The Ultimate Guide to Selling on Pinterest

Pinterest比任何其他社交平台都更加专注于“事物”。您会在整个网站上找到可以购买的东西的图片,或者至少在豪华物品的情况下购买。此外,Pinterest用户经常为食品和饮料,DIY和手工艺品,家庭装饰,女性时尚以及头发和美容创建董事会。这些木板通常包含美丽的“事物”图像,这些图像以足够的影响力吸引了一名拼小网的注意力,他们选择保留永久记录。Pinterest意识到这一点的力量,并进入了世界社会贸易.现在是一个相对简单的过程to sell on Pinterest, linking to the products in your eCommerce store.

Because 76.7% of thePinterest audienceis female, you will generally have more success promoting products that appeal to women. That's one of the reasons why you're far more likely to find people selling lingerie and scented candles on Pinterest than you are sellers of car parts and bowling balls.

How to Sell on Pinterest:

Should You Sell on Pinterest?

Pinterest audience statistics Pinterest audience statistics

Pinterest may not be the largest social media platform globally (是15日),但是37.9%的16至64岁的活跃社会用户表示,他们使用它来关注或研究品牌和产品。的确,这是人们在平台上给予的最常见原因,比使用Pinterest寻找有趣或有趣的内容的24.2%要大得多,或者仅使用它来向家人和朋友传达的7.7%。


The USA has the highest Pinterest usage, reaching 31.4% of the population 13+. Although the Netherlands only has the 11thhighest number of Pinterest users, they almost match the USA in terms of reach, as does Malta.

But you have to be organized if you intend to sell on Pinterest. For example, people start searching for "Christmas gift ideas" as early as April each year.Pinterest注意到了that pins with content specific to a seasonal life or everyday moment have a 22% higher online sales lift.

Shopping-Friendly Features of Pinterest

Pinterest is primarily about discovery. Pinners come to Pinterest to discover new products, ideas, and inspiration. They often go there to look for things without knowing what they desire. They will be browsing images on Pinterest and suddenly go, "that's what I want!" when they see the "right idea." You want your Pins and product images to depict that "right idea."


  • Catalogs – a Shop tab on your profile containing images and details for all your products
  • The Pinterest Tag – a piece of code you can add to your website to measure conversions from Pinterest visitors
  • Connection to Shopify – you can connect your Pinterest business account to your Shopify website, making your catalog of products browsable on Pinterest
  • Pinterest验证商人计划给merchants a "verified" badge you can place on their profile and eligibility for enhanced distribution
  • Adding merchant details on your profile, including your brand values and the communities you identify with
  • 各种广告格式,包括购物广告,收藏广告和动态重新定位

Preparing to Sell on Pinterest

Preparing to Sell on Pinterest


If you haven't already done so, you should set up an online store. Many of Pinterest's best features involve connecting the products in your store to the Pins that you make. In addition, you need an online database to record your inventory, product information, and sales. We have written many articles providing information about eCommerce that can assist you, including our10-step Guide to Starting an Online Store.The ten steps we recommend for creating your online store are:

  1. Identify your target audience
  2. Research possible products
  3. Decide on a business structure
  4. Find an eCommerce platform
  5. Get a domain and name your store
  6. 开始设计您的网站
  7. Decide on your shipping policy
  8. Set up taxes
  9. 链接付款网关
  10. 制定营销策略



As with all sales campaigns, you first need to establish your target audience if you intend to sell on Pinterest. You hopefully did this when setting up your online store, and your Pinterest target audience will be relatively similar. It is much easier to focus your marketing activities if you know to whom you're trying to sell goods. The better you understand your potential customer, the easier it is to create Pins that will attract their attention and push them further through the purchasing funnel.

One common way of doing this is to create买方角色, which are effectively in-depth descriptions of your ideal customers. Indeed, you could also consider creating negative buyer personas that represent consumers who aren't compatible with your products or services to help you avoid pinning images that would attract them.

Depending on whether you merely look at Pinterest as an additional selling and marketing channel or whether you want to take an overview of your product lines, you may wish to draw up acustomer journey map更好地了解您的目标客户。



You can easily convert a personal account to a business account without any visual change to your account. Your existing pins and followers remain unchanged to those looking at your page.

If you haven't yet signed up to Pinterest, you should make your account a business account from the beginning, however.

4. Think Carefully About Your Username

pinterest username

One helpful feature of Pinterest is that it includes your username in your profile URL. So make sure that you use an obvious username that people will remember and can easily search for.


In ourUltimate Guide for Pinterest SEO, we stressed the importance of having a complete profile optimized for SEO that will attract your target audience's attention. Make sure you flesh out your About section and make it sound interesting to a reader. Sure, people mainly use Pinterest for the visuals, but your text copy must be engaging, relevant, and error-free.


You will want your Pinterest account to match the rest of your social accounts. Make sure you are consistent with the colors you use, your wording, fonts, logos, and the style of the images you share/pin. Any member of your target audience should be able to instantly recognize your business by looking at any of your social profiles and your website.

