Top 39 Instagram Crypto Influencers to Follow

With how complex it is to explain how cryptocurrency works, finding the right people to enlighten you on the topic can be daunting. Fortunately, the rise of influencer marketing and the creator economy gives way to connecting seasoned crypto investors with anyone interested in cryptocurrency. Social media platform Instagram is the go-to website of influencers—yes, even the Instagram crypto influencers—due to its visual nature and streamlined algorithm to fit the needs of those dabbling in金博宝188备用网址



Verified usingNeoRECHand Tensor data, these Crypto and NFT influencers rank highest on Instagram for their follower count, engagement, and exposure.



The rising interest in cryptocurrency, coupled with the power of social media, paved the way for crypto influencers to share regular accounts of the crypto market. A crypto influencer can be anyone with years of experience investing in cryptocurrency, posting content relevant to crypto and the decentralized economy to inform and educate other people on the Internet.

Crypto influencers play a vital role in bringing cryptocurrency and other related phenomena, such as blockchain, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and themetaverse,到达最前沿。他们在Twitter,Facebook,Instagram和LinkedIn等各种社交媒体渠道上发布内容,以吸引他们的目标受众并传播有关加密货币的信息。


39 Must-Follow Instagram Crypto Influencers

我们DO NOT ENDORSE下面的列表中有影响力的人。


1.Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki Instagram Crypto Influencers

Engagement Rate:0.57%

最畅销的金融书籍的作者有钱爸爸,可怜的爸爸couldn’t resist the allure of crypto investing. In early 2020, renowned personality Robert Kiyosaki became an advocate for decentralized finance. Kiyosaki’s success in writing for finance and wealth encourages his followers to explore the endless opportunities of cryptocurrency.

Kiyosaki shares rich and meaningful video content on Instagram, educating people about the significance of investing in crypto. From time to time, he would share inspirational quotes and phrases.




Engagement Rate:0.08%

CryptoExplorer is another Instagram account run by an anonymous team of crypto enthusiasts. With engaging media and a range of topics concerning the growth of cryptocurrency, CryptoExplorer easily gained an audience of over 642,000 followers. Their account is a gold mine of insights on stocks, market value, and NFTs.



Number of Followers: 562,000
Engagement Rate:0.51%

Looking for a community with an abundance of resources on cryptocurrency? Cryptonary is a team dedicated to keeping you updated on crypto, the metaverse, and the NFT marketplace.


4.BitBoy Crypto


Number of Followers: 474,600
Engagement Rate:0.18%

Ben Armstrong, popularly known as BitBoy Crypto, is a crypto enthusiast with a huge following on Instagram. The content creator is dedicated to imparting cryptocurrency news and updates in videos, be it on Instagram as vertical videos or on YouTube. Ben is among the most trusted figures in cryptocurrency trading, having been acquainted with crypto since 2011. He provides insightful advice on Bitcoin and Ethereum, discussing the pros, cons, and the government’s stance against a decentralized economy.



艾琳·赵InstagramCrypto Influencer

Engagement Rate:4.51%

如果您点击了这篇文章,希望偶然发现社交媒体影响者变成了加密货币/NFT交易者,我们将拥有适合您的完美个性:Irene Zhao。赵很容易成为新加坡最具影响力的互联网名人之一。她的内容主要围绕时尚,健身和视频博客。

In her curiosity about monetizing the digital space, Zhao sought to work on her very own NFT collection. Zhao has always been exposed to investments and emerging technologies due to her finance job outside of influencer marketing. This further emphasizes her desire to make a profit out of her presence on social media.

Zhao dropped her first-ever NFT collection, ‘IreneDAO’, featuring pictures of herself and popular lines in the crypto market. Buyers of IreneDAO NFTs include Mike Novogratz and YouTube sensation Logan Paul.

Zhao is among countless celebrities to have launched their NFT collection. After the successful launch, Zhao is looking forward to producing a blockchain-based platform for online creators to be properly compensated. Zhao’s success is a testament to the power of influencer marketing, gaining traction and reaping profitable results from start to finish.



