
The tech world is always full of jargon and buzzwords, and one that has been making waves in the news recently is “metaverse”. The word itself has captured the imagination of practically everyone in the world, from tech giants and venture capitalists to everyday people like us.



168博金宝 ?您怎么能到达那里 - 有路线图或一组指示,或者您只需要辅助小工具即可访问可能是未来世界的可能性?我们知道它如何可能重塑世界?



The metaverse is定义作为一个合成的虚拟环境,仍然基于现实世界或平行。它提供了三维体验,使您可以在虚拟现实(VR)耳机或增强现实(AR)护目镜的帮助下“探索”虚拟景观。

Simply put, it’s a digital world that’s full of possibilities—a new frontier focused on virtual experiences, where anything you can imagine can be realized. In the metaverse, you can do so much more than just exploring. You’re free to create different environments and even transact using digital assets or currencies.

风险投资家马修·鲍尔(Matthew Ball),他已广泛介绍了元评估,试图将元评估定义为一个互操作的3D世界网络,其规模很大,并实时呈现。这些虚拟世界可以通过无限数量的具有“个人存在感”的用户“同步,持久地体验”。他指出,元互连和可互操作的经验网络通常被误认为是虚拟现实,并认为VR只是元评估的一小部分。前者用于访问或体验后者。

您可能会惊讶地发现元评估不是一个全新的概念。这个词本身首先是由尼尔·斯蒂芬森(Neal Stephenson)在他的1992年科幻小说中创造的雪坠, which, after 29 years, is now considered a “cyberpunk classic”. The book features a dystopian world, complete with virtual reality, smartphones, and wireless internet, where people explore an online world using their avatars. By wearing goggles and earphones, they can access the metaverse, an online world far removed from their own, to escape their dystopian world.


可以预测,扩展现实(XR)市场规模将达到到2025年3930亿美元。XR是一个umbrella termthat encapsulates immersive technology, including virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. Devices under XR include cameras, microphones, and sensors, all of which are used to create a simulated environment while allowing you to still interact with reality. The growing popularity of XR is one factor that will continue to shape the metaverse.


Emerging Trends that are Shaping the Metaverse

What makes the metaverse what it is? How do trends in technology and society play a role in shaping future versions of the metaverse? What trends are coming out as this new world continues to develop? Let’s take a look at some of the trends that are shaping and are influenced by the metaverse.



技术是其中的一个因素ving the way for the acceptance and adoption of the metaverse. Below are some of the emerging trends identified in theWunderman Thompson情报报告


Emerging consumer trends are cropping up as the metaverse continues to evolve. Consumers are increasingly recreating semblances of their real lives in digital worlds, replicating everyday actions and routines, such as joining a meeting or exploring their environment. Given the replication of our real world habits, it’s predicted that there will be a rise in virtual possessions, like digital houses or clothing.

一个例子是The Fabricant, a digital fashion house that specializes in digital couture.

As consumers begin to attribute high value to their digital possession, this encourages new business models, such as the direct-to-avatar (D2A) model, to emerge.

Liminal Spaces



就像他们的现实世界一样,虚拟土地或财产在数字世界中出售。在虚拟房地产中,您可以像在现实世界中找到房地产经纪人和租金协议。加密货币和NFT用于在Sandbox,Sentraland和Somnium Space等平台上交易数字资产。188滚球地址


As the metaverse develops, there’s going to be an increase in in-game advertising, with brands creating branded presences in games like Fortnite and Roblox, both of which showcase metaverse elements. Many brands are teaming up with game developers to create environments where their products are featured in games. Balenciaga, for example, came up withAfterworld: The Age of Tomorrow, a game where players explore a futuristic world populated by characters wearing Balenciaga goods.

Digital-Twin Stores



大趋势在元式锅外面也发挥了重要作用。让我们看一下三个大趋势influencing the current state of the metaverse




机器智能(ML) refers to advanced computing that enables a machine or algorithm to learn and continuously adapt to its environment. While it’s often confused with artificial intelligence (AI), ML is but one part of AI.



Blockchain Adoption

Blockchain technology, the foundation of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, is currently being used in industries such as finance, security, and healthcare. It provides a decentralized approach to assets, rendering its history unalterable and transparent.



Yes, the metaverse is promising but like any other world, real or digital, it comes with itsown set of challenges。截至目前,元视为是一个灰色区域,这并不是一件好事或坏事。它居住在一个频谱中,有可能对参与其中的人有用或有害。但是,鉴于它仍处于早期阶段并且正在迅速发展,这会带来新的挑战。


We’ve already established that the metaverse is a virtual realm where many real-world actions are emulated, such as purchasing property or checking out goods. The metaverse is a space that brings people together. And while it gives them the opportunity to connect and build relationships, it can also make them vulnerable if no legislation or virtual jurisdiction is established.

Another legal issue that can crop up is知识产权所有权。If creations are made by AI they may not be given intellectual property protection because for a work to be considered copyrightable, it must originate from a human being. Content creators on the metaverse may also find it difficult to protect their intellectual property, given the difficulty of tracking instances of copyright infringement in the virtual realm.


在Metaverse中,有诸如“你是你的头像吗?” or “How can you prove you are who you are?” Aside from having a potential problem with ethics, you’d also be facing challenges concerning identity authentication or verification when you’re in it.


您的数据将如何在元元中使用?是元巨人的另一个聪明的策略获取更多数据?人们担心虚拟世界如何促进滥用数据和错误信息的环境。还有一个问题是如何control of data可以帮助某些公司控制市场。

Furthermore, will the current security systems be able to keep up with data and security issues in the metaverse? The metaverse is a unique environment that requires new security methods to protect its users’ data and privacy.




为了创建一个提供无缝体验的虚拟世界,我们必须回到马修·鲍尔(Matthew Ball)对元视为互操作体验网络的定义。在完全实现的元元中,碎片生态系统被桥接起来,创建了一个虚拟环境,其特征是每个组件或方面的互操作。

The Metaverse—No Longer the Stuff of Science Fiction




Who came up with the idea of the metaverse?

这个概念首先是由尼尔·斯蒂芬森(Neal Stephenson)在小说《雪崩溃》中引入的。






