Web3营销的入门:What You Need to Know to Stay Ahead

The Internet is rapidly evolving. Every second, we’re getting closer to fully defining Web3 and making it widely accessible to all. But what is Web3? And what makes it different from what we have now? Why are we headed there, and how will it impact the way we currently use the internet? Should you start investing in Web3 Marketing?


What is Web3?

Web3 (also Web 3.0) is the natural evolution of the World Wide Web from Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. The World Wide Web is the system of linked documents that we access via the Internet.

Web 1.0 was characterized by static pages and images. It was a read-only web where consumers cannot edit content. This was the era of personal websites where only a webmaster was capable of changing items on a site. Web 1.0 is often called the Hypertext Web.

In the early 2000s, social media sites started to rise and Web 2.0 was born. Web 2.0 is the read and write web where users can input data that are processed and stored. Instead of a one-directional interaction like Web 1.0, Web 2.0 is bi-directional. Web 2.0 gave birth tocontent creators由于在互联网上发布内容变得容易且易于访问。Web 2.0被称为社交网络,因为数十亿用户创建它的参与和互动。

Web 1.0 lasted from the early 90s to the early 2000s. Web 2.0 lasted from the early 2000s and remains prevalent today. But there’s a new kind of World Wide Web we’re looking at – Web 3.0.

Web 3.0 is called the Semantic Web. It is still largely undefined but users are looking at it as a more decentralized web where users can easily build applications that other users would interact with and use. With Web 2.0, the companies who collect user data own that data. Everything is stored in a centralized server. Web 3.0 aims to break that by letting users own their data and have it stored in various decentralized servers.

The difference between Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0

The Characteristics of Web3


The Characteristics of Web3

Semantic Web (SW)


We’ve seen this evolution with谷歌搜索. The search engine has already evolved to display search results based on actual user questions instead of awkward keywords. Imagine this happening on a wider scale beyond search engines.

Web 3.0 focuses on how the backend of the internet is structured. By structuring information semantically, these kinds of “natural conversations” with computers will be possible.


Humans and computers speak different languages. The backend of the Internet is built using codes that machines understand. Meanwhile, humans have to input data in unnatural ways that will fit what’s already coded. This is changing.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is helping computers understand, interpret and manipulate human language. NLP is a branch of人工智能(AI)that aims to help computers and humans communicate better.

Today, we can simply say “Alexa, I like this song”, to which our device will respond “Ok, rating saved”, and then save the song for future playback. NLP is highly useful in powering smart devices so we can easily communicate with them as we would with a normal person.

Web 3.0 uses this technology so that computers would better understand a user’s data inputs. In return, they would generate accurate and quick responses.


Web 3.0 is designed to be ubiquitous. This means it will be accessible by anyone, on any device, and in any application.

无处不在的网络使物联网(物联网)possible. IoT refers to the collection of network-enabled devices that communicate with each other using Internet Protocol (IP). This includes smart appliances, wearable devices, home security systems, and computer peripherals.


Web 3.0的核心是权力下放。与Web 2.0不同的是,在特定位置将信息存储在单个服务器中,Web 3.0上的信息将同时存储在各个位置。没有中央数据存储。

This provides several benefits such as:

  • 降低了服务器故障的风险
  • 盗窃数据的风险降低
  • 增加数据所有权

Decentralization will address the pressing issues surrounding data privacy and data security plaguing Web 2.0 today.


Web 3.0 enables the development of more applications using three-dimensional design. We would see more virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D product visualizations.

3D可以帮助人们更好地了解彼此,我们可以期望随着Web 3.0的进一步发展,更多的创作者会投资3D设计。


Blockchain technology powers much of what is considered essential in Web3. Blockchain is a rapidly developing technology that creates an open ecosystem by getting rid of centralized systems. This paves the way for data security and data decentralization, which are key qualities of Web 3.0.



As the World Wide Web evolved, marketing trends have always followed. To better understand the opportunities in Web3 Marketing, let’s look at marketing in Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.

Marketing in Web 1.0

During the days of Web 1.0, there were only very few content creators and the majority of Internet users were consumers. Personal pages were common and they consisted of static pages hosted by paid web servers (thru internet service providers) or free web hosting services.

Web advertisements were banned and marketers had to rely on collecting emails foremail marketing并且仅使用在线消息传递通过电视,广播和印刷来增强传统广告。

Search Engine Optimizationwas in its infancy and SEO tactics were crude.

