



The ABSOLUT Company worked with influencer agency Collectively to create a series of people and planet-centered influencer activations. This influencer campaign was the Gold Winner for the Best Food and Drink Campaign at the 2020 Influencer Marketing Awards.

The primary objective of the campaign was to increase impressions and social engagement. The campaign lasted for more than eight months.


The company created a series of experiential events shared across social media, particularly Instagram and Twitter. Collaborators brought their fans and followers into unique brand experiences showcasing ABSOLUT'S commitments to people and the planet. Events included a four-day immersion in ABSOLUT's commitment to sustainability at its Swedish production facility. They also put together a photoshoot recreating the historic march at Stonewall with renowned artist and advocate David Lachapelle.

Ultimately, 95 influencers created 612 posts. The campaign generated 68.4M total potential impressions, 7.714M views, and 739.4K comments, likes, and shares for a combined 8.6M total combined engagements.

2. 67个Dior战役的阴影

Dior是2020年有影响力的营销奖上最佳美容运动的黄金冠军,他与有影响力的营销机构Buttermilk合作。金博宝188备用网址该活动是为了庆祝Dior Forever Foundation的启动,该基金会具有67种独特的基础阴影。

The campaign aimed to create global awareness of the new Dior Forever Foundation, showcasing the wide range of shades available. In addition, they wanted to celebrate the product's diversity with an ambassador representing each shade. Another campaign aim was to create branded content suitable for reusing on Dior's owned channels.


  • High engagement levels
  • 经过证明的过去的表现
  • 满足真实性测试
  • 位于特定的关键消费区(也在这些位置有观众)
  • Having audiences interested in beauty
  • 通常共享以美容风格和以化妆品为中心的内容
  • 通常会在Dior的频道上产生值得共享的内容

最终,他们选择了67个影响者并与67个竞选活动一起工作,每个人都与Dior 67个阴影中的一种相匹配。反过来,有影响力的人连续67天每天发表一个帖子。


3. Paddy Power #SaveOurShirt Campaign

Paddy Power signed a year-long sponsorship with English football club Huddersfield Town. They worked with Ball Street Network to create a Reveal campaign.

在2019-20赛季开始时,Huddersfield Town团队穿着一件新衬衫,拥有巨大的“ Paddy Power”腰带,占主导地位。他们后来向歌迷的解脱揭示这件衬衫是假的。帕迪·鲍尔(Paddy Power)随后通过给哈德斯菲尔德(Huddersfield)有机会在本赛季剩余时间里打空衬衫,“不受欢迎”这件衬衫。

The campaign aimed to get fans talking about this ugly shirt, using the #SaveOurShirt hashtag. Ball Street Network selected groups of creators and curators to represent the community voice. These influencers knew about the stunt and were happy to leverage their supporters to talk about the campaign. It didn't take long for the discussion to go viral, and before long, football fans across the world were talking about the hideous Huddersfield shirt. The team's wearing of the shirt during a friendly they played caused outrage online.


就有影响力的运动而言,这是一个巨大的成功。它成为了足球界的话题。帕迪·鲍尔(Paddy Power)随后宣布,他们将“寻求”其他一些下联盟球队。实际的Huddersfield衬衫的揭露获得了42k Twitter喜欢的,曼联的衬衫揭露是近四倍。

Unfortunately, there was one adverse effect, however. The Football Association wasn't impressed by the stunt and fined Huddersfield Town £50,000 for the fake shirt reveal. They believed that the kit broke the FA's kit and advertising regulations.


When The HISTORY Channel debuted its official TikTok account, it had a goal to quickly reach and connect with a new set of potential followers and position itself as a relevant and entertaining source of information for younger generations.


@cookingwithlynja #赞助Staying Curious with @HISTORY#todayilearned ♬原始声音-Lynja

的视频创作者进行抗辩nally well, even outperforming many of the creators’ non-sponsored posts. The campaign reached over 21 million accounts, was collectively viewed 12.2 million times, and grew the HISTORY Channel’s new TikTok account to 50,000 followers after its launch.

5. Sony PlayStation Virtual Reality Headset

索尼在加拿大开展了一项有影响力的营销金博宝188备用网址活动,用于PlayStation VR,即其虚拟现实耳机。该公司选择在Instagram和YouTube上与加拿大技术和游戏中层,微型和纳米影响者合作。有影响力的人是@karlconrad,@stalman, @justin.tse, @canoopsy和 @the.girly.geek。

View this post on Instagram


该活动的主题是展示游戏玩家对Sony产品的积极游戏体验。有影响力的人分享了自己使用Sony PlayStation VR耳机玩乐的帖子。

Most influencers uploaded two posts for the campaign, predominantly showing images, although one included a short looping video. There were nine posts in total. The influencers included the hashtags #PlayStationVR, #ITriedPSVR, and #PSVR, and tagged @PlayStationCA.

