
Their goal was simple. Increase online lead generation for their insurance business, and acquire more paying customers. They wanted to reach more people within their target market to sell more of their products.

Our first thought to help them achieve this goal? YouTube advertising of course! We knew that setting up a YouTube ad campaign using some good quality videos they made in the past, could work.

So we did exactly that. The result was a 20x increase in conversions, and an 86% lower cost per acquisition than they were achieving before. Success and a happy client, nice!

Now this is just one example of many where we’ve helped a business leverage the power of YouTube advertising by following the same process that we share in this article.

Viewers these days not only tune into YouTube for entertainment content but also to educate themselves, and find answers and products to their everyday problems.

This has turned YouTube into a powerful platform with a high search intent. Businesses need to be showing up here when customers are looking for what it is that they offer, or risk losing out to competitors.




  • 成本效益- you can start with any budget, big or small, to begin seeing a ROI.
  • 高度目标- YouTube和家长Google是世界上最常用的两个搜索引擎,这意味着它们具有大量数据。因此,无论您想以人口统计,兴趣,客户匹配,竞争对手的观众,搜索历史记录或其他方式定位目标,您都可以在YouTube上尽可能多地降低利基市场。
  • 易于衡量成功- Google的强大广告管理器平台使您很容易看到什么有效,什么无效。因此,一旦您的广告系列滚动,您就会开始看到结果,并知道是继续支出还是进行调整。
  • Focus on video- with YouTube advertising you’re primarily leveraging the power of video. Videos do a better job of showing off you and your business, and connecting with your audience and grabbing attention. This is partly why video advertising in general tends to have a higher potential of performing. So naturally YouTube lends itself well to this approach.


This really goes to show how important video can be for your business. So in this article we’ll equip you with everything you need to know for creating and optimizing a profitable direct response YouTube Advertising campaign. Let’s get started.


这是一个关键的一步,你需要花时间on and get right. The research serves as your base and determines how you will set up and target your campaign.

Here you are identifying important metrics and information to help build out your YouTube Ad Campaign in a way that will work for your business or product. Consider the following:

  • Pain points- Identify real-world pain points that your customers have and which you will need to address.
  • 人口统计- 您知道您的目标受众中是否有任何特定年龄,性别,收入群体等等?
  • Interests- 考虑一下目标客户感兴趣并已经在寻找哪些相关主题和类别。
  • Competitors- note who your main competitors are because you’ll be able to directly target their audience.
  • 人生大事- 确定任何重要的生活里程碑,例如从大学毕业,搬家,创业或结婚。这些都可以帮助您在针对利基观众时缩小范围。
  • Keywords- 创建您理想受众正在在线搜索的50多个关键字和5-10个网站的列表。

And lastly...

  • 目标设定 -Make sure your end goal for the campaign is clear and written down before you start your campaign. This could be either increasing awareness, website traffic, email subscribers, driving sales conversions… etc, or a combination of any of these. You’ve got to know what you’re trying to achieve in order to know how to get there.

2) Pre-Campaign Setup Checklist


  • 预算:Now that you’ve identified your target audience and campaign goal, you need to finalize your campaign budget. Depending on how broad or narrow your targeting is, you will arrive at a daily and total budget for your campaign. The more broad your target, typically the less expensive it’ll be because Google has some wiggle room to test different types of audiences within your target and find the ones that are delivering the best CPV or CPM. It can also limit other audiences that are getting too expensive to reach. On the other hand with a more narrow target, you can expect to pay more. This is because Google has less flexibility to try other audiences within your target because you’re trying to reach a specific group. A narrow target means Google has to stay bidding on that audience no matter what the price becomes.

    为了帮助定义您的预算和目标,我们建议利用Google的Reach Planner工具,或类似于更好地衡量预算可以在某个利基内购买的交通或领导多少。

  • Media Plan:Your audience research and budget will now give you the sufficient insights to create a targeted media plan. You can think of this as your clear plan of attack. A good media plan consists of a list of what audience(s) you’re targeting, your campaign structure, daily/monthly budget allocation for various campaigns, dates for the campaign, video concepts and production plans, as well as the estimated results you’re anticipating such as the number of impressions, views, or conversions. This media plan will help you keep your ad campaigns on the right track.
  • Retargeting Audiences:这种技术使您可以将广告提供给由已经访问您的网站和 /或YouTube频道的人组成的观众。因此,您将拥有从头开始创建的观众,但是您也想吸引这些再营销观众,因为它们有可能成为您表现最好的广告系列。这种受众是“温暖的”,因为它到处都是已经以某种方式与您的业务互动或表现出兴趣的人。这使观众更有可能成为领导者或客户。

    If you already have remarketing setup on your website, you’ll be able to create an audience for your campaign that is built around your website traffic or email list for example. Or if you haven’t setup remarketing yet, be sure to do this before running your campaign. This way you can capture the initial results of who’s visiting your website or interacting with your content, and then retargeting those same people later on in your campaign.
  • 转换跟踪:John Wanamaker, once quoted “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”. Back in the day, offline marketing efforts were near impossible to quantify in actionable metrics. Fortunately, things have come a long way and it’s now the opposite in today’s digital advertising era. Now every ad dollar spent can be tied back to the results/metrics such as clicks, cost per conversion, and ROAS (return on ad spend).