Engagement Rate:0.25%


7。Armando Juan Pantoja

Armando Juan Pantoja Instagram Crypto Influencer

Number of Followers: 406,000
Engagement Rate:1.03%

FinTech entrepreneur Armando Juan Pantoja, better known by his user handle tallguytycoon, is a revered expert in cryptocurrency and finance. With a background in software engineering, Pantoja holds indispensable knowledge on optimizing blockchain-based technology.

Pantoja’s Instagram feed is a holy grail for crypto traders who are just getting started. He shares video clips explaining headliner news in the crypto market. Pantoja also shares motivational quotes to inspire people in their crypto trading endeavors. Finally, Pantoja values education above all. He hosts exclusive masterclasses to motivate students and transform crypto newbies into financially literate and flexible investors.



Engagement Rate:0.52%




Engagement Rate:0.77%

CryptoPunks is an Instagram account filled with NFT art. Most notably, NFT art that sold well on the marketplace. The growing market for NFTs caused a significant increase in individuals looking to invest in cryptocurrency and become one of the proud owners of a limited NFT collectible. CryptoPunks shares new NFT releases on Instagram to gain traction from followers and build hype.

According to data collected byNeoRECH在Opensea上的顶级加密货币收藏中,加密货币的价格性能排名第二,平台上总数最高。尽管Instagram帐户是非正式的,但它突出了这些数字艺术作品的崇拜和影响。

10.马蒂亚斯·门德(Matthias Mende)

马蒂亚斯·门德(Matthias Mende)InstagramCrypto Influencer

Engagement Rate:1.26%

马蒂亚斯·门德(Matthias Mende)is among Dubai’s top crypto influencers, with over 215,000 followers on Instagram and a diverse portfolio in crypto trading and social media marketing. The entrepreneur is no stranger to influencer marketing, as he himself led a social media agency called MEMMOS in 2011.

他进入加密货币营销活动始于Block Gemini,从2018年到2021年担任区块链公司开发公司的首席战略官。Mende对加密货币的兴趣加深了,推出了自己的名人营销和区块链平台Bonuz。在Instagram上,门德分享了他的机智的启发性报价,并解释了有关加密货币和区块链的示例剪辑。

11.Metaverse Mentors

Metaverse Mentors



12.Christopher Jaszczynski

Christopher Jaszczynski Instagram加密影响者

Number of Followers: 163,400
Engagement Rate:1.35%

Christopher Jaszczynski is the co-founder of MMCrypto, a leading community of crypto traders. Chris mentors people on crypto investments on the MMCrypto official YouTube channel, where he shares tutorials and market trends analysis. He also taps other crypto experts to share their advice on the best tokens, trading habits, and the like.

13.Anthony Pompliano

Anthony Pompliano Instagram加密影响者

Number of Followers: 15,900
Engagement Rate:0.87%

广泛的known for his ‘The Pomp Letter’ and self-hosted podcast, ‘The Pomp Podcast’, Anthony Pompliano is a great crypto influencer to look up to and guide you in your crypto investing journey. Pompliano used to work for Facebook as a product manager. Today, he manages an investment portfolio worth over $500 million.

Pompliano discusses economics, the stock market, and decentralized finance on Instagram. He shares screenshots of his tweets and engaging video clips where he analyzes the latest price of Bitcoin on the market.



Engagement Rate:0.58%


With the ingenious use of memes, CryptoHumor makes it possible for cryptocurrency to reach and entertain the general public. They also share educational resources to help new investors master the art of buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrency.

15.Michael Saylor

Michael Saylor Instagram Crypto Influencer

Number of Followers: 79,700
Engagement Rate:4.00%

MicroStrategy联合创始人Michael Saylor对比特币和其他加密货币是相对较新的,但已经很好地成为了整个社交媒体的新兴加密影响者。在2020年3月的锁定高峰期间,迈克尔加入了加密货币交易的企业。不久之后,他将引发价格上涨和自信的购买狂潮。

Saylor and MicroStrategy began to convert their wealth reserves into Bitcoin, striking hope among Bitcoin traders. However, no amount of stockpiling can turn the tables should the market fluctuate. On Instagram, Saylor shares NFT art and stockpiling advice, convincing his followers that crypto is meant to be saved up.

