The Ultimate Email Marketing Benchmarks and Best Practices Guide

In the ever-changing landscape of marketing, there is one constant – the effectiveness of email marketing. Even with the introduction of various strategies for数字营销,电子邮件营销仍然相关。它只是证明了最好的想法通常是最简单的。

So, how do your email marketing campaigns stack up against other marketers? Where should you improve? The following benchmarks and email statistics can help you to gage the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy. Then, if you find that you are missing the (bench)mark, go over our list of best email practices and see which ones you are currently failing to implement.

基准and Best Practices: What You Need to Know About Email Marketing in 2022:

Important Email Benchmarks for 2022

Open rate

The open rate refers to the percentage of the total number of subscribers who opened an email. To work out your open rate, divide the number of opened emails by the number of emails that you sent and multiply the answer by 100.

According to Sendinblue, the average open rate is25.85%. This benchmark was drawn from global data that they collected in 2020 across various industries. Though, Campaign Monitor and Smart Insights calculate this lower at18%and16.97%respectively.

Click-through rate

The click-through rate refers to how many subscribers clicked on an image or link. It gives you better insight into how many conversions you are getting via email. To work out your click-through rate, you divide the number of recipients who clicked on an image or link in your email by the number of emails sent and multiply the answer by 100.


Click-to-open rate

The click-to-open rate refers to the percentage of subscribers who have opened an email and clicked on an image or link within an email. To work out your click-to-open rate, you divide the number of recipients who clicked on an image or link in an email by the number of emails that you delivered and multiply the answer by 100.

The average click-to-open rate is 14.1%, according to Campaign Monitor. Though, the 2020 GetResponse email marketing benchmarks calculate the average slightly lower at10.12%.

Unsubscribe rate

好消息是,平均不到1%的年代ubscribers choose to unsubscribe. According to GetResponse, the average unsubscribe rate is 0.12%, while Campaign Monitor calculates it at 0.10% and Sendinblue at only 0.05%.

To work out your unsubscribe rate, divide the number of subscribers who unsubscribed by the number of emails delivered and multiply the answer by 100.



根据Campaign Monitor收集的数据,发送电子邮件的最佳一天通常是在Workweek期间。他们的数据显示,周四的开放率最高(18.6%),而周二的点击率是最佳的(2.73%)。

一项由全能confirms that Thursday is the best day to send marketing emails (including weekly newsletters), with Tuesday as a close runner-up. If your goal is to get the best open rates, research by GetResponse and Klaviyo reveal that Tuesday, in fact, is the best day. Though, if you want to use revenue as a measure,Klaviyo发现在星期四发送的电子邮件会产生每个用户的收入最多。

So, depending on the email marketing metrics that matter more to you, the best day to send promotional emails are either Tuesday or Thursday.


The short answer: Saturdays and Sundays are the worst days to send promotional emails.

同样的全能研究发现,星期一和周六是发送营销电子邮件的最糟糕日子。不过,GetResponse的一项分析表明,实际上,星期一是获得高开放率的好日子。竞选监视器的分析还增加了周日,这是发送促销电子邮件的另一个最糟糕的一天。总而言之,数据很清楚 - 您也应该在周末休息一下。这些电子邮件可以(并且应该)等到星期二!

The Best Time to Send an Email

一般来说,最好的蒂姆e to send a promotional email is when your subscriber list usually takes a break. According to Omnisend, the optimal times are 8 a.m., 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.. According to HubSpot, the highest click-to-open rates are at 1 p.m. (22%).

16 Email Best Practices for 2022

1. Create lead magnets

为了有效地使用电子邮件营销,您需要有大量的电子邮件订户列表。如今,消费者更不愿分享他们的电子邮件地址,除非其中有一些有价值的东西。这是哪里lead magnets走进图片。通过提供免费的,有价值的资源,例如可打印的计划者或可下载的工作簿,您的目标受众将更愿意订阅您的电子邮件。

2. Send emails to confirm email addresses

While lead magnets are great to get more subscribers, be sure to send a follow-up email to confirm the email address of new subscribers. By taking this extra step to get new subscribers to confirm their email address, you can boost your delivery rate and ensure that your list has more responsive, active subscribers.

