
Employee advocacy isn’t exactly a new thing; it isn’t even an old thing. It’s a真正yold thing, dating back to whenever the first employer hired the first employee. If that vague assertion sounds to you like a claim with no factual basis, you’d be right. But if you think about it for half a second, it just makes sense. No one hires a new staffer and tells them, “Whatever you want to say about us in public is fine. Trash us! We don’t care.” No, employees have always been expected to represent their employers in a positive light, which also makes sense because an ideal hire is one that truly believes in the company and its product.

因此,不,员工倡导的做法并不是什么新鲜事。但是这个名字是,如今它被抛弃了很多。就像有影响力的市场营金博宝188备用网址销利用社交媒体并从根本上将零售广告变成了赞助的口碑广告系列一样,员工倡导对非零售业务也是如此。但是将其描述为“ B2B空间的影响者营销”是金博宝188备用网址一个过分简化。部分原因是因为员工倡导也可以为零售店工作。但是最大的区别是它不仅仅是营销。员工分享内容,新闻和对工作场所的赞美的公司不仅吸引了新的和更好的客户。他们也带来了新的和更好的员工。

它’s no wonder that employee advocacy is quickly growing in popularity with businesses of all sizes. And, like with any new tech-based fad, it’s not surprising that a lot of companies are jumping on a bandwagon without much thought or planning—and they’re making lots of mistakes. Starting an employee advocacy program isn’t difficult; it’s sustaining it that’s a challenge.

This is exactly why you need to go in with a plan, which is exactly what we’re going to help you create.

Have a Culture That Breeds Advocates


实际上,这是一个good topic for another article,但是从高水平来看,它非常简单。放松。将您的员工视为有价值的人,考虑到您已经付钱到那里并不难。相信他们的时间;确认工作在发生时做得很好;通过培训投资期货。换句话说,给他们充分的理由留下来,他们将有充分的理由倡导您的业务成功。


Here’s a question you should be able to answer clearly and easily: Why do you want to start an employee advocacy program?

If your answer is something vague like “I heard it was a great way to my company’s name out there,” then it’s time to pause and rethink the whole thing. We’re not saying to abandon the idea, only that if you aren’t starting with a specific goal in mind you’ll achieve nothing. Your attempts at employee advocacy will just feel like a random collection of social shares without any cohesive content. Your efforts will essentially become part of the background noise that a good program is trying to rise above.

By knowing in advance what your objectives are, you can focus on tailoring your advocacy efforts around them. You’ll be able to build a pool of content that support the goals and empower your employees to share their own ideas based on criteria you’ve set.

Invite-Only Recruiting is the Best Way to Start

没有你的每一位员工将advoc好ate. Some of them may have social accounts you don’t want to be associated with—maybe they’re overly political, or much too personal. Or maybe they just don’t have the followers to warrant the incentives you’re offering for participation. Also, even if you’ve clearly defined your goals and scope for your advocacy program, you’ll still want to launch it on a small—and closely monitored—scale.

This is why it’s best to recruit your advocates by invitation rather than just putting out an open call for participants. You’ll want to spend some time researching which employees would be best suited to join. Check out their social feeds and identify those who will represent you best while reaching the widest and most relevant audience. Start small and measure your results, noting your successes and failures. Once you’re comfortable with the way things are running, you can start opening slots to the rest of your employees who meet your criteria.


When influencer marketing first became popular, those at the forefront of its practice used an ad-hoc assembly of standard office tools to manage it all. It took software developers a few years to catch up with platforms and features that helped marketers do more than what they were already doing.


This still might be a little easier said than done. There’s no one platform that can be said to be “the best” at this point, and even among those with the best reputation there’s a wide range of features to consider. This, again, is why having a fully-mapped plan is so important. How can you identify the tools that you need if you don’t completely understand the job that you’re doing?



Even if your company is entirely staffed by millennials and Gen Zers—social media natives—don’t assume you can just let them loose on LinkedIn or Twitter and expect see results.


Think Big, But Start Small


Use software no matter small you’re starting, and make sure that it’s something you can grow into. The goal is to go big, so don’t settle for something that’s only good for the moment. It’s harder to transition to a new platform than it is to just add features to one you’re already familiar with. Once you’ve got all the bugs and kinks worked out, then you can start expanding your efforts. Be patient—success won’t happen overnight. Though, it could be argued, if you’ve got a bunch of employees who are proud to post content and promote your company on social media, you’re already doing something right.