16。Felix Hartmann

Felix Hartmann Instagram加密影响者

Number of Followers: 55,500
Engagement Rate:0.30%

费利克斯·哈特曼(Felix Hartmann)对人们进行了加密货币的教育,这是Crypto Academy上最有影响力的Crypto Investments的最具影响力的教育平台之一。188滚球地址在Instagram上,他分享了加密交易的一些最佳技巧。Felix定期发布视频剪辑,或者是客人,探讨了加密货币的未来,尤其是在最近的NFT运动中。Hartmann时不时也会分享他的推文的屏幕截图,仔细考虑市场趋势以及长期投资的重要性。

在YouTube上,Hartmann主持了“ Felix Hartmann Show”,这是一个播客,其中包括来自游戏,技术和Web3 Industries的客人。这些空间是分散财务主流成功的主要参与者。

17。泰勒·温克尔沃斯(Tyler Winklevoss)


Engagement Rate:0.53%

泰勒·温克尔沃斯(Tyler Winklevoss)was among the earliest investors of cryptocurrency. The Olympic rower established a reputation as a pioneering crypto investor, later on co-founding Gemini, a cryptocurrency exchange platform, with his twin brother Cameron. At present, Gemini processes around价值2亿美元的交易on a daily basis.

On Instagram, Winklevoss shares valuable news updates on the happenings in the crypto industry. His account is a treasure trove of the latest events and personalities on the rise within the crypto space.

18。The Bearable Bull

The Bearable Bull

Number of Followers: 49,000
Engagement Rate:2.12%




Number of Followers: 50,500
Engagement Rate:0.43%

Gmoney更像是NFT上的大师,而不是加密影响者,在加密货币空间中引起了海浪。他们与阿迪达斯(Adidas)的Metavers Venture合作无聊的猿游艇俱乐部(Ape Yacht Club)无疑是对NFT兴趣增加的触发因素。

Gmoney的非功能性测试是一个opportunity for individuals to flex their status online. Be that as a proud owner of a highly-coveted NFT asset or as a knowledgeable contributor to crypto marketing, NFTs are proof that an advanced digital space is soon to come, with cryptocurrency as the main mode of transaction.



20.Spencer Lodge

Spencer LodgeInstagramCrypto Influencer

Number of Followers: 33,800
Engagement Rate:0.38%

Spencer Lodgeis an entrepreneur with an interest in building wealth through passive income. He indulges through a variety of investments, from real estate property all the way to cryptocurrency. Lodge’s entrepreneurial spirit is well-recognized, helping emerging businesses to succeed.

Lodge在各种交易中的知识带来了有关企业家精神和财务自由的信息丰富的内容。加密货币也引起了Lodge的兴趣,他深入探讨了与其他行业专家在“ Spencer Lodge播客”上讨论分散的财务。


加密Wendy O Instagram加密影响者

Engagement Rate:0.01%

Crypto Wendy O赋予女性加密货币商人通过加密货币来利用其财务素养。Crypto Wendy在她的采访中仅提供最佳信息来源,讨论加密货币,区块链和NFT交易的未来。

Crypto Wendy began her journey in educating the public on YouTube. HerYouTube频道amasses around 165,000 subscribers eager for her analysis of Bitcoin, Binance, and other cryptocurrencies. On Instagram, she posts NFT art and Bitcoin trends. On TikTok, she answers frequently asked questions and provides quick tips and tricks. Stay ahead of the trading game by signing up for Crypto Wendy’s free newsletter.

22.Roger Ver

Roger Ver Instagram加密影响者

Engagement Rate:1.93%

罗杰·韦尔(Roger Ver)被昵称为“比特币耶稣”(Bitcoin Jesus),是第一个与比特币相关的初创公司的投资者。VER在早期对比特币的坚定倡导倡导了2011年的各种加密货币项目。2015年,VER创立了,该门户网站提供比特币和比特币现金服务。

Ver’s interest in cryptocurrency hasn’t waned since. He also invests in other projects, such as blockchain projects like Kraken,, and Ripple. Ver is among the wealthiest individuals running the crypto market. Apart from updates on crypto activity, Ver shares pictures of his trips, conferences, and the like on Instagram.