3. Plan ahead for events

While last-minute deals are great for creating a sense of urgency, not every email that you send should be the day before the actual event. By highlighting special events on the calendar, you can create an effective email drip campaign. This way, you can create a sense of anticipation too (and trump your competition).

4. Segment, target and personalize

简而言之,电子邮件细分是指通过人口统计,购买历史和兴趣等标准将订阅者分类为订户,将电子邮件订户列表分为较小的组。这样,您可以发送他们个性化电子邮件that they will find more relevant. From the subject line to the content, there are various elements that you can personalize. Considering that your email is definitely not the only email that your subscribers will receive that day, personalization is absolutely key to increasing your open rates.

5. Include a relevant preheader

当你subject linesare crucial, your preheader still has a role to play (especially if you prefer to use a short subject line). GetResponse has found that the open rate of emails with preheaders on average are7%higher than those without preheaders. The extra information that a preheader adds can be that extra motivation a recipient needs to open an email.



7. Include clear CTAs


8. Optimize the footer

There is actually a lot more that you can include in your footer instead of the stock standard information like your address. From social proof to unique selling propositions, use this space to tell the recipients more about your brand to help drive conversion.

9. Proofread your emails

Before sending your emails, take the time to proofread your emails (and by proofreading we mean more than simply checking for typos). In addition to editing it for spelling and grammar, also check other key elements such as that the hyperlinks work and images load.

10. Optimize your emails for mobile

According to 99Firms,85%of users use smartphones to access email. So, if your email looks distorted on a mobile device, you can potentially lose the interest of the majority of your subscribers. To avoid this, use mobile-responsive email templates that will display well on mobile devices.

11. Send emails from a human account

Your email address can make or break your credibility. Sending emails from a no-reply address will not only hurt your open rates and email deliverability, but also creates poor engagement. After all, email is there for communication. Creating a line of one-way communication is not really effective communication, or is it?


While it might sound counterintuitive, it should be easy for your recipients to unsubscribe. If not, the alternative they are left with is to mark your email as spam. Ultimately, this will be worse than losing a few subscribers who in any case were not interested in your content.



We are going to assume that you did not purchase your email list (which if you did not know is a big no-no). As these recipients never opted to receive your emails in the first place, your emails will simply be flagged as spam.

With that out of the way, what you should do is update your email subscriber list from time to time (about every six months). This entails removing inactive recipients from your list (in other words, those who have not opened your emails for a while). This way, you decrease the chances that your emails will be marked as spam.

14. Conduct A/B testing

An experienced email marketer makes this seemingly optional step a best practice. By taking the time to test elements like different subject lines, images, color schemes, length of the message, etc., you can start to understand your target audience better. Armed with this new insight, you know how to create a better user experience which in turn will boost the effectiveness of your email campaign.


There are several greatemail automation toolsthat will help you to get your timing and segmentation just right. From sending your first email address confirmation to following up on cart abandonment, there are various email automation campaigns that you can use.

Another time-saving best practice is to use templates. Creating each new email from scratch is a waste of your time and skill. Most of these email automation tools have free templates that you can refine according to your brand identity.


电子邮件最佳实践不仅仅是如何写和发送电子邮件。它还涉及“幕后”工作,例如定期跟踪您的结果。要知道您的电子邮件营销活动确实确实有效,您需要分析费率和结果。再次,第三方email marketing tools, like HubSpot, can help you with the task of tracking the performance of your campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is email marketing still relevant in 2022?


What is the optimal time to send promotional emails?


Should you remove inactive subscribers from your email list?



No. Sending emails from a no-reply address will not only hurt your open rates and email deliverability, but also creates poor engagement. After all, email is there for communication. So, to boost your credibility and encourage engagement, rather send emails from an actual human account.

What is email segmentation?

