How the Metaverse Will Shape the Future of Business, Marketing and Consequently Influencer Marketing


A day in the future

Imagine a rainy February day in the not-too-distant future. You wake up, put on your smart glasses, receive daily weather notifications, meetings, tasks, and the rest of daily to-dos, before the device asks where you want to drink your usual morning coffee. Tired of winter, choosing a nice bay in Ibiza, the sight is realistically unfolding before you. You can even hear the sea.

You manage to recharge a bit on a dark winter day, then ride the indoor cycle in the French Alps. You have your breakfast in Milan and then hurry to join the company’s meeting room for a virtual meeting. For lunch, you call your investment advisor into the virtual work room, where you show off the newly acquired digital artwork on the wall. He presents how the rest of the portfolio is performing, the likes of your digital real estate developments and so on.

走过一个虚拟的节日in the evening, surprisingly perfectly targeted commercials appear on projectors and you party with your favourite influencers.


This may sound like a futuristic vision, but it’s one that’s very close, very here. And it’s called the Metaverse.



According to Mark Zuckerberg, the Metaverse is an embodied internet (Internet+) in which we don’t only consume content, but we are right in the middle of it. It helps us get away from just staring at phone screens and spend more time with each other again. Even though it’s our avatar that does it all, things could become 3D again. Right now the world is not that different. Most young people spend 8-10 hours interacting with their phone, and we are already living on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, WeChat and LinkedIn, and soon we will be able to be inside of these platforms, the same way we can attend a Travis Scott concert in Fortnite. At online corporate meetings, fifty people would not watch each other on one screen through Zoom, but in a virtual meeting room. We could remember who was sitting to our right, left, or in front of us, and so perhaps, we would also remember who said what. Facebook works in an endless office that allows users to create their ideal work environment in virtual reality. According to Zuckerberg, the potential of education in this form also provides the opportunity for a more equal world, where people from a small emerging market or a village could be admitted to a good school/program (provided they have access to the technology, of course). And it's easier to make friends if the children are visually sitting next to each other.

We can imagine the completely new level of home office model and digital education, as well as the long-term impact on the real estate market.

马修·鲍尔(Matthew Ball)曾是亚马逊董事兼风险资本家,总结了元评估的概念,即互联网的下一个级别,一个集体的虚拟空间,数字和物理现实的汇总。互联网,增强和虚拟现实的结合不断地在线和活跃,其自身经济,工作机会,购物中心和媒体。换句话说,荟萃分析是“完整的互动现实,人类之间的连接组织”。

也许读者会首先想到矩阵和Ready Player One电影,用户可以通过进入功能齐全的在线世界进行交流,交易,工作和参加活动。微信应用程序已被数次描述为2D元平台,用户几乎可以在其中完成所有操作:社交,购物,为现实世界中的商品付款以及谈判工作流程等等。


在线世界的无限性通过以下事实很好地说明了Travis Scottheld a nine-minute concert at Fortnite with his avatar, which was attended by 12 million people and made $20 million. It’s hard for anyone to make that much money with a single gig, and it’s even harder to run a 12-million-people event. Most likely, the parents also preferred to let their children attend a concert from their own room.

Another forerunner of Metaverse is a 3D virtual reality calledDecentraland,建立在分散的以太坊加密货币(Mana)上,用户可以购买土地,开发房地产并组织艺术展览。几家公司已经出现在该平台上,并通过NFT进行了数字艺术品。您可以与朋友一起访问活动和展览,查看其他人建造的城市等等。



At the birth of the Metaverse, almost everyone is trying to be there and to be a pioneer.可口可乐是在分散的世界上推出基于区块链的独特,可收藏内容的世界领导者。在在线活动的框架内,有可能参加NFT拍卖,并获得诸如友谊卡或声音播放器之类的东西,该友谊卡或声音播放器模拟可口可乐罐的开放。

Gucciannounced on a site called Roblox its presence in the Metaverse and sold its digital bags for $4,115, the owner of which was certified by NFT. We should mention that the bag was even more expensive than the physical version of the bag, which costs $3,400 in stores. This seems to be the reality of today, even though probably not many women would fancy an NFT bag for their birthday.