    And for this very reason, it is extremely important to make sure conversion tracking is set up properly on your Google Ads platform, website, and landing pages before you start running your campaign to effectively capture the results. Google Ads conversion tags help you build reports that show you what happens after a customer clicks on your ads – whether they purchased a product, signed up for your newsletter, or contacted your business for example. Spend some time to make sure this part is done correctly.





  • Hook- 您需要考虑如何在开始的5秒内吸引目标受众的注意力。踏入他们的鞋子,思考什么可以使他们停下来,并观看您的广告。
  • Problem- 解决您知道目标受众正在经历的问题。为此,您需要很好地进行听众的研究,了解生活方式的选择,习惯,里程碑,痛点……等等。做到这一点将帮助您与听众建立融洽的关系。
  • Solution- 您描述了问题,因此现在将自己定位为解决方案。关键是要与他人区分开。谈论大多数其他竞争对手会出错的错误以及您正在做的解决问题。
  • 社会证明- Establishing your brand's credibility is a great way of gaining your audience’s trust. You can do this by speaking on results that you’ve achieved (kind of like we did at the beginning of this article), brands you have worked with, or speaking about your awards and achievements. Social proof is a great way to build trust.
  • CTA- be very clear with your call-to-action. Tell your audience what they need to do, where and how to get this solution that you have to their problem. This may be asking the viewer to click the link below which will take them to a sign up page for example. Just make sure you’re verbally saying this in your ad, as well as using graphics or writing in the video to point toward whatever that next step is.

There’s a lot that goes into creating a high quality, effective video ad as you can see. So spend some time on this area, and even enlist the help of your colleagues or friends for ideas and feedback.


Also, you should ideally aim to create a few different versions of your video ad so that you can split test different lengths, styles, call to actions’... etc, to see what ends up performing best.

4) Use Advanced Targeting to Increase Conversions




Cold Audience Targeting:

  • Topics- subjects and categories of interest that your audience is interested in.
  • Keywords- 您的目标客户倾向于使用和搜索的单词,短语和术语。
  • 安置- 在YouTube上选择特定的视频或频道,您希望广告出现。例如竞争对手


    • Affinity Audiences- interests and habits of your target customer.
    • 类似的受众- created from lists that you provide to Google, such as an email list or website conversion list.
    • 自定义受众——关键字和短语,你怀疑你的奥迪nce uses.
  • 市场内- 积极研究类似产品和服务的目标受众。


  • Video Remarketing- 向观众展示与视频或YouTube频道相互作用的观众。
  • Website Remarketing- 向访问您网站的人的观众展示您的视频
  • 客户列表- 向未完成销售渠道的客户列表显示您的广告

5) Optimize, Optimize, Optimize

So you’ve made it to launch and your ads are running. Nice work! Even though you’ve got your campaign running successfully, now is not the time to rest. Optimization is what will help you dot your I's and cross your T's to ensure great results.

Now that you have the data flowing in from your campaigns, leverage it to make informed optimizations to improve the performance of your campaign. Some of the key indications to look out for include:

  • 每个视图成本- 上升的CPV可能表明创造性的疲劳,这意味着人们正在观看您的视频“完成”。这是一个很好的跟踪,目的是否是在目标是品牌考虑的情况下获得尽可能多的观点。
  • Cost Per Conversion- 良好的定位通常会导致每次转换成本较低,因为大多数看到广告的人都发现它相关。
  • View Rate- High view rate means the ratio between views and impressions is low, which can help you win more auctions at a lower cost. This can speak to how enticing your video is to watch, or how good your targeting is working.
  • 点击率- 较低的CTR表示需要更强大的呼吁行动,或者可能是不同的广告位置。
  • Conversion Value / Cost- this looks at how much you’re spending to acquire a conversion, and what that conversion is worth to your business. This is an important metric to track for campaigns that are optimizing for conversions.

Also, remember that the most important cost per metric to monitor depends on the campaign type and goal. So these examples above are a good place to start and consider, but you may choose to track and prioritize other metrics based on your unique campaign.




If you enjoyed learning about YouTube advertising in this article, and want to learn more about the YouTube platform in general, then check out our blog where you’ll find other helpful articles like “为您的业务提出视频创意的7种方法”。




Marlon是Vireo Video的创始人,Vireo Video是一家YouTube营销和广告代理商,帮助企业将观众转换为客户。他在视频营销和策略方面拥有十多年的经验,并且获得了受众增长和数字权利的YouTube认证,使他成为在线视频领域的领先专家。


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