
尽管微信可能不是许多西方人的共同名称,但它在中国非常受欢迎。微信拥有超过12.6亿个活跃用户,其中78%的16-64岁的人正在使用微信。相比之下,在美国,微信在美国有148万个活跃用户。尽管微信(中国的韦克辛)始于2011年的消息传递和网络服务,但它扩大了其提供的服务。现在,平均的微信用户每天在平台上花费82分钟。多亏了微信迷你节目的到来以及设置微信商店的便利性,该应用程序现在处于最前沿社会贸易. As a result, brands are rapidly discovering the benefits of selling in China via WeChat.

那么,为什么要在微信上出售呢?仅这些数字就会有充分的理由将您的品牌放在平台上,尤其是如果您出售可以进入中国市场而没有太多问题的东西。社交购物迅速越来越受欢迎。2020年,全球社会购物总计4760亿美元。根据Statista,,,,it is likely to reach $3,370 billion by 2028, much of which is due to selling in China via WeChat.




Selling in China via WeChat

Perhaps the most notable example of selling in China via WeChat occurred in 2018 when Mini Cooper worked with influencer Becky Li. She already had experience with influencer promotions on WeChat, as had her audience. However, because of the high value of the products, Li sent preview messages to her followers twice before the campaign officially began to build excitement.

在活动开始时,Li向她的追随者发送了消息,她将有关预览消息发送给她的故事相关。Mini Cooper还通过开发该活动独有的特定限量版产品来为其广告系列的成功做出了贡献。

由于贝基·李(Becky Li)和迷你库珀(Mini Cooper)的努力,价值3000万元人民币的100个限量版迷你库珀(Mini Coopers)在微信平台上仅在四分钟内就售罄。如果您准备好好推广产品并通过微信制作销售,那么在中国出售高价值产品似乎并不是一个问题。


这Chinese company, Tencent, developed Weixin in 2011 as a mobile messaging app. They rebranded it as WeChat in international markets in 2012, keeping its Weixin branding in their home market. As of January 2022, Weixin/WeChat was the fifth most popular social network worldwide, after Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram (althoughtiktok如果您包含中文版本Douyin)也将领先。从本文中的这一点开始,我们将使用“微信”一词来包含两个应用程序。

微信现在是中国最重要的社交应用程序。这部分是因为禁止了许多受欢迎的西方社交应用程序,包括Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,YouTube和Twitch。尽管微信最初与Facebook Messenger最具可比性,但它已增加了产品,现在包括Facebook和PayPal等功能。


  1. A chat screen – very similar to the appearance of Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp
  2. Moments – a timeline-type screen where users can post news for their friends to see
  3. WeChat Pay – an online wallet offering various payment services









WeChat has created several types of WeChat Official Accounts. These include:

  • 微信订阅帐户- 每天只需向您的追随者发送一条推消息。他们在微信的聊天部分中与您的朋友一起将其分组为专用文件夹。您可以使用中文ID(有限功能)或中国当地的商务许可证来创建此功能。
  • 微信服务帐户- 在微信的聊天部分中以朋友出现。与订阅帐户相比,它们具有其他功能,但是您每月只能发布四个消息。
  • 企业帐户– are meant for the internal management of companies and require both the account holder and the follower to approve each other.



Steps to opening a WeChat Official Account





  • 微信付费集成,,,,meaning customers can make WeChat payments once they reach the checkout
  • 无需与微信的其他部分单独登录
  • 零售商获得用户批准,可以访问用户的电话号码和地址
  • Can easily integrate with influencer accounts when carrying out influencer marketing campaigns. This means that potential customers can be only one click away from purchasing when they read influencer content about your brand.
  • 链接很容易与微信上的朋友共享
  • Can retarget users based on their WeChat Store behavior
  • 通过使用QR码离线时,人们可以访问微信店
  • 将商店与您的微信帐户集成在一起,使人们可以轻松与您建立联系以供客户服务。您甚至可以根据保存在微信中的数据进行预填充其运输地址字段
  • 可以通过他们的微信应用程序轻松地向客户发送折扣优惠券
  • 微信存储在微信中整合得很好,人们可以轻松地从应用程序中的各个地方访问它们
  • 微信店可以在微信中搜索
  • 转换过程的每个步骤都在微信中进行了优化

Although you could build a WeChat Store yourself, most businesses prefer to work with a 3-Party Wechat Store提供商创建他们的商店。这与使用类似的电子商务平台相媲美BigCommerce,,,,正方形, 或者购物要建立在线商店,而不是在HTML/CSS中进行编码,并亲自使用JavaScript。


Another aspect of WeChat with potential for social commerce isWeChat Mini Programs. These are separate apps that you can access from within WeChat, i.e., apps within an app. You will find many different types of WeChat Mini Programs; however, some provide eCommerce services, much like WeChat Stores.

这easiest way of thinking about WeChat Mini Programs is to think of them as sub-applications within the WeChat environment.

Some companies have built marketplaces using WeChat Mini Programs. One of the most successful isPinduoduo,,,,which sells to users and gives them steep discounts if they team up with other users to make bulk purchases. Pinduoduo users can participate in all phases of the buying process without leaving WeChat.


这re is one significant distinction between WeChat Stores and other social eCommerce platforms. If you build a Facebook Shop, for example, you do this in conjunction with Facebook/Meta. However, if you create a WeChat Store, WeChat doesn’t restrict how you can do this, apart from the requirement for having a WeChat Official Account. Instead, you use WeChat’s toolkit (SDK and API) to create your WeChat store using a special programming language. You can opt to do this in-house, although you will need a Chinese-speaking development team or work with a third-party WeChat store SaaS provider.

One advantage of having a web-based WeChat Store is that you aren’t restricting your reach to WeChat users. Many WeChat Stores are also functional outside the WeChat app.



你可以刷下微信访问列表的年代aved or recently used Mini Programs. Other ways to find WeChat Mini Programs include:

  • 微信官方帐户菜单
  • Embedded into a WeChat article
  • 微信的发现标签
  • 在微信小组上共享卡
  • 扫描迷你程序QR代码
  • 搜索



WeChat has a surprisingly sophisticated advertising network. You can create three main types of ads on the platform:




当用户点击/单击微信时光广告时,打开着陆页,将他们带到网站/微信商店,微信中的Mini Program或App Store中的下载页面,如果您要推广应用程序。

这se ads are highly visible, being in users’ primary news feeds. However, they are correspondingly the most expensive type of WeChat ad.


Another WeChat advertising option for brands is to include display ads in WeChat Mini Programs. WeChat optimizes the type of ads that appear to maximize user engagement, and Mini Program developers receive a share of ad revenue. You can even include Mini Program ads as interstitial ads in WeChat games.


WeChat Mini Program ads are much cheaper than WeChat Moment ads.


