How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Changing Influencer Marketing


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金博宝188备用网址影响者营销一直在稳步上升,市场规模达到$16.4 billionin 2022 alone. With almost every marketer running some form of influencer marketing campaign strategy, it's no surprise that there's a surge in the number of influencers year after year. And why not? Influencer marketing has proven to be effective at generating conversions and sales.

But there's a catch. Although the industry is growing, it isn't without challenges. Around67% of brandsare concerned with influencer fraud, and almost 30% of marketers have difficulties measuring the ROI of their campaigns. Other common issues include finding the right influencers and knowing the appropriate compensation.

But with the advances in AI technology and machine learning, marketers can say goodbye to these challenges for good. Here's a rundown of how AI is changing influencer marketing by solving these inherent problems and providing new and exciting avenues.

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Changing Influencer Marketing:




But it's not all rainbows and sunshine for influencer marketers. Fraud, accurate audience insights, content selection, and campaign analysis are common challenges every marketer has to grapple with. Fortunately, AI in influencer marketing is promising, and as the industry evolves, there is hope.

Preventing Influencer Fraud

有影响力的欺诈是一个苛刻的现实,使品牌成本很高billions of dollars在浪费的营销预算中。金博宝188备用网址有影响力的营销是一个竞争激烈的利基市场,谨慎的影响者购买了假的追随者并伪造了参与率。当品牌与此类人合作时,他们的投资回报率期望就会偏斜。您的影响者金博宝188备用网址营销指标表明有兴趣和参与度。但是,没有实际转换为销售。

AI智能工具帮助你避免影响fraud by deep diving into an influencer's profile and noticing any signs of fraud. They go beyond the superficial stats of followers and recent content and can detect sudden massive spikes in followers, indicating that those could be purchased. They can also uncover potential problems like old content that doesn't align with yourbrand positioning

AI helps prevent fraud by identifying fake accounts and bots, ensuring that only real people are reached with the content.

Deep Analysis of Influencer Audiences

In the past, influencer marketing agencies relied on Facebook's Open Graph to scout target audiences and find the perfect influencers instantly. But since Facebook closed off this functionality due to a scandal, marketers are left to deal with muddy data producing inconsistent results.

人工智能在影金博宝188备用网址响力营销沉淀泥处理这个问题ing challenge. Using AI and machine learning, marketers can gauge whether an influencer's followers match their target demographics. Influencer marketing platforms commonly have audience analysis which scans an influencer's followers and churns out impressive demographic data. AI tools also help you gauge the level of engagement of an influencer's followers. A huge follower count doesn't always translate to大规模参与, and AI tools reveal that.


Matching the right content for the right influencer

Influencer marketing involves giving influencers control over how they depict your brand. You trust them to present your brand in the best possible way but sometimes, working with the wrong influencers achieves the opposite.


AI also helps you find the best type of content that works well with every influencer. Say goodbye to A/B testing and rely on data to tell you the winning content for every influencer. With AI tools, you can monitor millions of topics daily to find the ones that real people interact with. Using this information, you can与影响者合作创建保证可以产生最高参与度的内容。

AI can help to create personalized content for each influencer based on their followers, interests, and history with the brand. This ensures that the content is relevant and engaging for each influencer, resulting in higher engagement rates.


When working with dozens of influencers, it can be challenging to know which campaigns are performing and which aren't. AI in influencer marketing helps you connect important metrics likebrand mentions, traffic, and conversions directly to an influencer's specific initiatives. You can do this in real-time and monitor if influencers are achieving the agreed goals with their followers.

AI helps measure an influencer campaign's performance and provides insights into what works well and what could be improved. This helps to optimize future campaigns for better results. AI also offers real-time insights into the performance of an influencer campaign, allowing businesses to make changes on the fly to improve outcomes.

AI also monitors competitors' initiatives by setting competitive benchmarks to measure audience sentiments in real time. With 9 out of 10 marketers using influencer marketing, there's a huge chance your competitors are doing the same. If you know how your campaigns stack up against the competition, you can quickly launch new campaigns when you notice that they're eating up your share of voice. You can also quickly see what's working well and increase spending for these campaigns.


One of the biggest challenges for marketers is knowinghow much to spendfor each influencer marketing campaign. AI tools for influencer marketing can look at tons of influencers' historical data and compare their content and performance with each other. Then the AI algorithm can decide on the most effective incentives.

Knowing this information helps marketers have the upper hand during negotiations, so they know how much to pay for the right influencers.

How AI Is Transforming the Influencer Marketing Industry



  • 执行合同条款和NDA

埃森侵犯版权自动通知tial in ensuring that every influencer abides by the contract. Artificial intelligence tools can automate the entire contract process and detect if an influencer is likely to break it. This information will help marketers mitigate any risks before closing a deal and prevent any infringements from happening.

AI can also help monitor influencers if they comply with FTC regulations and other government regulations. This will help brands avoid penalties and mitigate potential damage from non-compliance.

  • Predicting an influencer's future performance

No one can predict the future, but with AI tools, you can get a pretty accurate depiction. With the help of natural language processing (NLP), AI can predict if an influencer can meet a brand's objectives. This prediction is a powerful tool that accurately gauges the success of a campaign.

By predicting in advance the likelihood of an influencer campaign's success, marketers can avoid working with those who won't be able to deliver results. AI reduces trial and error in looking for andworking with the right influencers。AI can even predict if an influencer's "influence" will improve or decline over time.

AI还可以帮助企业确定与micro-influencers, who often have more engaged audiences than more prominent influencers. This helps to reach a wider audience with more relevant content, resulting in increased brand awareness and higher sales conversions.

