
A common marketing buzzword in recent times has been user-generated content (UGC). The most common “user” in a business is its customers. So, in most cases, UGC is customer-generated content. But customers are not the only influential group of any company. Employees can make superb product advocates. Therefore, employee generated content (EGC) is also a highly successful form of marketing.


While a tightly controlled company may prefer to create any content that their employees share, the reality is that content produced by employees performs far better than anything put together by the marketing or HR departments and delivered through official channels.

The internet is a highly social place. It is no surprise that the generic name for sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is social networks. Traditional ads don’t work well on social networks, predominantly because they are designed for a one-way conversation. If one of your employees were to upload a typical ad to their Facebook friends, the post would probably sink without trace. But if they write their own posts, and then engage in conversations about the content with their friends, the posts hum and fly.

What is Employee Generated Content and the Benefits Thereof?


Employee generated content works well with social selling. Social selling requires a high level of authenticity and trust. Employee generated content provides that necessary confidence.



User-generated content by happy customers provides some of that proof. But you can go further by also encouraging your employees to create content that promotes the company, preferably in a non-salesy way.

Keep Your Traditional Marketers and Executives Well Away From Employee Generated Content

If you have a traditional marketing team, they will probably want to keep a tight rein on any content that goes out under the company's name. Similarly, traditional executives like to keep close control, to ensure that anything that comes out of the business follows the “party line.”

The problem is that this idea is an old, pre-social-selling, concept. This is particularly so if you sell your product to Generations Y or Z, who are far too cynical to believe corporate-speak or PR hype.


现代消费者仍对你感兴趣business does, and what you have to sell. But they don’t want a censored, manicured, filtered version. They want to see your business for how it actually is. And they can see through the hype.



互联网充满了内容。即使是一个相对特定的主题,例如“员工生成的内容”也会在Google中产生5000万个结果。您的内容脱颖而出需要一些特别的东西 - 特别是考虑到很少有人超越Google搜索结果中的第一页。

在社交网络上提供内容可能更容易,但是其中大多数changed their algorithmsrecently, making it more challenging to deliver average content to your followers.

This means that for content to be shared and visible it needs to be high quality and authentic. But note, that when we say “high quality” we don’t mean polished. The technical quality is not that important. However, content does have to provide value to the users.

Employee generated content may seem raw and unpolished. Its lack of grammatical correctness, politically correct phraseology or color-matching may horrify a traditional marketing professional. But it is authentic.

Consumers may not trust employees quite as much as they do their fellow customers, but they are close. Sure, there may be some inkling that an employee will show some favor to his workplace, but overall consumers tend to give employees the benefit of any doubt.

Why Brands May be Concerned About Employee Generated Content

Not all businesses are comfortable with giving their employees carte blanche to create employee-generated content. They worry about what their employees may say. They are particularly scared of the possibility of rogue employees saying bad things about the company.

Sure there will always be some risks involved with employee-generated content. There may be the danger that a disgruntled employee says something rash. But in most cases, the benefits of having employees as advocates outweigh the risks of needing damage control.


Encourager a Variety of Different Types of Content

When you think of social media content, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a text status, perhaps with a picture attached for a bit of visual appeal. Often an employee may make a post sending interested readers to a company blog post.



Visual social media posts perform far better than pure text ones, nowadays.According to PMYB,许多消费者更喜欢观看有关产品的视频的4倍,而不是阅读。52%的消费者说观看产品视频使他们“对在线购买决策更有信心”。62%的人关注视频 - 任何类型的媒体最高。人们在视频中凝视的时间比Facebook和Instagram上的静态内容长五倍。


Not everybody is born to be a writer. Indeed, many of your employees would be horrified at the idea of writing a blog post – they left writing behind at school. But often they will be happy to be filmed talking about their job. They are glad to tell everybody about the great things that occur during their typical workday; they have no difficulty explaining why they love working for their employer.

Employees often know more about their company's product than anybody else. And this can be in any line of work. In New Zealand, the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is tasked with building the country’s highways. They share videos each month showing the progress on each road. It is no surprise that the stars of these videos are the drivers of the diggers, the pile drivers, the bridge builders, and all of the other workers who actually build the roads. They then share these videos widely across social media.



Traditional marketing campaigns can be costly. Employee generated content is likely to be cheaper and more cost effective.

Also, the primary season that firms engage in EGC is that it works. It typically builds trust and sends promotional messages to people who the firm may never have otherwise reached. As a result, the firm is likely to increase the sales it makes, and the revenue it takes.


Employee morale is always likely to increase if the workers believe that somebody is listening to their views. Employee generated content can give workers a voice, where they can demonstrate their understanding of the product, and that they care about their work.


Employees are often the most knowledgeable about their product and appreciate the chance to share their understanding.

They can often tell the company’s story better than anybody – certainly better than any manufactured campaign by an advertising agency.

The employees become the face of a campaign, and consumers find it much easier to relate if they can visualize a real person. Your employees are recognized for being able to tell a credible story.

4.It May Improve A Company’s Internal Communication


Employees will see what occurs in other parts of their organization. This in turn often encourages others to share content from their own little silo.



Employee Generated Content May Be Improve Recruitment

One niche use for employer branded content is recruitment. Potential recruits are likely to take notice of the comments that current employees make on social media.

It can be tricky recruiting the best talent for your business. You may have hundreds of applicants for your positions, but if you don’t come across well, top quality applicants will be notable by their absence.

Job descriptions can only tell you so much about an organization. Sure, you can learn about the pay, preferred skills, and job responsibilities, but job ads don’t tell you anything about what it is really like to work for the business or anything about the company culture.

在过去,你可能会试图了解n existing employee first, and then attempt to get “the gossip” from him or her. Nowadays, though, top job candidates can use employee generated content to gauge what the business is like from an employee’s point of view.

glassdoor coca cola

如果您找不到任何潜在工作场所的EGC,那是一个危险信号。您开始怀疑,为什么。该公司是否会压制员工,审查其在线沉思?在这种情况下,候选人倾向于去专业网站Glassdoor, which provides a more anonymous vehicle for employees to review their workplace.

Tips to Help With Employee Generated Content



Although you will usually want to encourage a variety of posts from your employees, one consistent feature your employees could use is a custom hashtag. Come up with a unique hashtag that all or your employees use with their content.

If you are worried about harmful content from disgruntled employees, you could always introduce a moderation stage before posts go live. The person responsible for your program may be given editing rights, to correct any apparent errors and discourage the posting of anything too hateful towards the business. Again, most of the software we have looked at, provide useful moderation tools.

While you will find that some employees will eventually become bored with making posts, you could have quite a few dedicated employee advocates. One way to encourage these thought leaders is with competitions. These can as act motivating factors to encourage improved and more frequent posts, particularly if you can find some form of tangible reward for the winners.
