
Employee advocacy is getting a lot more buzz in marketing circles as companies are starting to realize its potential, both as a marketing and a recruiting tool. Though it can work for just about any kind of business, most of the excitement surrounding it is in the B2B space. That’s because influencer marketing doesn’t really apply to businesses outside the retail space. Digital marketing’s Next Big Thing doesn’t work for, say, a tech reseller or a plumbing supply company.

这就是为什么公司感受到员工倡导计划的魅力,同时仍在努力感到自己的好处。一个障碍是您只是实施程序。在某种程度上,这是正确的,但是,在您阐明该计划的目标和方法之前,您的公司需要成为员工真正想要倡导的目标。这比程序更深。那是关于文化的 - 如果您想学习如何培养正确的文化,那么您将不得不从一位不太可能的老师那里上课。


So much has been written about Millennials and the impact they’ve had on modern economies—它的大部分不公平。事实是,当他们不因破坏一个行业或另一个行业而受到责备时,这些该死的孩子已经以某种方式设法改变了整个业务。

仅他们的移动习惯就迫使企业重新思考他们到达和出售给客户的方式。金博宝188备用网址有影响力的营销是这种转变的结果之一,将广告转变为互动过程。品牌,影响者和观众以独特而有趣的方式在社交媒体上合作。甚至较小的企业,例如家族餐厅或独立服装精品店,也可以利用IM方法来发挥自己的优势 - 使用社交数据找到新的和更好的客户。千禧一代重写了零售营销的参与规则。




It’s not a new concept for a person to be proud of her work, or her company’s accomplishments, and want to share that with friends. And it’s always in an employee’s best interests to endorse their employer for the very basic reason of job security. With an increasingly Millennial workforce, though, this kind of information sharing is more likely to happen through social media. And within businesses that are owned, or at least managed, by this demographic, social media use is just another day at the office. Done this way, modern employee advocacy is something that wasn’t created—it just happened. It was a natural consequence of a plugged-in workforce.

For companies with a more old-school mindset, though, rolling out an employee advocacy program isn’t going to come so naturally. It may seem well and good to start encouraging—even incentivizing—your employees to start using their social feeds to promote the business. But even this is a might big ask. Think about what that even means for a moment: even if it’s a public forum, a person’s social feed is仍然个人空间,他们可以分享他们想分享自己生活的任何地方。要求他们对您说的好话,即使是为了获得某种奖励,也与问他们在与朋友一起出去时是否可以带您在酒吧里也没有太大不同。至少可以说,这有点不合时宜。

千禧一代比以前的任何一代都更重要的是,在积极的环境中工作。在一项调查中发现的忠实投资,平均而言千禧一代工人将削减7,600美元的新工作,并具有更高的工作质量。It’s when the professional crosses over into the personal—in a good way—that employees will happily and voluntarily endorse their employers, even at the bar. This should be the goal of your corporate culture, setting the bar for employee satisfaction at一个字面的酒吧。




Giving in to social media doesn’t just mean letting your employees access sites while at work. It also means that being social has to be a part of your culture. That could mean encouraging employees to take part in your Facebook Page or relevant LinkedIn groups. But being social doesn’t have to be something that only happens on the outside. A communications app like Slack can act like an internal social media platform, with employees chatting, joking, sharing images and memes directly with each other or across different channels. It’s an ideal way for employees to stay connected during the day, for work and play.









But don’t mock those Trophy Kids just yet. Especially because they’re now adults, and understand they’ve got to work and accomplish something in order to be recognised. If anything, they learned that recognition is a great motivating factor. They’re not looking for pats on the back because they did their best; but they absolutely want to be recognised when they did better than somebody else, accomplished something big, or just surpassed expectations in the execution of their jobs. That shouldn’t be looked at as a flaw; the real problem is that most companies save the praise, if any is coming, for scheduled performance reviews. Vague affirmations of a job well done every three months just have the same impact as a real time shout-out.


也许他们是在稳定的多莉·帕顿(Dolly Parton)音乐饮食中长大的,但是千禧一代似乎大多同意工作9至5的工作是无法谋生的。技术使得可以随时随地从任何地方进行多种工作。办公空间很昂贵。到达那里是耗时的,也很昂贵。组织中的不同角色有不同的需求。销售人员不需要在上午9点在办公室(或者,除非有销售会议)。同时,IT部门通常是24小时的担忧 - 服务员并不总是在工作时间崩溃。

Millennials don’t want to have their time micro-managed, and don’t believe it matters what time of day the work gets done. So long as they’re doing a good job and meeting deadlines, what does it matter if they take a 3 hour lunch on a Wednesday? Why should they have to use sick time for a routine doctor’s appointment? Just as with a social media ban, the more you crack down on personal space and freedom, the more ways people will find a way around them (until they find a way out).

Flextim不再是新的,可怕的甚至是异端的事情。有些公司让员工wheneve出现r they want and vacation for as long as they need,只要他们完成工作并交流了自己的位置。这些是员工真正重视的事情。您可以打赌,如果有人尽早完成他们的日常任务并前往海滩,一旦他们的脚趾撞到沙滩上,就会在Instagram上进行自拍照。他们可能会提到他们有多爱他们工作的公司。