There was potential for digital marketing but it was very rudimentary.

Web 2.0中的营销

Web 2.0的开发引起了数字营销爆炸。随着网络的发展为消费者优先,数据驱动和移动优先,因此具有数字营销策略的各种潜力。像Facebook这样的社交媒体平台的增长为有针对性的188滚球地址广告铺平了道路。


Web 2.0营销引起了:

The unprecedented influx of data is every marketer’s dream. By collecting as much data from their target audience, marketers can craft better campaigns and offers that will entice and delight their customers.

However, this flood of data that marketers love is exactly what Web 3.0 hopes to address.

Web 3.0中的营销

Web 2.0 focused on improving the front-end of the internet. Web 3.0 is focusing on improving the back end. In Web 2.0, data was collected and controlled by platforms and companies. Companies like Facebook own our data and decide how to share this data with advertisers. Marketers only need to deal with the platform to access the data and create strategies to acquire, retain, and engage their customers.

使用Web 3.0,数据将由私人公民而不是私人实体控制。没有任何一个实体或人将拥有Web 3.0中的数据。数据将存储在没有人拥有的分布式网络中,而不是将数据存储在集中位置(例如Facebook,Google或Amazon)。

This gives users control of their data. They can decide where and how to share it. Marketers, in turn, have more stakeholders to market to, engage with, and retain. These stakeholders include users, developers, and the communities they engage with.

The Evolution of Marketing and the Web


Web 3.0将进入社区的演变arketing. As the stakeholders expand, marketers have to invest time and resources in learning what customers care about and building strategies around it. Channels used with Web 2.0 like content marketing and SEO will remain but these have to be used alongside Web3 developments like NFTs and tokens.

The Impact of Web3 on Marketers

Web 3 will challenge marketers but it will also provide new opportunities for acquiring and retaining customers.

  • Limited access to user data

Web 3.0 will usher in greater data privacy. Consumers would be able to control their data and how it’s used by companies. This will force marketers to be more transparent and creative in their data acquisition methods.

  • Community-focused approach

Web 3.0的快速发展部分是由于对品牌和公司如何使用消费者数据的不信任。借助Web 3.0,营销人员必须专注于建立忠实和敬业的社区,这些社区将愿意与他们的数据分开,甚至成为品牌拥护者。

  • Increased role of content creators

Today, content creators are at the mercy of the platforms they choose to publish in. They have to abide by strict guidelines and contend with limited earning potential. Creators also get only a fraction of what platforms make from the content they produce. Web 3.0 will grant full autonomy to creators in deciding their content and getting paid for it. Web 3.0 will usher in a new revenue model where creators will be in control.

为Web 3.0营销准备您的品牌

营销革命即将发生。确实,Web 3.0仍在开发中,但它可能比我们意识到的要早。它的一部分已经在这里,当它完全到达时,我们必须准备好骑波浪。


为Web 3.0营销准备您的品牌

  • Follow Web3 trends.

Being outdated can be costly. There are a lot of uncertainties but there are also a lot of developments. When making business decisions, remember that the future is here and it’s rapidly changing. Depending on your brand, try to acquire 3D assets like 3D models or virtual reality stores. The more you know about the latest Web 3.0 trends, the more you’ll discover ways to integrate them into your current strategies.

  • Add NFTs to your content creation strategy.

对于Web 3.0的内容创建,没有指南或规则手册,但每个人都同意它将涉及NFT。NFTs (non-fungible tokens)are pieces of IP that live on the blockchain and drive digital scarcity. For brands that have started creating them, it has served several purposes such as:

  1. Increased brand awareness and reach
  2. 新颖的经验和独家访问
  3. Increased brand loyalty
  • Start building meaningful connections with customers over social media.

Social media will continue to be a big part of Web 3.0 although with some major changes. Users would be in control of their data due to decentralization. Building meaningful connections with customers this early will cement their relationship with your brands and make them willing to trust you with their data.

营销人员应该重新定义他们如何看待他们的铜stomers. Instead of merely seeing them as numbers or data points, they must be invested in building lasting relationships that transcend beyond data. Community building is, as previously stated, the core of Web 3 marketing. Even before products could be launched, having a strong community is imperative. Some products may even come from the community.

  • 将模因作为交流策略的一部分。

Memes are considered a universal language on the internet and the Web 3 community are big fans of it. Memes are approachable, elicit emotions, and have a human feel. They are keys to making projects relatable.

