The Top 29 Crypto Twitter Influencers You Need to Follow

It's no secret that Twitter is a powerful platform for sharing information. And when it comes to the rapidly growing加密货币世界,Twitter是投资者和爱好者的关键新闻和信息来源。


The Top 29 Crypto Twitter Influencers:

What is Cryptocurrency?

通常,加密货币called crypto,是一种虚拟或数字资产,使用密码学来确保每项交易安全,经过验证并控制显示其他单元的监视器。密码学还确保始终验证资产的转移。比特币是2009年创建的第一个也是最著名的加密货币。此后已经开发了数百种新的加密货币。以太坊,莱特币和比特币现金是一些最受欢迎的现金。加密货币已经做出了加密营销投资是传统菲亚特市场的替代品。


加密货币是金融中最令人兴奋的发展之一,因为它们可以不依赖银行等集中式机构而使用。分散的财务或DEFI模型使用此技术消除对您的资金的任何形式的控制。配音banking without banks, 你得到more power over your funds通过个人钱包和交易服务,满足您的需求。

加密货币也是交易方式数字房地产。Acquiring digital assets is all about purchasing sites, domains, virtual land, NFTs, and more in the168博金宝 。Its a continuing trend to move towards fully digital assets that can broaden the meaning of investment. And crypto is integral to all these transactions, as it is the currency of choice for yourvirtual piece of land

Why is Twitter Important for Crypto?

Twitter是一个强大的社交媒体平台,可以是best used for influencer marketing。By sharing news and information about crypto on Twitter, influencers can quickly gain followers and build up a wider audience than on other platforms like Facebook.

推特is also important for crypto because it's one of the best ways to stay up-to-date on news anddevelopments in the industryAs what we’ve discussed in our创作者经济的状态文章,社交媒体在我们目前以创造者为中心的经济中起着至关重要的作用。社交媒体每天都有帮助,能够分享和分发独特的内容和见解。对于加密市场而言,参与移动市场是激发其价值的原因。通过在Twitter上遵循主要影响者和组织,您可以确保您始终获得有关加密货币世界中发生的事情的最新信息。

此外,Twitter是与世界各地其他加密爱好者建立联系的好方法。无论你是一个influencerwho needs to stay an authority for your niche, an investor who needs relevant advice, a DeFi enthusiast who wants要分享自己的见解,a newbie who needs more info aboutnfts,或者只是想与志同道合的人聊天,Twitter是这样做的理想之地。



1. Elon Musk-@elonmusk

埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在Twitter上

埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)是顶级加密影响者。众所周知,他多产的推文可以转移市场并决定了下一个最佳投资。他在初学者和中级投资者中都有很大的追随者。由于他在商业和技术方面的经验,他还是强大的影响者。

最近,马斯克提议购买Twitter时成为头条新闻。该平台董事会一致接受了埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的提议,该提议以440亿美元的价格收购社交网站。

2. Vitalik Buterin-@vitalikbuterin

Vitalik Buterin on Twitter

毫无疑问,周围最好的加密专家之一就是以太坊共同创造者Vitalik Buterin。他以他的务实的生活态度而闻名,这将原则置于政治之前。

His influence on the cryptocurrency world has been immense, not just with his creation of Ethereum but also as an investor in other coins. He's one of only five people to haveachieved billionaire status在30岁之前,在加密社区中众所周知。他经常发布有关以太坊和其他加密项目的推文。

3. Adam Back -@adam3us

Adam Back on Twitter

Adam Back's influence in the crypto world dates back to its early days in the 1990s as an早期比特币适配器。He is the inventor of Hashcash, a "proof-of-work system used to limit email spam and denial of service attacks." Currently, he is the CEO of Blockstream, a cryptocurrency company where many of the people who make up Bitcoin's core development team works.

4. Andreas Antonopoulos -@aantonop


中的一个most知名和受人尊敬的顶级影响者在加密货币方面,安德烈亚斯·安东尼波洛斯(Andreas Antonopoulos)在发烧友和教育家中发挥了重要作用。作为最高加密分析师之一,他以他的见解而闻名,这些见解可帮助他人了解比特币和其他分散技术。


5. WhalePanda -@whalepanda



6. Camila Russo-@camirusso

Camila Russo on Twitter

Camila Russois a former Bloomberg reporter and content creator who has written extensively about finance across continents and asset classes. In July 2020, her first book, The Infinite Machine, was published by HarperCollins. The book tells the story of Ethereum, from its inception to the present day.

卡米拉的Twitter公司的宝库mation on the latest technology in the crypto space. Rightfully so, she is also the founder and CEO of The Defiant, an information platform that focuses exclusively on decentralized finance. At The Defiant, she leads a team of content creators who provide essential insights into the rapidly evolving world of crypto and decentralized finance.

