What Is Digital Marketing?

在过去20年中,关于品牌如何与消费者互动的很多事情发生了变化。哪个问题“什么是数字营销?”今天一如既往的重要。借助社交媒体,网站,着陆页和白皮书,很容易想到数字营销结束。但是,付费广告和网络研讨会呢?有影响力的营销呢金博宝188备用网址affiliate marketing和赞助内容?

In this blog post, we’ll cover it all. I’ll dig into why数字营销至关重要的是,数字营销策略是什么,数字营销的基础知识是什么,还有很多。但是首先,让我们定义数字营销。

What Is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the use of strategy, planning, and a keen understanding of your market to create targeted digital media that drive awareness and education for your brand and product/services, and ultimately sales. Digital marketing is used by B2B businesses and B2C companies. Through websites, landing pages, social media, paid advertisements, downloadable content, and other digital tools, brands are able to engage target markets and realize digital marketing goals.


如今,比以往任何时候都更多的人在线,而且这个数字正在增长。统计数据显示4.66 billion人们现在在网上冲浪。这意味着世界上只有一半以上的人口在线并积极使用网络。


What do people turn to the web for? Anything and everything. When the coronavirus pandemic made it hard for people to go out, they turned to the web. They used it for entertainment through streaming websites, social media, gaming, shopping, news, fitness, and more work conference calls than ever before.






What do you stand to gain from committing to digital marketing? Plenty! Digital marketing can help position your product or service head and shoulders above the competition. More specifically, digital marketing benefits include:



More Sales Faster

Digital marketing can be used to engage ready-to-buy people. Through tactics like social media retargeting, campaigns, and more, brands can create targeted ads with attractive offers that result in immediate sales.


通过教育内容与人建立关系。尽可能90% of your market isn’t ready to buy just yet, and digital marketing can help your brand become a trusted source of information, keeping it top-of-mind for a day when people are ready to buy.


It’s cheaper and easier to track. Sure, billboards get eyeballs, but it can be much harder to tie ROI to a billboard that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to run for months. Online, you’re able to get granular. Through smart campaigns, you can track who’s reading your content, how long they spend on it, offer them something on the spot, or make a sale immediately. And you can attribute every dollar made to every dollar spent where that is much harder using traditional marketing channels.


Paid advertising makes it hard to beat brands with deeper pockets. But not all is lost. Through smart content and campaigns using SEO and social media, it is possible to reach the same audiences, and larger audiences than larger competitors can, without breaking the bank.


Digital marketing strategy and planning is the use of research, identification of metrics, and the application of tactics to deliver digital marketing results. Digital marketing strategies can be broad or narrow but must be designed to deliver results improvement.








Is John’s goal achievable? John spends time doing research. He looks at who buys sports apparel. He looks at the purchase histories of customers, what the average sales value per customer is, and how large his target market is. John also looks at how the brand has marketed its products online in the past and spots a few opportunities to reach a larger audience who use other social media channels.

他知道influencers can benefit the brand. Through creative campaigns, influencers can help John get more product into the hands of many more people. John’s also found that there’s a large market of sport apparel customers on YouTube, and the brand has never marketed there. Based on his research and some number-crunching, John realizes that he could reach and exceed his 15% growth goal. His goal is achievable and realistic.


Develop Your Strategy

John’s done a great job by learning about how his company’s grown thus far. It’s time to develop a strategy to help reach his goal. During his research, John learned about the opportunity to target a larger audience on social media, YouTube, and to leverage influencer marketing.

But that’s not enough. To be successful, you’ll need more than one channel to grow your brand. What should a digital marketing strategy include? We’ve covered the importance of having S.M.A.R.T goals. To reach your goal, you’ll need to:

Understand Who Your Ideal Customer Is

Like traditional marketing, you must know who your ideal customer or group of customers are. You need to develop an intimate understanding of what drives them to make a purchase for a product or service like yours. This level of insight will help you create content that speaks to them as they become aware of your brand and products, and on their path to becoming customers.

When these insights are collected, they are compiled to create a document called a persona, customer profile, or a customer avatar. What do you need to know to create an effective persona? DigitalMarketer uses customer avatars. These are created by focusing on 5 areas of interest to develop a picture of an ideal customer. These areas are:



  • 名称
  • Age
  • 性别
  • Marital Status
  • Age of children
  • Location
  • 职业
  • Job title
  • 年收入
  • Level of education


Goal and Values

These are goals and values Eric aspires to achieve in his business.


