
人们的商店在2020年发生了巨大变化。在过去的五年中,品牌和消费者的电子商务采用的增长缓慢。根据eMarketer社交推荐流量to retail commerce sites grew 110% between 2019 and 2017 — the pandemic accelerated this trend big time. By some estimates, during the first three months of the pandemic, there was10 years worth of ecommerce and digital adoption

一夜之间,社交商务成为了必需品consumers who had to get more creative about shopping — and the brands hoping to earn their business. In response to the increased demand, commerce-only platforms like Amazon have adopted social functionality, while social platforms are providing a more direct line to purchase.






By contrast, US social commerce is expected to account for just 7.8% of retail sales by 2024.


Facebookand Amazon were early leaders in the社会贸易太空,在2019年启动Instagram结帐和亚马逊现场直播。多年来,Instagram进行了各种社交购物实验。Instagram结帐的有限推出使品牌可以将其帐户转变为数字店面,用户可以在不离开应用程序的情况下进行购买。Amazon Live并不是电子商务巨头首次涉足社会贸易,而只是最近的一次。这项最新努力以现场直播的QVC风格购物体验,有影响力的人作为主持人。



Instagramis a powerhouse among social networking platforms with the highest engagement, a growing user base, and perhaps some of the most mature social commerce features. Not only is Instagram the platform of choice for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brands, it is arguably one of the first networks to give rise to influencer marketing. In order to help brands leverage the network to drive sales and ROI, Instagram began allowing qualified brands and creators to create shoppable posts in 2017. While this early feature sent traffic directly to business websites, the new Checkout feature enables in-app purchases. Now Instagram is testing a Live shopping feature in China and Korea, where brands can tag products in a Livestream and users can click to learn more and purchase — all while watching the show.


Facebook商店已经在进行中。当大流行袭来时,Facebook快速追踪了该开发项目,并于5月推出,其目的是帮助企业和购物者适应新的数字现实。除了使企业直接通过应用程序销售产品外,商店还集成到Instagram结帐中,并提供给所有合格的美国企业和创作者。我们可能会期望看到在不久的将来,商店在整个Facebook的应用程序家族中推出。实际上,Facebook已经在嘲笑Shops for WhatsApp



信任和验证是推动在线购物者购买的两个最重要因素。这就是Pinterest为品牌提供的Verified Merchant Program。The program gives retailers who meet transparency and customer service standards with a blue checkmark of trust. with additional authority, enables product discovery. Verified merchants can also open a Pinterest Shop and product pins are discoverable when users search for ideas, recommendations, and inspiration. Unlike other networks that work to keep users in the app, Pinterest drives traffic to retail sites. Since launching its new Catalogue feature,零售推荐流量来自Pinterest的增加了一倍以上。


TikTok + Shopify







Before social commerce was reserved for experimental early adopters and digital-native brands, but the events of 2020 have turned social commerce into a necessity. Now there’s an urgency in this emerging space, and an opportunity for brands able to move first and fast, and to learn the platforms before your competitors catch on. There’s also a lot less noise for brands in early ecosystems, so becoming an early adopter is an opportunity to take a larger share of the market before it gets saturated.

Of course, some brands are more poised to take advantage of these opportunities than others. D2C brands are particularly well-positioned because of their digital-first, ecommerce-based nature. In addition to understanding ecommerce better than brands just entering the space, social commerce is already built into their business models.




While many platforms only offered social commerce features to brands at first, most have since opened these features to creators, allowing influencers to create shoppable posts where users can checkout in the app. Amazon Live might not be possible were it not for influencers who are the hosts and anchoring personalities for a new-generation of live-streamed home shopping shows. Tiktok has created an entire influencer marketplace connecting brands with top creators on the platform. These creators are sharing video content about everything you can imagine, and there’s a big opportunity for brands to partner with these influencers for promotion.

Just like social commerce has become a necessity, influencer marketing has also become a necessary piece of the digital marketing mix. Make no mistake, brands who think they don’t need to work with influencers are excluding an incredibly important piece of the digital marketing equation and limiting their ability to compete in this emerging social commerce space. From higher acquisition costs, lower organic reach, and poor performance on paid ads, brands that fail to use influencers will find success extremely difficult and elusive.

对于适应社会商业必要性以及已建立的电子商务参与者的品牌和企业,有机会利用影响者提供的信任和验证。付费社会广告的上升和增强影响者内容的性能是进一步的证据表明,信任和验证影响者提供的可以以品牌内容不可能的方式推动销售。如果您不利用有影响力的人作为验证来源,即使是付费广告,您也可能正在运行横幅广告 - 当今的消费者只是将其视为噪音。

So what can brands and businesses do to set themselves up for success in today’s social commerce landscape? Here are seven things to consider as you develop your social commerce strategy.

1. Understand your customers.了解您的客户一直是成功营销的重要方面。现在,它比以往任何时候都重要。当今数字商务现实中的品牌,企业和营销人员需要更加熟悉客户的习惯:他们使用的渠道,遵循哪些影响者以及他们消耗的内容。了解您的客户使您能够故意与客户在哪里见面,以及更具战略性的对您使用的平台的战略性。188滚球地址

2. Turn your customers into advocates.社会商业的兴起意味着所有商业都是社会的。在线消费者不仅依靠社交媒体影响者for product recommendations, they also read reviews. That makes your customers your nano-influencers. Embrace the reality that all commerce is social commerce and encourage your customers to leave reviews and find ways to turn them into advocates.

3.采用全光谱有影响力的方法。Remember, it’s trust that drives validation, not size, so避免陷入仅关注大牌或微观影响者的陷阱。相反,浏览有影响力的频谱to find the right talent on the right platforms to optimize your content for every aspect of the customer journey. For example, if you’re working on a Facebook or Instagram ad you might want to leverage the likeness of a more recognizable or popular influencer. Mid-tail influencers are great for when you want to scale conversion with a loyal following.

4.准备放开控制。Micro-influencers also have a lot of trust, but it takes a little more time and effort to scale conversions with them. For micro-influencers with a small but loyal following, authenticity is like a superpower. All of these factors tip the balance of creative control in favor of the influencer, so it’s best to give them a brief, and trust them to create content they know will connect with their audience.

5. Be an early adopter of emerging platforms.避免陷入您必须进入每个平台上的心态。您甚至不需要在Facebook和Instagram等最大,最成熟的网络上。如果您知道您的受众在Tiktok上的影响力比在Facebook上更大,那么您就无需投资于强大的Facebook策略。品牌和企业有很多机会先快速进入新兴平台,因此不要害怕尝试新的和新兴的平台。188滚球地址



埃里克·达汉(Eric Dahan)

共同创始人开放影响力和首席执行官,并展示了在营销和广告行业工作的历史。擅长数字策略,电子商务,社交媒体,企业家精神和市场分析。强大的企业家精神专业人士的理学学士学位(BS)专注于Pepperdine University的国际业务。埃里克(Eric)是福布斯(Forbes)的2017年30岁以下30岁以下,而Inc的30岁以下首席执行官则为30。