时装秀也在网络空间中举行,一些收藏品的售价超过130,000美元。两个都Sotheby’sand克里斯蒂的have opened their digital headquarters at Decentraland.CNN也有一个存在,因为他们以NFT形式出售自己的最佳时刻和莱昂内尔Messilaunched his NFTs on the “Messiverse”. Online adult entertainment has a huge potential to elevate their business to a new level. The gaming world is already there, with billions pouring into their companies in order to help their virtual transition.

“我们感谢我们支持我们对Epic和Metaverse的愿景的新的和现有的投资者。他们的投资将有助于加速我们围绕建立联系的社会经验的工作” -蒂姆·斯威尼(Tim Sweeney)(CEO and Founder, Epic Games), after announcing $1 Billion funding round.

From the investors’ POV



The most common idea about the Metaverse is for it to be a decentralized, interoperable platform. It’s like the internet, where a lot of companies are present. However, this requires that the acquired goods (land, property, art, currencies) are convertible between different surfaces. The NFT and blockchain systems can support this.

根据事物的外观公司的营销活动将被带到一个全新的水平, by being in our room and from a world where constant targeted advertising can be pushed into our face, in a much more sophisticated way than an Instagram story (which is already much more sophisticated than a TV commercial).

The Metaverse effect on Influencer Marketing



“And my hope, if we do this well, I think over the next five years or so, in this next chapter of our company, I think we will effectively transition from people seeing us as primarily being a social media company to being a metaverse company” -Mark Zuckerberg,(Facebook首席执行官兼创始人)。

One of the most interesting and high-potential fields of the new world is marketing and the creator economy. Much more data will be available for advertisers than ever before and sophisticated targeting will be driven to a completely new level. Data will be even more precise and valuable. Brands will have to create their digital twins and follow or dictate the new trends in the Metaverse. Some of them have already started it and influencers will need to think about creating their avatars and working with brands in the Metaverse.

张贴出租已经表现出了巨大的信任future is about to bring. The company has ‘built’ a digital influencer HQ in Decentraland, hoping to become a ‘bridge’ for influencers between the physical and virtual world.

The Metaverse provides creators with a whole new aspect of interaction and communication, not only with their fans but also with their fellow influencer peers. Food influencers can cook together; travel influencers can share experiences together; sport influencers will have their fan base in the crowd, and much more. It’s a playground that practically has no limits at this point and allows all players, be it influencers or businesses, to be pioneers, innovators, and creative geniuses. Moreover, are we going to need real people behind metaverse influencers, or can they very well be just simulations?

Influencer marketing is quite a young industry, where surprisingly, still many brands and agencies are lagging behind. But with the Metaverse in play it has high potential to take off quickly and become a multibillion-dollar economy in the virtual world. And this can happen quicker than most people would think as Facebook is planning to sell Oculus glasses for as little as $100.

The market still focuses heavily on 2D NFT marketplaces - the current hot topic, and the newest way to trade collectibles that have value (and sometimes a whole lotta value). Continuing the virtual journey, Post For Rent is set on a mission to provide creators with a one-of-a-kind platform to trade and sell their digital artwork. The platform will be released in October 2021 and will build upon the Metaverse mission, allowing creators to showcase their art in the virtual world to virtual audiences, rising above pure platform listings and auctions.

The question today isn’t whether the Metaverse is coming or not, the question is whether companies and creators have a plan on how to be a part of the new era of the internet or they will miss out on this like they did on the crypto boom.







Co-Authored by Gergo Csiszar, Peter Varga Szilagyi, Renata Milicevic

Gergo Csiszar, Peter Varga Szilagyi, Renata Milicevic are the forces behind Post For Rent, Influencer Marketing and Media company. Founded in 2016, Post For Rent set on a mission to provide a simple, all-in-one solution for all players in influencer marketing with its own technology at heart. In 2018, the company acquired a Multi-Channel Network and turned into the fastest growing MCN in Europe within 12 months. Post For Rent operates globally, running a successful franchise business with national partners in a number of countries.