Ideal customers subscribe to various sources of information. Your goal is to identify these sources to better understand what kinds of information they consume and what value it adds to their lives.


Your product or service will need to solve a very specific set of challenges and pain points, and do so well, to be considered by your customers. You must know what these are and why they matter to your ideal customer.


A fair amount of your target market may find your solution helpful and possibly invest in it, but many people may need more motivation to commit to what you have to offer. Knowing what objections they have to buying your product or service is essential. You also need to know what your ideal customer’s role in the purchase process is. Do they make the final decision and will they use the product or service, or will it be used by someone else?

Your Persona and The Buyer's Journey

确定您理想的客户以及目标市场的大小可能令人兴奋。它为您的营销努力成功带来了一些想法。但是,在制作内容时还有更多考虑。您会看到,并非市场上的每个人都准备立即购买您的产品或服务。实际上,在粘性品牌, author Jeremy Miller shares that your target market looks more like this:

  • 3%是活跃的买家;需要像您这样的解决方案的人和企业。他们正在积极购物,并将在接下来的30至90天内购买。
  • 7% intend to make a purchase but haven’t decided when. They’ve done research and understand the merits of a solution, and just need a good piece of sales or marketing content to get them over the line.
  • 30% have a need, but it’s not pressing enough. Customers at this stage look hungry and also like they want to buy, but won’t until their needs become serious enough.
  • 30% do not have a need and aren’t the right fitfor your brand and solution just yet. They may be dealing with other challenges that are more important or haven’t realized that they have a problem your solution solves.
  • 30%对您的公司不感兴趣because they don’t fit your ideal customer model. They may have come across your firm but didn’t like what they saw, are happier with the competition’s solutions, or have found another way to solve their problem. It happens and there’s little you can do about it.






Identify Digital Marketing Channels

Digital marketing channels are best thought of as ways to communicate with your target market. Here are 9 you can use and how they can be leveraged to grow a brand:

1. Content Marketing and SEO

Content marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand. Content marketing is strategic. It involves creating various pieces of marketing collateral and sharing it through owned online real estate like websites and landing pages, and “rented real estate” like social media. By sharing valuable and relevant content regularly, you are able to attract and engage a highly targeted audience, with the goal of later turning them into paying customers.

如果你发现数字marketi之间的联系ng and content marketing, kudos!Content marketing适合数字营销。SEO或搜索引擎优化是针对搜索引擎的基于Web的内容的优化,以获得有机内容的较高搜索结果排名。

Search Engine Optimzation is divided into three areas. These are:

  • 页面SEOis about optimizing content on a page and website. This includes titles and meta descriptions used, the number of times a target keyword or group of keywords is used, the length of content, how well it accounts for search intent (what people are looking for when your content is viewed by website visitors), and the user experience.
  • 页面SEO帐户从您网站上的元素说明有助于更高的搜索排名。这些涉及您的内容,社交信号,品牌搜索,在线声誉信号以及您的内容的值得信赖的数量和质量。
  • Technical SEOis concerned with the technical aspects of your website. These relate to site structure and how easy it is for search engines to crawl, see, and index your site. It also accounts for the quality of your content, and page load speed.

2. Social Media

Social media is an important part of digital marketing because it’s where a large number of target customers spend their time. Brands use social media to promote their products and services using organic and paid social content.


Email marketing是一种强大的媒介,每个品牌都必须用来参与目标市场。在您的数字营销旅程中,您很有可能会遇到必须构建电子邮件列表的想法。没错。电子邮件营销是与目标受众沟通的一种更具成本效益的方式。当您收集电子邮件地址时,您不再需要花钱来获取相同的客户。相反,您可以花钱随着时间的推移吸引更多的新客户。

4. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

点击付费广告是付费媒体的使用to promote content and/or products and services. Paid ads can be used on search engines, publication websites, social media, forums, and basically anywhere that an audience exists. Brands used paid ads to secure prime positions for customer engagement. This is why you’re likely to see an ad in the first position on Google or Bing for a product or service in your industry. Paid ads are a faster way to get in front of your target market.

5. Native Advertising


6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the use of 3rd-party marketing outlets to promote your products or services in return for a percentage of sales. Affiliate marketing is big business and can be highly effective if messaging about your brand and solutions is monitored. It opens your brand up to hundreds, if not thousands of marketers who are incentivized to promote your products. This helps maximize your reach as a brand and drive more sales faster.



