什么是YouTube短裤?– The 101 Guide




YouTube短裤是YouTube在2020年推出的一项简短的视频功能,与竞争对手竞争Instagram卷轴tiktok. Using this feature, content creators can record short videos of up to 60 seconds and add music/sound overlays in the YouTube app.


Where Do YouTube Shorts Appear?




Being highly discoverable on the YouTube homepage, Shorts are an excellent way for content creators to expand their reach and增加听众群. Think of Shorts as free samples to attract foot traffic to a store. They can give people a glimpse into your content quality and potentially get them to visit your channel and watch more of your content.


Now if you’re already创建YouTube视频通常,您可能想知道为什么还需要创造短裤。无论您是内容创建者,品牌还是营销人员,YouTube短裤都可能是视频内容策略中的重要因素提高参与度和可见度在平台上。


First of all, YouTube Shorts show up in a couple of places on YouTube. Viewers can easily come across your Shorts as they scroll through the Shorts page on the website or click on the Shorts tab on the mobile app.

Plus, Shorts also show up on the homepage of the YouTube app. So there are plenty of opportunities for people to notice your Shorts–whether on the homepage or actively looking for Shorts to watch. This allows you to get your content in front of potential viewers who aren’t already subscribed to your channel but have shown an interest in content similar to yours.


Appealing to Changing Audience Demand


在大流行期间,84% of audiencesin a survey by TheSoul Publishing were spending more or the same amount of time watching short videos compared to before. These short videos served as a welcome distraction from the challenges of pandemic life. Moreover, 69% of consumers were spending anywhere between 30 minutes and three hours every day watching these short-form videos.


Maintaining Publishing Frequency

Since they’re short and easy to create, YouTube Shorts give you the freedom to quickly put together content without spending hours on ideating and developing new videos. You can record short video clips, combine them into a longer video, and edit them right there on the app by adding music or adjusting the playback speed.

This means you get to maintain a regular publishing frequency and keep your audience engaged while you’re working on longer, more detailed videos. As a result of all this, you can gain the favor of theYouTube算法,这可能使您能够排名更为突出对于您的更长的视频。这意味着更好的覆盖范围,提高收视率并增加了订阅。

Some channels, such asPeachybbies,销售手工史莱姆,专门制作短裤。该频道没有长期的视频,但几乎每天都会上传短裤。作为短裤可见性的证词,其中许多视频获得了超过800,000次观看次数 - 与频道订户数量相同(目前为922,000个)。



YouTube has a massive audience made up of people with varying interests, backgrounds, preferences, and age groups. That means the platform very likely has users who fit the description of your ideal target audience. In other words, YouTube Shorts can be leveraged by brands and content creators in different niches and industries.




Can YouTube Shorts Be Monetized?

对于想要的内容创建者以开发YouTube内容为生, there’s one pressing question about YouTube Shorts–can you monetize Shorts? At the time of writing this post, YouTube Shorts are not monetizable in the traditional sense. That means content creators are not yet able to earn revenue from the ads that appear in the Shorts player.






Do You Qualify for the YouTube Shorts Fund?

This brings us to the next question–are you qualified to be rewarded under the YouTube Shorts Fund? While you don’t necessarily have to be currently monetizing your YouTube to be eligible for the Fund, there are a few criteria that must be met in order to qualify for the bonus:

  • Like every other content creator, you need to abide by the platform’s Community Guidelines and copyright rules as well as its monetization policy.
  • You have to have created at least one eligible video within the past 180 days.
  • Your videos must be original to your channel. That means videos are automatically deemed ineligible for the bonus if they’re reuploaded from channels owned by other content creators or contain watermarks/logos from other social media platforms. Non-original videos such as unedited clips from TV shows and movies are also ineligible.
  • 如果您在美国,您应该年满13岁。在其他国家/地区,创作者必须是多数年龄。
  • 对于13至18岁之间的创建者,建立AdSense帐户需要父母或监护人的同意,以防其渠道尚未与一个渠道链接。此帐户将用于付款。
  • 您必须位于YouTube Shorts Fundpage.


现在,您已经知道了为什么要创建YouTube短裤以及如何从它们中赚钱的一切,让我们进入有趣的部分。如果您仍然不确定短裤如何适合您的整体YouTube内容策略, here are a few creative examples to inspire you:


The Peachybbies channel mentioned earlier uses YouTube Shorts as a way to provide behind-the-scenes looks at how their slimes are made and, in the process, answer frequently asked questions from their fans.



YouTuber的食品Lisa Nguyen以其有趣而有趣的短裤而闻名。她使用YouTube短裤的一种创造性方式是让她的粉丝们拿起饭菜,并通过短裤尝试这些饭菜。



YouTube短裤是将观众带到商店,仓库或办公室周围的迷你旅行中的理想方式。瑞安·塞尔汉特(Ryan Serhant)以类似的方式,有影响力的房地产经纪人,使用YouTube短裤提供他正在销售的小型房屋。


Giving Teasers

Due to their short-form nature, YouTube Shorts are ideal for teasing your viewers and giving them glimpses into upcoming product launches, works in progress, etc. Since you’re limited to just 60 seconds in total, you have to keep the videos as enticing as possible without giving away too much. Netflix, for example, created a YouTube Shorts video to announce when the new season of “The Umbrella Academy” will be available.







For example, the Dental Digest channel regularly tests popular toothbrushes and dental care products such as the Batman Toothbrush. The creator behind the channel finds a fun and entertaining way to keep his audience engaged while helping them make good dental care decisions.







How do Shorts work on YouTube?

Shorts on YouTube are short-form videos that are no longer than 60 seconds. They show up in the dedicated Shorts tab on both the YouTube app and website. App users can also find recommended Shorts on the YouTube homepage.

Do YouTube Shorts get money?

虽然YouTube短裤不能像常规视频那样获得货币化,但合格的短裤创作者仍然可以从YouTube Shorts Fund中声称奖金。

Are YouTube Shorts worth it?

If you’re looking for a quick way to drive up engagement and visibility on YouTube, then Shorts are definitely worth it.


While you may see a lower average view duration if you’re creating a lot of YouTube Shorts, this doesn’t actually hurt your channel since it’s one of the attributes of Shorts. In fact, YouTube Shorts can help you attract and engage viewers who could potentially become subscribers to your channel.