  • 同时进行有影响力的运动无缝

开展有影响力的营销活动金博宝188备用网址involves a lot of moving parts. You determine the start and end dates of the campaign, review the metrics and engagement rates, track the content each influencer produces, and compare the actual results with the initial goals.

Using AI, you can keep all these data points in a central location and extract powerful insights. The more data points are fed to an AI solution, the more dots it can connect. Plus, scalability doesn't become an issue since AI solutions help run campaigns seamlessly for influencers with various follower sizes.

  • 与虚拟影响者合作

Perhaps the most visible contribution of AI to influencer marketing is the presence ofvirtual influencers。近年来,使用虚拟影响者推广其产品或服务的企业趋势越来越大。虚拟影响者是由真实人控制的数字化身,并用于创建真正的社交媒体内容。

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A post shared by Miquela (@lilmiquela)

There are several advantages to using virtual influencers.

  • More cost-effective than traditional celebrity endorsements
  • Greater control over the messaging and image of virtual influencers
  • Ability to provide a consistent brand message
  • Reach a wider audience than celebrities who are limited by their follower count
  • A unique way to create an emotional bond with target audiences
  • 为每个目标细分市场策划的影响​​者人物
  • Provides integrated analytics that results in more accurate metrics

However, there are also some disadvantages.

  • 企业对虚拟影响者的控制可能比他们想象的要少
  • Virtual influencers can be perceived as inauthentic or even creepy
  • Human narrative can be lacking, resulting in less deep engagement

Using virtual influencers offer high engagement for now because of the novelty, but it remains to be seen whether they will be a mainstay in the future.


Here are some of the leading influencer marketing platforms with integrated AI tools to help you achieve the above advantages.



Creatoriq’s AI tools help you dive deep into an influencer’s engagement history by taking a “content first” approach to discovery. Their AI powered analytics tool considers even the discrete parts of an influencer’s content, such as location, emojis used, mentions, and others, to make logical inferences about the influencer’s audience. This allows you to find the perfect influencer for your campaign and weed out any fake profiles.

Key Features:Search/Discovery, Automated Recruiting, Influencer Relationship Management, Content Review, Campaign Management, Campaign Reporting, Influencer Analysis, Audience Analysis, E-commerce Tools, Product/Gifting Tools, Forms and Compliance, Fake Follower/Fraud Detection, Payment Processing,

频道:Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitch, Blogs



Influencity is one of the oldest and most established influencer marketing platforms out there. It got this far because it kept innovating to address the needs of the industry. One way it does that is by providing precision discovery and look-alike tools that help marketers create highly relevant influencer lists. Their AI platform predicts how the influencer group will perform as a whole, helping you understand the success or failure of your campaign.

Key Features:Search/Discovery, Influencer Lifecycle Management, Influencer Relationship Management, Campaign Management, Campaign Reporting, Influencer Analysis, Audience Analysis, Fake Follower/Fraud Detection, Exportable reports, Team/Collaboration Tools,

频道:Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok





Key Features:Campaign Management, Influencer Marketplace, Search/Discovery, Automated Recruiting, Content Review, Content Library, Campaign Reporting, Influencer Analysis, Audience Analysis, Product/Gifting Tools, Fake Follower/Fraud Detection, Payment Processing,

频道:Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube



苦味is a top influencer marketing tool made by a leading digital marketing agency,Viral Nation。Aside from the cutting-edge features you’d expect from a tool created by marketers with deep experience in influencer marketing, Influsoft also offers AI that reveals deep content engagement insights like sentiment analysis involving emotions. This deep audience analysis helps predict the future performance of campaigns helping you make the most out of your influencer marketing strategies.

Key Features:Search/Discovery, Influencer Relationship Management, Campaign Management, Campaign Reporting, Influencer Analysis, Audience Analysis, Fake Follower/Fraud Detection, Social Listening, Competitor Research, Team/Collaboration Tools,

频道:Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, TikTok

            Wrapping Up

            As you can see, AI is changing the landscape of influencer marketing, making it more efficient and effective than ever before. With AI influencer marketing tools, you can address the challenges plaguing marketers, like influencer fraud, non-performing influencers, misfit content, and others.

            The deep discovery AI tools included in most leading influencer marketing platforms help uncover the right audiences and match you with the most effective influencers – regardless of the size of their followers. This increases the chance of your campaign performing well and ensures positive ROI every time.

            If you're not already using AI tools in your influencer marketing campaigns, now is the time to start. Get the most out of your influencer campaigns by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence.

            Frequently Asked Questions



            AI also helps deliver robust campaign metrics to help improve future campaigns and develop a deeper understanding of targeted audiences.



            As a novel concept, they've faced a surge in popularity in recent years, but some perceive them as being inauthentic and, in some cases, creepy. Still, digital marketers can benefit from using AI influencers because of the enormous engagement they create and the narrative freedom that they represent.

            How many virtual influencers are there, and who are the most famous?

            To date, there are over 200 virtual influencers in existence. In 2015, only nine virtual influencers were recognized. But as the new decade rolled in, there was a massive explosion of virtual influencers. Today's top virtual influencer isMiquela, a 19-year-old robot created in 2016. Other famous virtual influencers include:

            • Noonoori,看起来像图形字符的纯素食主义者
            • Barbie, the global icon toy that has inspired girls since 1959
            • Nobody Sausage, a 3D animated sausage with groovy dance videos on TikTok
            • Any Malu, a 2D cartoon character with more than 3 million fans on YouTube