  • 创建新的Web3 KPI来衡量您的努力影响。

Web 3 will have marketers rethink how to measure growth performance. The key performance indicators (KPIs) applicable to Web 2 may not necessarily apply to Web3. Some of the metrics you can use for Web3 include:

  1. Size of community across channels
  2. 活动和参与
  3. NFT sell-out time or “floor price”. A steady or consistent increase in NFT price indicates that your customers believe in the NFT project.

Most of these metrics are still in their infancy as much of Web 3 remains to be developed and uncovered. For now, marketers can focus on metrics that gauge product and community engagement. As Web3 matures, other metrics would likely surface.

Existing Challenges with Web 3.0

Before you get too excited and launch Web3 marketing campaigns, it’s also important to understand the current challenges surrounding it. This will help you further assess how soon the technology will arrive and impact your business.

Existing Challenges with Web 3.0

  • 很少熟悉

Only 25% of US adultsare familiar with NFTs and only 7% are actively using them despite their novelty. This indicates that mass adoption is a long way off and it will take further development and awareness for the technology to catch on.

  • Lack of enablement layer

Buying and selling NFTs需要加密货币,需要加密钱包。没有一个主流平台可满足对NFT感兴趣的非cryp188滚球地址to用户的需求。这提供了进一步的障碍,尤其是对于不熟悉加密世界的人们。

  • 没有简单的薄荷和出售NFTS的方法

Creators interested in making and selling NFTs have a hard time finding a platform to easily and quickly achieve their goals. DTC boomed when Shopify built a platform where users can create their own branded online store and sell their products without writing a single line of code. Some platforms have attempted to create an NFT buy-and-sell experience that resembles online shopping but they are still in their infancy.

  • Lots of terms to understand and be familiar with


  • Need for significant technical knowledge

Creating NFTs and DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) requires significant technical knowledge. Users must understand how to deploy smart contracts. This can be very technical for a majority of users and presents a barrier to truly immersing in the experience.

尽管存在这些挑战,但随着开发人员竞赛创建平台以使普通用户更容易访问Web 3.0的开发。188滚球地址小说和一角钱是新兴平台,可提供无代码的创建,铸造和NFT188滚球地址的销售。

shopify for NFTs

web3 marketing NFT storefront


Final Thoughts

Web 3.0 is still in its infant stages even as it rapidly develops. No one knows for sure what Web 3.0 marketing would look like although there is a huge spotlight on community marketing. The marketing strategies and roles that will be in demand as Web 3.0 mature remain to be seen.



What does Web 3.0 mean for marketing?

Web 3.0 is built around data privacy for users. Currently, users give up precious data to platforms that control how these data are used. Companies profit from sharing these data with third-party advertisers who maximize the information to their benefit.

While a lot remains to be seen as Web 3.0 matures, it’s certain that users will have more control over their data and who they share it with. This could pose a challenge for marketers who are used to securing data from existing platforms and using it to acquire, engage and retain customers.

Marketers should start focusing on building relevant and strong communities that users would trust enough to share personal data as well as recommend others. Community marketing is seen as the primary marketing strategy for Web 3.0.

What does Web 3.0 mean for brands?

Web 3.0 is mostly viewed as an upgraded Web 2.0 characterized by the presence of virtual reality and augmented reality. With Web 3.0, brands can create virtual experiences like virtual stores where users can interact with each other and purchase products.

Web 3.0为品牌提供了更多沉浸式和交互式空间向用户展示其个性的可能性。品牌还可以创建新型的可收藏品,例如NFTS(不可杀死的代币),从而进一步推动其与消费者的价值和相关性。

How will Web 3.0 affect search marketing?

Web 3.0 aims to make humans and computers communicate seamlessly and efficiently through the use of the semantic web. This means that natural search queries will be understood accurately and instantaneously by search engines. This translates to a more personalized browsing experience for the user.

For brands, this presents opportunities to create rich and interactive ads that continue to feel natural and non-invasive to users.

What are examples of Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 already exists, although it is still widely underdeveloped. It may take several years for it to fully mature. However, here are several examples of websites and applications running on Web 3.0.

  • Bitcoin – the original cryptocurrency
  • OpenSea – NFT marketplace
  • Steemit - 使用区块链的博客平台
  • 移民——分散d social network
  • Apple’s Siri – voice recognition software