23.Layah Heilpern

Layah Heilpern Instagram加密影响者

Engagement Rate:3.85%

内容创建者和加密投资者Layah Heilpern是Instagram上的另一个必须遵循。她将自己的Instagram致力于提供有关加密货币,财务素养和自我激励的教育内容。

Layah’s background in broadcast journalism gives her exceptional skills to deliver reliable information on cryptocurrency and blockchain-based technology. She likes to share financial advice on Instagram Reels and everyday pictures on her native feed.




Engagement Rate:0.56%

Who says cryptocurrency has to be boring? Girl Gone Crypto says no to dull and mundane and yes to wacky content about Bitcoin. Girl Gone Crypto is steadily rising up the ranks as a crypto influencer with her comedic take on financial advice.

女孩去加密’s fondness for putting together cryptocurrency and entertainment makes her an effective crypto influencer, especially to the younger, tech-savvy audience. When she’s not on Instagram, Girl Gone Crypto shares videos on YouTube and discusses current trends on Twitter.

25.JRNY Crypto

JRNY Crypto

Number of Followers: 25,900
Engagement Rate:2.78%

托尼(Tony)在网上被称为jrny crypto,最初是涵盖加密货币和其他相关主题的YouTuber。他在共享可靠的内容并就加密货币领域的各种趋势和头的趋势中提供了坦率的反馈来建立可靠的声誉。他提供了加密交易中的信息指南,并审查了加密平台,以帮助感兴趣的投资者做出选择。188滚球地址

On Instagram, Tony posts an odd mix of NFT art, memes, and crypto market activity. His enthusiasm for the potential of NFTs past art collectibles is infectious while scrolling down his feed.



Number of Followers: 89,100
Engagement Rate:2.41%

Cryptowhaleis a prolific writer for cryptocurrency, earning the trust of over 25,000 followers on Instagram. While their content is few and far between, their通讯高度期待超过230,000个订户。

Mr. Whale expounds more on their market predictions and opinions on the ever-changing landscape of crypto trading on Twitter. They have also joined in the NFT hype, launching DigiWhales. The proceeds will be donated to #TeamSeas, a charity organization dedicated to cleaning up the ocean.

27.Freddie Finance

Freddie Finance Instagram Crypto Influencer

Number of Followers: 52,900
Engagement Rate:1.78%

Freddie Finance is another great account to follow, with his Instagram account filled with some of the best advice on financial literacy, wealth, and investment portfolios. Even if you’re still in doubt about the volatility of cryptocurrency, Freddie Finance has a plethora of tips, tricks, and investment options for you to consider. He is also an avid supporter of NFTs, sharing his collection on his Instagram Highlights.

28。Crypto Jebb

Crypto Jebb

Number of Followers: 18,800
Engagement Rate:1.17%

Crypto Jebb is a team of cryptocurrency enthusiasts educating people on crypto and crypto trading. The brand’s face and brain, Jebb McAfee, began his passion for discussing cryptocurrency on YouTube.


29。Brekkie von比特币

Brekkie von比特币

Number of Followers: 17,300
Engagement Rate:0.25%

艺术是一种多才多艺的表达形式,而布雷基·冯·比特币(Brekkie von Bitcoin)则表现出了他对加密货币的支持。总部位于加利福尼亚的艺术家雕刻标志性比特币符号的雕塑,฿。布雷基(Brekkie)重新构想了含有人眼中的瞳孔中的符号或值得在架子上展出的华丽雕刻。

布雷基(Brekkie)相信他的比特币艺术象征着在金钱方面的工作方式改变的需求。他喜欢在Instagram上分享自己的艺术品上的进步,潜在客户可以仔细研究他的作品。当他不忙于雕刻时,Brekkie会花时间在Swan Bitcoin担任创意总监,Swan Bitcoin是一个用于自动化比特币购买和储蓄管理的加密货币交易平台。

30。Lucas Dimos

Lucas Dimos

Number of Followers: 26,700

A proponent for crypto and startups, Lucas Dimos started publishing content revolving around crypto on TikTok. Dimos’ success grew and soon, he gained over556,000个Tiktok关注者and co-founded

Dimos, or more popularly known as theblockchainboy, spends his time online sharing industry expertise on crypto trading and investments. He has been featured in news publications like theWall Street Journaland商业内幕, highlighting the remarkable success of crypto influencers and their valuable investment tips.

