要与他们合作的品牌。同时,社交饲料中有各种内容:有影响力的人可以将其发布作为表现其价值的一种方式;品牌共享内容或开放活动;品牌可以要求有影响力的人提供意见,也许就什么有效和无效的建议提供建议。在线影响者文化杂志也创建和出版了内容nofilter。It’s run by, but don’t think that it’s just a cynical attempt at adding value. They’re taking nofilter seriously, putting out some legit content and recently雇用前滚石和广告牌编辑Nick Catucci

Community feedback

The nofilter publication

Because of the social media functions, influencers are able to create much more thorough profiles for themselves and really showcase their work. With most marketplaces, an influencer profile is automatically populated with data and content that’s ingested through the API. Here, the influencer has a greater degree of control over the profile, able to write their own bio and create a portfolio of their past collaborations across any of their connected profiles. Standard demographic information is shown by default, and brands/agencies with Pro accounts can look at the more advanced demographics that are part of the first-party data receives via API.




Campaign application management

Creating campaign briefs on will also be a familiar experience for anyone who’s worked with a marketplace before. You can create detailed campaign briefs spelling out your objectives and requirements, accept applications, and message back and forth with influencers who do apply. If you’re on the free plan, this is where your features end. You can still run campaigns outside the platform, using whatever software (or none at all) to manage them as posts go live. For those paying for the Business Pro plan, you’ll get access to the campaign management tools for handling all the applications, communicating with team members, and finalising content for everything to go live.

End-to-end workflow

最后,有关于您的广告系列的报告(用于专业帐户)。这实际上是一系列亮点中的一个沮丧。您从影响力中获得的信息很小,仅包括公开可用的数据:Total Likes,Total评论以及广告系列中所有内容的目录。您可以按最新/最古老或最受欢迎的内容对内容进行排序。本质上就是这样。没有对其确实具有的数据的可视化,也没有分析何时何地和谁参与。对于一个擅长其他所有内容的平台来说,这是令人惊讶的精益。

Reporting integrated into workflow


We’ve covered a lot of different influencer marketplaces as part of our platform reviews here, and until now they have all been different implementations of the same process, some doing it better than others. If you go back and read the other reviews, you can play a drinking game with the number of times there’s some variation of the phrase “as you’d expect”—as in “Search works just as you’d expect,” etc. Much of’s more traditional marketplace function works as you’d expect, as well.

意想不到的是p的社会基础是什么rops everything else up. This succeeds in elevating the platform to something else entirely. Brands can search for influencers easy enough, but it’s more likely the ones they find organically, the ones who are interacting with posts up and down the feed, will end up in the kind of long term brand/creator relationship that is what makes influencer marketing so effective. If you want to market to your audience authentically, driving users to become your customers and organically spreading the word, then finding those influencers in the same way seems the logical choice. It’s social media marketing for social media marketers looking to improve their social marketing.

The transactional nature of the influencer marketplace is turned upside down with with the creation of a communal and collaborative social space focused on a specific audience. Anyone can participate in the social aspect of it for free, so even if you’re using other software this is an excellent way to discover new talent, and can complement your existing methods without complicating or compromising them. If it weren’t for the minimal data in the campaign reporting, this would be 5 star software. The more people sign on to the community, the more effective becomes. And as more brands and agencies see that effectiveness, they’ll want to migrate fully over and make the platform their go-to professional network and campaign management tool.

Influencer campaign briefs





actract.couses a freemium model for businesses that is transparent and easy to understand. With their free Business Basics pricing plan, you can create your own profile and access the platform’s community. You can complete basic searches with as many as 50 results per search and then organize these results into three lists. If you would like to work with an influencer, you can message a maximum of 12 influencers per month.

Can influencers use for free?


Is a good platform for influencers?


What are the disadvantages of

The main disadvantage of is the reporting on your campaigns feature that is included in the Pro plan. The information that provides is really limited. It only has data that are available publicly, such as total likes and total comments. You can also only organize the content according to date and popularity. It does not offer visualization of the data and it also does not analyze who engaged or when and where they engaged.

How does the pricing of work?


4.5out of 5 stars
Best for:
Small and Medium Brands
从$ 0起
4.5out of 5 stars
Best for:
Small and Medium Brands
从$ 0起