8. Online PR

Online PR is similar to old-fashioned PR, it’s just done online. Here are the two types of PR coverage you can get:

  • Paid:您付费以使您的产品跨越媒体覆盖(考虑赞助内容
  • 赢得了:您的产品的成本为零。当有关您的产品的新闻流行并选择写作或掩盖它时,就会发生这种情况。

Create Engaging Content

Engaging content is anything that appeals to your target audience along their journey to becoming a customer. The big idea with content creations is to focus on solving problems. In any market at any given time, there’s a lot of information available about all sorts of products and services. For your content to stand out, it must be unique and deliver value, or as I like to say, leave your target audience feeling better for having spent time on your content.

There are different types of content, each used at different points in the buyer’s journey. Here’s a look at what they are:

Problem-unawarecontent helps buyers frame challenges and pain points. Content you can use includes:

  • 博客文章
  • 电子邮件新闻通讯
  • 白皮书
  • Checklists
  • Infographics
  • 社交媒体帖子
  • 专家内容
  • 教育内容


  • 报告
  • Ebooks
  • 专家内容
  • 视频
  • Product comparisons
  • Product fact sheets
  • Guides


  • Case studies
  • 推荐
  • Product demos
  • 免费产品试验
  • 促销优惠

Develop Online Real Estate

It’s an unwritten rule that all digital marketing must be linked back to owned online real estate. Owned online real estate is much like a building or property you’d invest in. You own it and can control what happens to it.

Owning online real estate is also a sage guard against changes that take place in the digital marketing world. For example, let’s say you choose to not launch a website and opted for a Facebook page instead. And somewhere along the line, Facebook changes its algorithm for page rankings (something that can happen overnight). That leaves your posts with less punch. It could also happen that your page is somehow flagged and suspended.


Other forms of online real estate you should invest in include landing pages. These are pages on your site dedicated to promoting specific content or products. They are highly targeted and when designed effectively can generate tons of leads and sales.


Track Your Output With Analytics

Analytics and reporting are crucial to growth. You cannot measure what you do not track. There are many ways to measure the results of your campaigns. From social media analytics to Google Analytics, whatever you choose, be sure that you have tracking on, and you know what metrics matter most to help grow your brand.

What does a digital marketer do?

Digital marketers are responsible for driving growth through digital marketing efforts. They are charged with researching target markets and developing and implementing strategies that increase brand awareness, leads, and ultimately sales. Digital marketers don’t have to be experts in all aspects of digital marketing but must understand how all elements work together.

They also need to have a keen eye for detail, know which metrics matter metrics, and be results-driven.



Elementor Facebook是一个d


西蒙·西内克(Simon Sinek)使用视频

Author Simon Sinek is known for his unshakable optimism, but also for his unique approach to life and how people can create environments in companies that allow for their best life experiences. In this Linkedin video, Sinek touches on how to stand out in any industry, a topic professionals are keen to explore to experience growth.


Plant-based diets are big and so are books on the topic. This is a banner from No Meat Athlete promoting a new book that’s available for pre-order. This banner is a smart way to spread the word and can be used on social media, in sponsored posts, and paid ads.

DigitalMarketer’s Newsletter

DigitalMarketer is an authority on digital marketing. They get that being online is about competition, and they’ve created a powerful offer to boot.


水壶和火出售骨汤。该品牌还了解,肠道健康以及从其产品中获得的所有好处不足以销售更多。通过其博客,Kettle&Fire分享了许多食谱,包括使用其产品 - 一种赋予客户能力并发展对品牌的较强亲和力的明智方法。

Uscreen’s Library of Educational Videos

USCREEN是一个多合一的视频货币化平台。这与包括YouTube在内的许多球员有关。为了分享其独特的价值主张 - 创作者可以通过订阅和其他货币化策略从视频中获得稳定而良好的收入 - USCREEN会产生各种视频。这些涵盖了经营在线视频业务的各个方面,使想要开始触发的人更容易。

What is digital marketing and its future in 2021


In 2021, focus on quality and optimization:

  • 创建深入的专家内容like this blog post, and help your audience learn something that will help solve a problem they face.
  • 注意技术方面营销您的品牌。知道并仔细考虑指标,以及您最能获得最多的参与度,以在此传达更多资源。188金宝慱网站
  • Experimentwith video, voice, new platforms, and ideas to get your brand in front of a larger target market.
  • 重新利用您的内容和想法。是的,每个人都知道如何,但是您的受众需要多次看到您的信息才能沉入其中。重新使用内容有助于重申您的信息。

Over to You

