
Social media marketing continues to evolve at a rapid pace and is showing no signs of slowing down. 2021 presented its own set of challenges and opportunities within the social media industry. So what can we expect for 2022? We asked some of the industry's leading社交媒体营销和监测专家我们可以期望2022年及以后的社交媒体营销。在本文中,您将了解自己的重点,哪些变化以及一些未来的趋势都可以关注。我们行业中唯一的不变是变革,因此请保持最新状态,您会看到营销活动中的一些帅气回报!


1. Aurelien Blaha-Digimind

在2022年,只要金博宝188备用网址品牌通过倾听他们的担忧以及与新兴影响者建立有意义的关系,有影响力的营销将继续蓬勃发展。Browser and operating system restrictions on data collection (Google phasing out cookies, Apple’s iOS updates), as well as consumer adoption of privacy-protecting behaviors, have been on the rise and will continue to be in 2022. As social ads’ once long-vaunted precision will deprecate over time, influencers will continue to gain interest from brands as a credible alternative to social ads. It would be too easy however to consider influencer marketing as a mere replacement for social advertising. One-off collaborations with influencers can be costly and often without long-lasting effects. Instead, developing long-term partnerships with emerging influencers, and leveraging these partnerships in always-on campaigns, is the key to a more meaningful and responsible influencer marketing. Now the tough question is, how to effectively identify emerging influencers? By definition, emerging influencers can’t be differentiated by the size of their audience ; but they can be identified by their engagement levels and their relevance to the concerns of the target audience. This is where social listening comes in handy, to identify relevant conversation topics together with promising influencers with growing potential, whether they are living on TikTok, Instagram, or other platforms.

Aurelien Blaha


2.丹尼尔·切萨 -falcon.io


丹尼尔·切萨(Daniel Chessa)


3。Bartek Piotrowski-拿破仑猫

Facebook重新命名为META才刚刚开始。在2022年,我们将越来越多地听到有关以下元举措的信息。尽管我们将等待几年来体验这个概念的潜力,但许多品牌已经在试图将其在该领域的存在标记。因此,2022年将专注于自然而然地补充这一愿景的解决方案。NFTS(无牙代币)将是这里的主要话题。在2021年,许多艺术家,有影响力的人和公司在其竞选活动中成功使用了这些解决方案。到2022年,这种趋势只会加剧。例如,Instagram负责人Adam Mosseri建议Instagram即将推出其NFT市场。结果,社交媒体中越来越多的活动将促进与NFT相关的新举措。这是必不可少的; the success of individual NFTs depends on their popularity on the Internet. Brands that skillfully incorporate this solution into their social media strategies have a chance to create involved communities that will strive to increase the reach of such action themselves. How will it look in practice? An example of this is Warner Bros launching NFTs before releasing the new Matrix movie in two stages. First, users will buy randomly selected tokens with avatars resembling ordinary people living in the Matrix. Next, a week before the debut in theaters, the NFT holders will be proposed to take a "Blue Pill" that will change their avatar's looks, like hairstyle and clothing (the avatar will remain locked in the Matrix if the user chooses a " Red Pill"). This initiative will also include various challenges that allow NFT holders to upgrade their avatars and earn new rewards. Another trend will be the growing importance of the creator economy. We are in for a flood of premium content created for users ready to pay for it. Twitter has already introduced Super Follows, a new way for creators to earn monthly revenue by sharing subscriber-only content with their followers. Similar functionality is also being prepared by other platforms, including Instagram's "Exclusive Stories”. And users who are willing to pay for additional content will be particularly precious to advertisers. Companies will have to create their titles to gain recognition from users or work with independent influencers. As a result, the role of influencer marketing in social media activities will increase.

Bartek Piotrowski


4. Dan Seavers-Talkwalker

2022年,铁道部品牌将听取他们的客户e than their CEO. The pandemic was the catalyst that increased consumer demands. Previously, we had seen the customer voice become more demanding, and more urgent. But the pandemic led to massively increased expectations. They now demand better service, more personalized experiences, customized products, and they want it all faster than ever before. Lockdown also led to a drastic increase in global digitalization. Unable to connect face-to-face, many consumers were forced online and adapted their spending habits alongside that. As we move to the ‘new’ normal, this increased online spend isn’t waning. This has inspired new purchasing options, enabling customers to be much more fickle. If your brand makes one mistake, if you do not meet one of these increased expectations, your customers will jump straight over to one of your many competitors. To counteract this, brands will have to rely heavily on consumer intelligence, cleverly shaping the data they have available, to create a complete understanding of their consumers. This will then be the driver behind their decisions, enabling them to create products and services that meet, and even exceed, growing customer expectations. The challenge is making sense of the numerous consumer touchpoints and conversations taking place on the internet. With potentially millions of brand mentions happening across social media, reviews, forums, and within internal data sources like chat and calls, there is an extensive amount of data to interpret. Managing that in real time, to ensure insights are current, is another factor to consider. Plus, brands need to consider a solution that breaks departmental silos, to share a single customer view with every department. One complete set of data. One customer vision. One aligned brand voice. With this in mind, only a consumer intelligence platform will be sufficient to manage this challenge. Without it, brands will be left struggling in 2022.

Dan Seavers

Content Marketing Manager

5. Jim Tobin -点燃社交媒体




6.奥斯汀·尚(Austin Shong) -织机

Live shopping is not a new concept, but with the help of social media, it will reach unprecedented levels in 2022. It’s expected to grow to $25 billion in the USA by 2023. Live shopping allows brands to provide feedback to customers in real-time, as well as showcase some of the faces behind products. These features have proven to be a hit with consumers. Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok already offer live shopping capabilities. YouTube announced in October 2021 they’ll launch their own live shopping features. Others will likely follow suit. Just like stories before it, live streaming is becoming ubiquitous. This is indeed a logical next step from a product roadmap perspective. As competition for attention and engagement fosters innovation in the social media ecosystem, live shopping could open the way to a completely new advertising channel for brands. Social media has brought an unprecedented level of interaction to live shopping when compared to traditional players such as HSN & QVC. As more social platforms launch new live shopping features in 2022, interactive capabilities will be a differentiating factor and provide a competitive advantage, to pioneers and new entrants alike, to drive user adoption and engagement.



7. Josh Krakauer-塑造


乔什·克拉科尔(Josh Krakauer)