Overall, the Instagram posts by the relatively low-level influencers received 12,728 likes and 230 comments, with an overall 3.64% average engagement rate. YouTube engagement was 28,322 views, 2,324 likes, 368 comments, with an overall average engagement rate of 3.19%.

6. The Pepsi Emoji Product-line at Walgreens Stores

Pepsi aimed to increase its sales at Walgreens, so they created limited edition packaging and the #SayItWithPepsi hashtag. They chose to target millennials, so decided social media engagement be the best promotion - even for in-store purchases.


Pepsi used influential creators to develop original organic-style content about the 200 Pepsi emojis who then distributed the content to their Millennial-age followers. The shared content included original blog posts, photography, and branded video content. It drove the teenagers to Walgreens and Duane Reade stores to buy Pepsi Emoji bottles to help them have an exciting summer adventure.

Pepsi then analyzed the performance of all of the content that these primary influencers had created and shared. They selected the best performing content and arranged for 40 secondary influencers to share this high-performing content with their audiences - again they were targeted at Millennials. This second stage resulted in an additional 26,000 clicks on the shared content. The campaign was topped off with two Twitter parties celebrating #SayItWithPepsi and the Pepsi Emoji bottles.

# SayItWithPepsi竞选最终接收46 million impressions, and there were more than 50,000 engagements with campaign content.


Bedrock Real Estate想制作一部电影,显示底特律陈词滥调的景象是错误的。底特律不是过去的破碎城市。这是一个积极的城市。


Local celebrity, Big Sean, made an emotional endorsement, which lead to more media impressions, both traditional print and broadcast, as well as online. Other local influencers like Pure Michigan and Quicken Loans helped with the outreach.





然后,八个影响者在国家甜甜圈日“接管”了邓肯甜甜圈Snapchat频道。这覆盖了24小时以上,因为他们在美国的三个时区和三个城市进行了竞选活动。影响者利用他们的内容将支持者带到邓肯的甜甜圈商店,并接受特别优惠。此外,邓肯甜甜圈还为影响者提供了人们可以在店内使用的Snapchat GeoFilters。


9. Duane Reade和Walgreens商店的Häagen-Dazs Bogo促销活动

这项旨在提醒纽约人的运动是冰淇淋是夏季必不可少的一部分。它促进了Häagen-dazs Bogo(购买一个获得一个促销)促销活动,并在Duane Reade和Walgreens New York商店进行了抽样活动。

哈根·戴兹斯(Häagen-Dazs)与纽约市的当地影响者合作,他们针对千禧一代的生活方式。影响者创建了围绕主题“Häagen -Dazs Open Container”的内容 - #HDopencontainer - 这是当时与纽约时事相关的单词的戏剧。它将哈根达斯(Häagen-Dazs)定位为与朋友一起享受的放纵而成熟的享受。



然后他们扩大他们的影响浸的活动er Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. This ensured that an even wider audience shared the content.


10.放射线杆 - DesignSpark

DesignSpark is the engineering community of RS Components, one of the largest B2B distributors of electrical components globally. There had been plans for the 10ThDesignSpark工程社区的生日。然而,由于庆祝活动,庆祝活动被取消了。因此,在生日之前的四个星期内,RS组件聘请了创意技术专家(和微型影响者)裘德·普伦(Jude Pullen)使用很小的(不到1k£1k)的媒体预算来替换。

Pullen worked remotely from his 2x2m shed with members of the engineering community to create an open-source project called RadioGlobe. It is a physical globe that you can rotate to any city in the world, and you can play any of 2000+ web stations from that location. You can build RadioGlobe with around $150 of electronic components if you have access to a 3D printer.

RS组件决定为YouTube创建每日视频博客和一个Tiktok视频,以显示RadioGlobe的作用。Tiktok视频积累了超过40万次观看次数,并在Reddit上共享,而Radioglobe成为其主页上前5个趋势主题之一。通过Pullen的网络作为设计和技术社区的影响者,还产生了35个位置。结果,RadioGlobe在领先的技术社交渠道上获得了报道,包括Mag Pi,Hackaday,Electronics Weekly,Designboom和有趣的工程。

A goal of the campaign was for DesignSpark to reach 1 million members by 2021. They attained that milestone in early October 2020.