You will need to link and verify your website as part of organizing your profile. You will need to do this to gain access to the analytics for the Pins that you or anybody else makes of images from your website. While you can do this easily in your Pinterest account settings, you will need to download a snippet of code to include in your website's header, although if you use a CRM like WordPress, you may find a plug-in that simplifies this process for you. If you verify your website, Pinterest adds a ticked globe icon next to your website URL on your profile. If you're a merchant, you will have a blue checkmark; otherwise, verified accounts/creators receive a red checkmark.

6. Create and Optimize Relevant Pinterest Boards

People need to understand the purpose of your Pinterest account. They're unlikely to feel inclined to buy from somebody who shares an eclectic collection of images, some of which interest them, but many don't. Instead, people search Pinterest for inspiration. If one of your Pins catches their eye, you are far more likely to keep their interest if they can find a board dedicated to a subject that interests them.

Don't get too niche in your board creation, however. It is better to have a few relatively broad board topics rather than hundreds of highly specific boards, each with only a few images. Even large firms follow this principle.IKEA例如,有20多个董事会。但是他们有明确的分歧,使人们很容易找到宜家产品。他们逐个房间和场合组织了木板。在某些情况下,他们进一步细分了董事会,以实现更具体的目的。例如,宜家有一个厨房部分,反过来又有用于厨房产品和设备,厨房设计灵感,烹饪和饮食以及厨房存储和组织的区域。

Pinterest Boards

Pinterest Boards

7. Optimize Your Website for Pinterest

If you intend to sell on Pinterest, there are a few things you have to do to your website to make it eligible. All firms (even those not planning to sell on Pinterest) should add Pinterest sharing buttons to their website. These make it easy for anyone who likes an image on your site to Pin it to one of their boards.



1. Ensure All Your Visuals on Pinterest Are High Quality and Optimized

Don't forget that Pinterest is primarily a visual social platform. Therefore, it's vital that you only Pin high-quality images and videos. Think carefully about the Pins you make. Don't make a random Pin because you believe you need to Pin something in a hurry. Restrict your Pinning to images relevant to the niche in which you operate and will appeal to your target audience. However, you don't have to be too focused on your specific niche. Make sure that you place your Pins on the correct Board to present a coherent and consistent story there.

Many brands strategically Pin images that are consistent with their branding colors. Benefit Cosmetics does this exceptionally well. You will notice how nearly all their Pins feature cosmetic products on a pink background, occasionally counterbalanced by their secondary color of teal. In addition, every Pin has Benefit's logo in the top center and a SHOP Now button (on a pink background) at the bottom center.

Sell on Pinterest


Take a look at trending searches. Can you genuinely contribute images that will wow people? For example, at the time of writing, "green aesthetic" was shown as Popular on Pinterest whenever you searched. Could you Pin relevant images that would fit into that category?

how to sell on Pinterest

2. Engage in Best Practices of SEO

当我们在我们的终极指南中写道Pinterest SEO, you need to conduct good SEO practices to give your Pins the widest audience. Much of what we wrote above about good practices for setting up your Pinterest account will help your SEO and mean that people should find your profile. However, you also need to keep up the practice with every image you Pin. Some things you should keep in mind when pinning include:

  • Research the best keywords to use in your Pins – examine trends on Pinterest, and if they apply to your niche, look for related long-tail keywords you can use in your Pins
  • Optimize your boards to match your preferred keywords
  • 确保您制作的每个别针对您的目标受众都有价值
  • Include detailed descriptions with your pins
  • Use hashtags to make it easier for people to find your Pins when searching for images
  • 与人互动。重新掌握其他人的别针

3. Create Rich Pins

Rich Pins are perfect for delivering your message on Pinterest. They use code to pull metadata from your website pages and can include helpful information about your products. You can select different types of rich Pin, depending on the data you wish to display:

  • Recipe rich Pins添加标题,服务尺寸,烹饪时间,评分,饮食偏好以及您从网站固定的食谱中的成分清单。
  • Article rich Pinsadd the headline or title, the description, and the author of the article or blog post from your site.
  • Product rich Pinsinclude the most up-to-date pricing, availability, and product information right on your Pin.

If something changes on the original website, recipe or article rich Pins update to reflect that change. Product rich Pins will, too, as long as you meet Pinterest's merchant guidelines and have the product in stock.

Product rich Pins on mobile include a Shop button that will direct customers to your product to purchase if you have stock on hand.

4. Organize Your Products into Catalogs


  • A Pinterest business account
  • A claimed website
  • A website that meets the Pinterest Merchant guidelines
  • A data source or a file that contains a list of your products and their corresponding attributes
  • Data source hosting or a way to consistently host and store a data source of your products that you can send to Pinterest daily


Once you have everything set up, every time you add a product to your website, Pinterest will automatically generate a product rich Pin.

Product rich Pins tag your products in images, in much the same way as you can tag people in Facebook posts.

5. Invest in Promoted Pins

For a relatively small investment, you can usePromoted Pins为了提高您与目标受众的可见性并将其引导到您的网站。这些是Pinterest的广告版本。您可以针对特定的位置,人口统计和设备,并吸引搜索您提供的客户的客户。不要针对所有的别针。相反,要有选择性并推广最有可能实现目标的别针。如果您想在Pinterest上出售,请将促销别针限制在最有可能转换为销售的人。

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