5 Social Media Management Tools to Boost Your Marketing Game

So, it’s 2018 and you still haven’t bought into a social media management or analytics tool for your business. Maybe you thought it would be easy enough that you didn’t need any fancy tools to stay on top of your accounts. And maybe at the beginning, it was. But if you’re doing things correctly, then those accounts are going to grow too big for you to handle just by logging in everyday to post and engage. If this is where you find yourself, sinking in social chaos and ready to get organised again, then congratulations! You’ve done fine work growing your social media presence, and it’s time to take it to the next step.

如果您刚刚开始,此帖子也适用于您。也许更是如此,因为您有机会从一开始就以正确的方式做事。您甚至可以通过这么早进行组织来更快地增加帐户。确实,您在社交媒体营销工作中的位置都没关系 - 如果您在社交媒体上,那么您需要正确管理它。这不仅是发布和引人入胜的问题,而且还了解您在做所有这些方面的良好(还是不擅长)。没有良好的报告,根本没有意义。

Any social media management tool needs to have a great analytics component, but not every analytics tool needs to have a management component. That’s how important data is. It’s best to get everything in one platform, but sometimes you need something more purpose-built. We’re listing both kinds of tools here, and any of them will add value to your social media marketing.


1.Sprout Social

sproutsocial social media management

There’s a reason Sprout Social is one of the most recognisable names in social media management: their platform pretty much does it all. It works with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+, and provides a way to work with all of them, simultaneously and without confusion. You can draft, schedule, and publish content from the interface, and monitor the performance of each post once it’s live. Social listening tools can show who’s talking about your business (or anything else you want to listen for), and what they have to say. The unified inbox brings all messages across all your accounts into a centralised place—including any of the hashtags or mentions you’re listening for—easing the pain of social’s most important (and difficult-to-manage) task: engagement.

什么最使发芽是其复杂的collaboration tools. It’s easy to delegate tasks to team members, and to track their progress on those tasks. Content submission and approval all happen through an intuitive workflow. Most impressive is the “Live Activity Updates” feature, which notifies users in real time when someone is working on a particular task. This is especially important when it comes to responding to comments or messages from users, when you don’t want two people responding back at the same time.

Sprout Social是为小型到大型企业而设计的。订阅的三个级别为99美元,每月149美元,$ 249,您付出的功能越多。



Like Sprout Social, Hootsuite has name recognition and a long history behind it. It works with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. Scheduling, reporting, listening, and collaboration tools are there, as you’d expect, and Hootsuite’s dashboard gives users a quick way to survey their social landscape. The engagement tools aren’t as clean as those with Sprout Social or Agora Pulse—messages and comments appear in each account’s “stream” rather than in one consolidated place, so that can get pretty messy.


With four different levels of service, brands can grow their subscription along with their needs. Monthly pricing goes from $29 to $599 per month, with custom pricing for enterprise clients.

3.Agora Pulse

agorapulse social media management

While not as well known as the Sprout Social or Hoot Suite, Agora Pulse has been quietly making a name for itself over the last few years. Before Sprout had their unified inbox, Agora was making lives easier with Inbox Zero. It’s the same concept, done first—and better. It doesn’t just collect messages and mentions, but any comments on your posts, as well. And where Sprout’s inbox also shows any posts surfaced as a result of your social listening for hashtags and mentions, Agora keeps those separate for a cleaner experience. Inbox Zero is strictly for staying social with the people who are reaching out to you in one form or another.

Agora’s inbox also integrates with Facebook’s marketing API, so you can see and manage comments people leave right along side the other messages. This is a good thing: advertising is supposed to present you at your best and, let’s face it, people don’t always leave the nicest comments. It’s good to have a real time way to react to (read: delete) those. And for people who are leaving real and/or positive comments? It never hurts to engage with them, and show them there’s a real social aspect to your social media marketing.


4. Snaplytics

Snaplytics social media marketing tool



Snaplytics不列出他们定价出版icly, so you’ll have to contact them directly to find out the cost.




The function of this is twofold: First, it can be used as a content strategy research tool, as you can find out the kind of content that’s resonating with audiences. While you can’t search according to any audience criteria (you won’t get demo- or psychographics on them), you能够将搜索限制为您的竞争对手的满足。他们的目标受众是您的目标受众,因此有助于知道他们在做对(和错误)。




For users of social media, you can really only get out of it what you put into it. That’s as true for your grandmother’s Facebook account as it is for Nike’s Instagram profile. The only difference is your grandmother doesn’t really care if people see her posts or not, whereas Nike is investing the time into social media to reap the benefits at a bank down the road. That’s why businesses can’t afford to treat their social accounts like your grandmother treats hers, which is precisely why it’s so important to have the right tools to manage it all. These don’t represent all your choices, but they are some of the best. No matter what you’re doing on social for your business, there’s something here to help you do it better. And that’s a statement that needs no analysis.