11. MTV Pants Off

MTV Pants Off是一场Snapchat性爱表演,由Laci Green主持,她在YouTube上以性爱频道而闻名,该频道拥有超过200万用户。Snapchat节目的目的是向年轻人提供性信息信息,提供真实的信息和建议。

MTV的目的是使用已经被称为性爱影响者的LACI为MTV -Snapchat的另一种媒介提供了困惑的青少年的帮助。每个星期六在Snapchat上“玩”的裤子八个星期 - 就像常规表演一样。




12. The Rare Country Awards

Cox Media Group希望将注意力集中在其国家 /地区 - 稀有国家。他们决定创建粉丝投票的“稀有国家奖”,以将其覆盖范围扩大到更多的国家粉丝。

Rare Country already had a strong Facebook presence but was in its early stages of running a Twitter account. They asked Insightpool, an influencer marketing platform, to set up an influencer campaign for the awards on Twitter.


General Country Fans
Press- Media/Bloggers/Radio Stations


Insightpool invited 20 top influencers to participate in a Twitter takeover - changing their accounts to match the Rare Country Awards branding.




13. “Sickhouse” SnapChat Film

Indigenous Media focuses on producing video for a variety of platforms, from traditional television to new-style social media. One of their filmmaking teams created a project they called “Sickhouse.”

“Sickhouse” is a film in the same vein as “The Blair Witch Project,” in the sense that it is not clear to viewers, as to whether it is scripted or real-life (in reality, it is scripted). The whole film was shot in real time, in chronological order, on iPhones. Indeed it was the first scripted SnapChat film. Influencer, Andrea Russett, posted 10-seconds Snaps over a five day period, questioning how real this film was, and opening up discussion with her audience. Although Andrea Russett was chosen to a large extent because of her 2.5 million YouTube following, she was also asked to participate because of her strong acting skills. “Sickhouse” had to look as if it could be real, with Andrea sharing her “home video.”

为了使幻觉更重要的是,所有其他演员在电影制作过程中都避免了社交媒体 - 其下落的唯一更新是在安德里亚(Andrea)的Snapchat帐户上发布的。

Eventually, Andrea was able to share with her fans that she had survived “Sickhouse, ” and there was a 70 minute extended version on Vimeo.



在2018 - 2019年,汽车制造商标致的总体营销主题是“剥夺未来”。为此,他们使用了影响者和影响者营销。金博宝188备用网址


They were presenting the new e-Legend concept car at the Brussels Motor Show. It is a fully autonomous and electric coupé, innovative and never boring.

Peugeot chose to work with a mix of micro-influencers and macro-influencers, with different types of audiences. To find these influencers, they used the Influo Platform.



15.军团冲突 - 原始的保险丝纪录片系列

Dwayne Johnson,又名The Rock,肯定有很多追随者。他的Facebook页面上只有5700万关注者。

When Fuse created their Clash of Corp docu-series, which documents the lives of drum corps members on the road to the Drum Corps International Championship, they wanted to expose their series to as many people as possible.

Brand New Episode of Clash Of The Corps TONIGHT



They decided the best way was to work with Dwayne Johnson and encouraged him to broadcast the first episode of their series via his Facebook page. Dwayne also recorded an exclusive video introduction to the series which fans also watched on his Facebook page.

这是第一次在Facebook Live上首演的系列,超过700万人观看了它-835,000在第一次演出中。它产生了超过55,000个Facebook喜欢和7,000条评论。

Frequently Asked Questions

What brands use influencer marketing?

Many brands use influencer marketing to reach their target audience. Big brands like Motorola, Adidas, Pepsi, and Dunkin’ Donuts all use influencer marketing. Adidas has been using influencer marketing to promote their products for years now. They use influencer marketing to target a younger audience through Instagram.

Who are the Top 10 influencers?

These are the top 10 influencers in social media:
Cristiano Ronaldo
Selena Gomez
凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)
Kim Kardashian West
Felix Kjellberg (PewdiePie)
Kylie Jenner


Cristiano Ronaldo
Selena Gomez
凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)
Kim Kardashian West
Felix Kjellberg (PewdiePie)
Kylie Jenner


Brands use influencers to reach their target audience. Of the 81% of marketers who use influencers and influencer content, 51% of those said their influencers content outperformed brand-created content. Influencer marketing can be a cost-effective way to reach a new, different audience - and big and small businesses can use this method.


Starting to use an influencer in marketing can be tricky. To start, set out clear expectations when it comes to the influencer and the marketing. For example, increasing brand awareness or converting leads into paid customers. Remember that you may need to repeat the campaign to achieve high impact, like any other marketing tactic.
