12 Best Email Footer Examples to Inspire You in 2022

Looking for email footer examples you can use as a model to create your own? We've assembled a list of 12 email footer examples for you from some of the top email marketers and brands around. Before we get to our email footer examples, though, let's take a look at what an email footer is as well as some email footer best practices you can use to create eye-catching and customer-friendly email footers that continue to promote your brand long after the body copy is over.


12 Best Email Footer Examples to Inspire You in 2022:


电子邮件页脚是您的最终内容块email marketing template. It includes important information that doesn’t make sense to include in the main body of the email. Most brands include information like:

  • Contact information including your postal address
  • A company logo or品牌
  • An unsubscribe link or button (some add email preference management)
  • A呼吁采取行动
  • 您的网站或购物链接
  • 如何联系客户支持
  • 您当地的任何法律要求anti-spam and privacy laws


Many email marketers overlook their email footers, resulting in overlooked email real estate and missed opportunities. It’s seen as a place to include the items that are required from anti-spam laws and that’s it. But your email signature doesn’t only have to include that information and it doesn’t have to be boring. If you’re just putting “fine print” in your email footers, you’re missing out on the chance to share more about who you are as a brand, or share the news that your target audience should know.

Of course, there’s always a balance. You don’t want to include just the bare minimum but you don’t want to fill up your email footer with tons of links or self-promotional info. So, how can you strike that balance? What goes into a well-designed and useful email footer?

How to Design the Perfect Email Footer

对于很多品牌,电子邮件页脚设计是一个afterthought, if it’s thought of at all. There are so many brands of all sizes that just go with the default email footer included in the email marketing template they use and go on about their day. However, email footers, as you’ll see from our email footer examples, can be a critical component of a great电子邮件时事通讯设计. After deciding the basics of what you’re going to include in your footer, you can design an email footer that displays your information in a way that’s approachable to your audience.




That’s why we recommend keeping it simple with an easily scannable design. This way, subscribers will be able to find the information that matters to them quickly without being bombarded by additional information. Really think about what you need to include and how you’re going to present the information in your footer and consider using a hierarchical design that directs readers to the important stuff first.

Make It Mobile-Friendly

越来越多的mobile-friendly or mobile-first是数字营销的必需品。Litmus甚至报告说,2019年,移动设备占所有电子邮件打开的42%。当您将其结合在一起知道10亿美元的销售来自移动设备上的电子邮件(Smart Insights)时,请您的电子邮件和电子邮件页面移动友好变得更加重要。

One of the best ways to make sure your email footer is mobile-friendly is through an easy-to-read and clickable design. You’ll want to keep the text large enough for mobile users to read and ensure that your buttons and links are big enough for thumbs and fingers. That also means the spacing of those links and buttons will need to be considered as well.


In addition to keeping things simple and mobile-friendly, you’ll need to consider how you want to use the space. As you’ll see from our email footer examples, there’s no hard, fast rule for how big or small your email footer should be. So, if you have something important to share, share it! Just make sure that there’s ample padding between footer sections—don’t crowd your content.


You’ll probably have a few links in your email footer, directing subscribers using CTAs or asking them to follow you on social media. We recommend usingtrackable linksso you can track their performance. You can then test different calls to action or different icon and button styles to make sure you’re getting the most clicks.

12 Email Footer Examples to Inspire You

Now that we’ve covered how to design a great email footer, it’s time to take a look at some email footer examples and why they work. A strong email footer can really make a difference to your subscribers, either by providing them the information they’re looking for or encouraging them to stay on your email list instead of unsubscribing. Here are the email footer examples we’re loving right now.


apple Email Footer Example

在电子邮件底部添加菜单很重要 - 尤其是您的电子邮件很长。这使读者不得不滚动滚动以获得购买所需的链接。苹果还在页脚中包括有关其产品以及用户从这些产品中获得最大收益所需的其他信息。这保持了电子邮件副本itself from being bogged down with the legal stuff that people want to know but that doesn’t typically push them towards making a purchase.

2. AWeber

mail footer example from AWeber

我们喜欢Aweber的这个电子邮件页脚示例。我们都想知道我们的email marketinghits the target, right? What better way to find out than by asking? There are different ways you can ask your subscribers to weigh in on your emails but AWeber makes it really simple with their cute little “how do you feel” characters. You can work within your own brand’s personality and ask for feedback about any number of things using your email footer—it doesn’t need to be limited to how that specific email landed.