31。Lil bubble

Lil bubble

Number of Followers: 13,900
Engagement Rate:0.47%

Musician and content creator Lil Bubble steals the spotlight in a roundtable discussion on crypto with their artistic take as a crypto influencer. This Instagram personality hides behind an astronaut’s helmet and their talent to compose music, with cryptocurrency and NFTs as their muses. Despite the complexities of crypto trading, Lil Bubble’s content is proof that new and emerging technologies are not impossible to become part of pop culture.

Lil Bubble also shares their enthusiasm for the metaverse and various NFT collectibles on Instagram. They have also met with Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, which raises the excitement for partnership potential with the leading cryptocurrency platforms. Lil Bubble shares music videos of their work on the Lil Bubble official YouTube channel for everyone to watch and enjoy.



Number of Followers: 11,800

雷切尔·西格尔(Rachel Siegel)在用户手柄上闻名的是宾夕法尼亚州的用户手柄,在YouTube上开始了自己的内容创作者的旅程。作为她的真实,精通技术的影响者,雷切尔(Rachel)发布了短形式和长期视频,在其中她将加密货币分解为可消化的信息。



Crypto Calendar



Engagement Rate:0.86%

赛菲德人is the best-selling author of the phenomenal book比特币标准:中央银行的分散替代品。With exemplary knowledge of sustainable development and economics, Ammous advocates for Bitcoin and its ability to change the way society spends and saves money.

Ammous also hosts ‘The Bitcoin Standard’, a podcast show where he sits down and discusses the latest innovations in crypto trading with experts from different business sectors. He shares significant quotes and clips from each episode on Instagram.


安德烈亚斯·安东尼波洛斯InstagramCrypto Influencer

Number of Followers: 22,500
Engagement Rate:0.08%

Andreas Antonopoulos是比特币和区块链拥护者,在交易,采矿和管理投资方面拥有丰富的知识和经验。Antonopoulos提供研讨会和特殊课程,以帮助新投资者在加密货币的竞争世界中找到自己的立场并充分利用其投资。

Antonopoulos还是商业和金融的最畅销作家。他已经出版了几个标题,例如掌握比特币,金钱互联网, 和掌握以太坊

35.彼得·麦考马克(Peter McCormack)

彼得·麦考马克(Peter McCormack)Instagram加密影响者

Number of Followers: 7,300

彼得·麦考马克是一个英国记者和podcast host of the show ‘What Bitcoin Did’. McCormack is an advocate for cryptocurrency and decentralized finance, where he goes in-depth in his podcast. ‘What Bitcoin Did’ touches on the latest developments, security updates, and technology dedicated to diversifying and improving cryptocurrencies.


36.Korean Jew Trading

Korean Jew Trading

Number of Followers: 6,200

Jake, better known by his user handle koreanjewtrading, lives the best of both worlds. In his desire to support professional athletes, and with the influence of like-minded crypto investors, Jake established Trading Dojo. The Trading Dojo is an exclusive community on Discord that Jake started to empower sports and crypto enthusiasts in trading crypto. Members have premium access to top-rated analysis on the trends in Bitcoin and the stock market.



Number of Followers: 6,000


38.Digital Asset Investor

Digital Asset Investor





Number of Followers: 3,100
Engagement Rate: 0.19%



冒充官方帐户的骗子在Instagram上很普遍。实际上,本文列表中的几乎每个条目都至少有一个帐户对它们进行了模拟。该平台以前曾试图解决这个问题49%of content creators still deal with fraud.

Should you get scammed by a false crypto influencer on Instagram, you lose not only your tokens but your real-life savings as well. Take extra caution before making a transaction on Instagram, as the platform won’t be held liable for any possible loss.