7. Sara Trojanowska-@altcoinsara

Sara Trojanowska on Twitter

Altcoin Sara是该社区崭露头角的加密宣言之一。虽然她是Instagram和Twitter上的健美运动员和健康爱好者,但她经常发布有关加密货币的好处以及如何在该空间中开始的好处。除此之外,Altcoin Sara还是YouTuber。在她的频道称为Altcoin Buzz Ladies上,她将视频上传到所有内容上。

8. Changpeng Zhao -@cz_binance

在Twitter上的Changpeng Zhao

Changpeng Zhao(更名为CZ)是Binance的创始人兼首席执行官,Binance是全球最大的加密货币交易所,就交易量而言。他的双手全力以赴,binance迅速扩展到现实世界和元国家的不同国家,但他仍然有时间在战略上找到时间invest in Twitter。He is well-known for his wit and humor on social media, and his tweets clearly show that he knows what he's talking about when it comes to cryptocurrencies.

9. Tim Draper-@TimDraper

蒂姆·德雷珀(Tim Draper)on Twitter

风险资本家和企业家蒂姆·德雷珀(Tim Draper)is a Silicon Valley legend. As the founder of Draper Fisher Foundation and Draper University, he's made his fortune investing in Skype, Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter, and Coinbase. On Twitter, he's known in Bitcoin and blockchain technology. He's also a strong advocate for crypto and blockchain adoption, frequently tweeting about the potential of these technologies.

10. Lea Thompson-@girlgone_crypto

Lea Thompson在Twitter上

Lea Thompson is a brand, marketing, and sales professional from the tech industry. Her journey with crypto began when she uploaded music covers on an online platform whereusers can potentially earn crypto因为他们的内容。


11.查理·李 -@SatoshiLite

Charlie Lee on Twitter

查理·李是一个加密世界的驱动力。As the Director of Engineering at Coinbase and creator of Litecoin, he's been dedicated to promoting awareness and educating others about cryptocurrency through his work on Twitter, where there are over 1 million followers.

12. Roger Ver-@rogerkver

Roger Ver on Twitter

中的一个最知名和受人尊敬的人在加密货币中是罗杰·弗(Roger Ver)。他之所以被称为“比特币耶稣”,是因为他几乎单枪匹马地投资于比特币,区块链,比特佩和克莱肯等成功企业。这些资助的初创公司在短短10年的时间内创造了数千个就业机会,同时倡导数字货币自由。

13. Michael Saylor -@Saylor

迈克尔·塞勒(Michael Saylor)在Twitter上


14.娜塔莉·布鲁内尔(Natalie Brunell),@Natbrunell

娜塔莉·布鲁内尔(Natalie Brunell)在Twitter上

Natalie Burnell她是她在2021年推出的《硬币故事》播客的调查记者和主持人。该节目迅速成为加密货币领域的领导声音,采访了当今行业中一些最鼓舞人心的人物。根据Changable,硬币故事迅速跻身前100名商业播客之列。


15. Ben Armstrong,@bitboy_crypto

Ben Armstrong on Twitter

本·阿姆斯特朗(Ben Armstrong)对加密货币的热情使他找到了BitBoy Crypto YouTube channelin January 2018. Together with his Twitter account, he has been posting content about Bitcoin technology-related topics. He is one of today’s most recognized authoritative sources providing opinions about the news with updates on the latest development on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

16. Brian Jung-@thebrianjung

布莱恩·荣格(Brian Jung)在Twitter上

布莱恩·荣格是一个well-known personality in the world of finance,创建了一个令人印象深刻的YouTube频道,该频道收集了超过100万的订户和超过4000万的观看次数。除了使用信用卡的工作外,他在加密货币方面的专业知识使他比其他试图追赶的人领先一步。

17. Samson Mow-@Excellion


Samson Mow was the former Blockstream's Chief Strategy Officer and Pixelmatic’s Chief Executive Officer. He is a security expert, entrepreneur, and Bitcoin advocate who formerly worked as the Director of Production at Ubisoft. He also served in various other roles, including being the Chief Operational Officer for BTCC, one of China’s largest mining pools from 2014 to 2018.