3. DC Shoes

This email footer from DC Shoes is very well-organized. We love the different columns used to draw attention to store locations,social media, and customer service. This organization makes it really easy for subscribers to scan to find the information they want. Then, under that DC Shoes includes additional information about how readers can qualify for free shipping and offers them the option of calling to complete their order as well as another link to even more information about shipping and timelines.

4. Elle Johnson Co.

Elle Johnson Co keeps their email footer super simple, opting to focus on getting readers to share their email marketing via social media. This is a great way to generate buzz about your brand and use your current subscribers or customers to reach new ones. Then, they slip in a call to action directing readers to shop.


FilterEasy is one of our first email footer examples that uses color to set the footer apart from the rest of the email. The bright blue and orange colors are very attention-grabbing, which means that readers aren’t likely to miss it. It’s a great way to share theirreferral programand increase the value to the customers who choose to take them up on it. Adding the customer support section right below is a nice touch that we love—especially since they offer customers a few different ways to get help.


Forever 21的这个电子邮件页脚示例中有很多事情要做,但我们认为它有效。首先,他们鼓励通过对移动用户效果很好的有用链接购物,因为它们的间距很好。然后,他们指出要在下面包括他们的运输优惠和付款方式,购物者一定会看到它。在那之下,您的空间很大social media icons这使订户可以轻松关注该品牌,然后为订户提供下载Forever 21应用程序并获得应用内购买折扣的选项。在所有这些点击的好处之下,Forever 21包括指向其商店和活动的链接,然后为他们在电子邮件副本中包含的报价提供法律罚款。总体而言,这是我们列表中较繁忙的电子邮件页脚示例之一,但仍然有效。

7. Grammarly

Grammarly takes us back to simplicity with their email footer. They’ve included a way for subscribers to download the app in their email body, just above the footer. The email footer, then, is focused on driving subscribers to follow Grammarly on social media using well-spaced social media icons and a lovely color scheme. Readers can then view the email via browser, make changes to their email marketing preferences, or unsubscribe before getting into the legal fine print.

8. Headspace

While Headspace has some of the more colorful and engaging emails we’ve seen, they take a reassuring and professional route in their email footers. Here they provide a way for subscribers to easily reach out to them or find answers to questions using the Headspace FAQ. They make it a point to let subscribers know that they’ll be able to talk to a real person during operating hours (a huge plus to Headspace users who expect to deal with real people). Beyond that, Headspace offers subscribers a way to connect with them on social media as well as links to the Headspace site, how it all works, another link to the FAQs, and Terms and Conditions.

9. Local Eclectic

当地的折衷主义具有视觉上吸引人的柔和的电子邮件页脚,使我们感到镇定和舒缓。其中包括一些订户可以用来与他们一起购物的按钮customer support信息。不过,我们真正喜欢的是他们使用其他颜色的颜色宣布免费送货门槛的方式。“免费和轻松回报”的保证也很高兴看到。

10.莫妮卡·维纳德(Monica Vinader)

莫妮卡·维纳德(Monica Vinader)是我们的另一个电子邮件页脚示例,其中包含比您通常在此处看到的更多信息和设计。我们喜欢页脚顶部的图标。他们分享有关该品牌,价值以及如何购物的更多信息,然后才能进入商店即将举行的活动(井井有条)的标注。

11. Patagonia

巴塔哥尼亚有建立了相当的声誉as a well-loved outdoor brand, and it’s no wonder. They use valuable space to alert customers to a credit card scam using fake Patagonia ads and provide shoppers links to the legitimate shopping site and dealers. After their announcement, they call subscriber attention to Patagonia’s action network so subscribers can get involved in environmental actions that Patagonia is taking. This email footer isn’t about selling so much as it is about informing and getting subscribers involved.

12. United By Blue



Your brand’s email footer is the last thing your subscribers see before exiting your email. We hear a lot about the importance of first impressions, but let us tell you that those final feelings you leave with your subscribers matter too. The email footer examples we’ve included here are meant to inspire you to create your own email footers that meet the needs of both your brand and your audience. A little extra attention to your email footer’s design and content can make a huge difference.

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