18. Joseph Lubin -@Ethereumjoseph

约瑟夫·卢宾(Joseph Lubin)在Twitter上

约瑟夫·卢宾(Joseph Lubin)是世界上最重要的区块链开发人员之一。他共同创立了以太坊,该以太坊已成为当今使用的最大区块链网络之一。


19. Rafaela Rigo -@RAFAELA_RIGO_

Twitter上的Rafaela Rigo

Rafaela Rigo brings her expertise in real estate to the table, and she has been成功预测市场趋势关于加密货币。她在Twitter上有超过100K的关注者,对正在考虑将其资金投资到某些加密项目的人们提供了当前趋势的有见地分析。

20. Brock Pierce -@BrockPierce

布罗克·皮尔斯(Brock Pierce)在Twitter上

Former actorBrock Pierce是加密货币界最具影响力的人之一。他不仅是企业家和风险资本家,而且还是比特币基金会的主席。他为他成立的公司筹集了超过50亿美元,这些公司因开创性的数字货币市场而归功于。

他与其他创始成员共同创立了EOS联盟,包括Blockone Energy IV LP和Blockchain Capital III GP LLC。这些伙伴关系将有助于推动标准,以提高对主流观众中加密货币的认识。

21.谢尔顿·埃文斯 -@SheldonEvans

Sheldon Evans on Twitter

谢尔顿·埃文斯(Sheldon Evans)在他的YouTube频道上积累了超过700,000个订户。他继续在包括加密货币在内的各种主题上生产高质量的内容。尽管他的视频不仅限于加密货币主题,并涵盖了商业投资,企业家精神和赚钱习惯,但他已被称为加密货币世界中最重要的当局之一。

自2016年以来,作为加密投资者,埃文斯创立了你妈妈的房子NFT- 一个对NFT,区块链和加密货币充满热情的人组成的小组。

22. Layah Heilpern -@layahheilpern

Layah Heilpern在Twitter上

加密货币影响者Layah Heilpernis one of the best female crypto experts out there. You can often see her on leading TV shows in the United States and the United Kingdom, such as Fox News and GBN New, where she provides her insights into finance with an eye for sustainability in this new economy-driven world.

23. Nicholas Merten -@nicholas_merten

尼古拉斯·默滕(Nicholas Merten)在Twitter上

尼古拉斯·莫顿是DataDash的创造者,不爱你lar cryptocurrency YouTube channel with over 500,000 subscribers. He's as active on Twitter and uses data analysis to help people invest in cryptocurrency.

默滕(Merten)是加密货币领域的思想领袖,并且已经与世界各地的观众分享了八年多的知识。他创立了Digifox,这是一个智能钱包,使人们更容易使用加密货币,因为它将Defi Companies合并在一起。不幸的是,宣布该应用将在2022年6月之前关闭运营

24.布拉德·加林豪斯(Brad Garlinghouse) -@Bgarlinghouse

Brad Garlinghouse on Twitter

布拉德·加林豪斯(Brad Garlinghouse)的职业生涯大部分时间都在消费者互联网领域工作,从雅虎到AOL。他目前是Ripple的首席执行官,也是当今加密货币中最有影响力的人之一。他在Twitter上有很大的追随者,在那里他发表了许多有关加密货币的文章,以教育关注者有关区块链技术的教育。


Wendy O在Twitter上


26. Matt Hougan-@Matt_Hougan

Matt Houga在Twitter上

Matt Hougan has been加密中最突出的声音之一多年。目前,他是Bitwise Management的首席投资官,他帮助建立了一个分析系统,该系统成为其世界一流的指数基金提供商之一,管理层超过10亿美元。他还是金融电视台的定期评论员,也是《福布斯》的加密和区块链贡献者。

27. Justin Sun -@justinsuntron


贾斯汀·孙(Justin Sun)是特伦(Tron)背后的企业家,特伦(Tron)是一个分散的自治组织(DAO)生态系统,是当今最有争议的但加密有影响力的人物。他以4亿美元的价格和文件共享协议(Bittorrent)的价格收购了该行业,以大约1.4亿美元的价格收购了Cryptocurrency Exchange(Poloniex)。他的宣传特技表演和直言不讳的社交媒体举止经常引起不同的反应,但据说他对这个新行业的影响只会随着时间而增长。

28. CryptoCred -@cryptocred


Twitter和YouTube上最受欢迎的加密货币交易者之一是伦敦的一个人,名称为“ Cryptocred”。他一直为比特币提供免费的技术分析课程,并且随着每个新的订户和追随者的注册,他的知名度继续增长,这在很大程度上要归功于他随和地解释有关加密货币的复杂主题的随和方法。

29. Erik Voorhees-@ErikVoorhees

Erik Voorhees on Twitter

比特币老兵,埃里克·沃希(Erik Voorhees),建立的变形,,,,the only known crypto trading platform that allows users to trade without charging any commission. With almost 600K followers on Twitter, he frequently communicates thoughts about current trends in the industry.

Key Takeaways

加密货币仍然是一个相对较新的行业,拥有很大的发展空间。这29位有影响力者的加密推特帐户在2022年只是一个众多专家out there who are helping to shape the future of this space.

