
By now, you've probably heard of the new, audio-based, invite-only social platform but we're pretty sure you haven't joined it yet. What is Clubhouse? Who created it? Who uses it? Why? In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about Clubhouse... But we can't give you an invite.

What Is Clubhouse (And How to Get Started on the Invite-Only App):


Clubhouse是基于音频的social media platform. Its creators describe the platform as "a new type of social product based on voice." All this means is that you can join in on different conversations on different topics. Kind of like wandering around a house party and listening in on everyone's conversations, occasionally throwing in your own comments. Some users described the experience as a mix of panel discussions, networking opportunities, or like a podcast but live. The audio stays in the app—you're either there to listen or you miss out. Conversations aren't saved and if you try to record them to share them, you'll find yourself kicked out of the party.

Who Created Clubhouse?

俱乐部会所由硅谷的保罗·戴维森(Paul Davison)和前Google雇员罗汉·塞斯(Rohan Seth)创建。美国资本公司安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)于2020年5月为该项目提供了资金,达到了1200万美元。Clubhouse应用程序目前仅适用于iPhone用户,但他们计划扩展。

Who Uses Clubhouse?

Most of the people you find on Clubhouse are going to be celebrities like Ashton Kutcher, Drake, and even Oprah. Outside of celebrities, Clubhouse has focused on making itself available to social elites and was a status symbol for Silicon Valley VIPs after it launched. These days, the app has started actively courting影响者据《纽约时报》的泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)称,拥有60万多名注册用户。

How to Get Started on Clubhouse

The app's creators say that they want to build community slowly and work to get the app and its features ready for larger numbers of people before opening it up to the masses. Because of that, there are only two ways to get started on Clubhouse:


当某人最终加入会所时,他们就会发出单一邀请,然后使用收件人的电话号码发送给其他人。显然,这意味着用户将邀请他们认识的人(除非他们将邀请出售给出价最高的人redditwhich theoretically means there are three ways to get started on Clubhouse). After you've joined Clubhouse and have done some broadcasting and moderating, you'll get more invites you can share.






You can, of course, join Clubhouse just to rub elbows with celebrities, listen in on conversations, and enjoy the entertainment value. But if you're an影响者or business owner, you're probably more interested in how to leverage Clubhouse to generate leads, increase brand awareness, boost sales, and forge partnerships.

Where Clubhouse really shines is community building. Using the app, you can share educational content with your followers, host virtual events, gather insight and get feedback, find others to collaborate with, network with experts, and more. Clubhouse offers users the ability to engage with professionals across niches and industries and helps you create a vibrant, spontaneous conversation about your pet topic. Of course, drawing people to your Clubhouse rooms requires that you set up a compelling profile.

Setting Up a Profile on Clubhouse

建立了一个个人资料后,您想做的第一件事是要做的。这将使其他用户更多地了解您以及他们对您的内容的期望。像其他社交媒体平台188滚球地址, your Clubhouse profile should include a high-quality photo that shows your face and looks good in several different sizes. Use a profile image that has a clear background, preferably with a pop of color that will make your profile image stand out against the neutral tones Clubhouse uses.

Next, you'll need to write a bio. The first three lines of text (roughly 125 characters) will show up in rooms on the app, so make sure that those lines convey all of the most important information about you. Beyond that, Clubhouse offers plenty of room to elaborate on your bio. Since Clubhouse uses a plain-text editor, you won't be able to customize or format your text, so keep that in mind whencrafting your bio(you can use an outside editor if you want to add paragraph breaks or emojis). You can add links to your Twitter and Instagram accounts as well as add URLs in your bio. The links in your bio won't be clickable and users won't be able to copy and paste them, so make sure the URLs are easy to remember and type out into a new browser tab.


  • Topics you're interested in
  • 关键字
  • Your expertise (aka, the value you bring to the table)

Clubhouse Tour: The Hallway

TikTok has theFor You page, Instagram has the探索页面, and Clubhouse has the hallway. The hallway is the main feed in Clubhouse and where you'll find conversations that are happening right now. Your clubs and scheduled rooms might also be listed at the top of the hallway for easy access. Across the top of the hallway, you'll find the main menu where you can search for members, invite people to Clubhouse, check out the calendar, review notifications, and view or edit your profile.

Clubhouse Tour: Member Search

As of this writing, all profiles on Clubhouse are public. That means that anybody can find you using the member search. The search looks through name, username, and bio fields.


If you've used all of your invitations, you'll get a push notification once you have more available. To send an invitation, open up the Clubhouse app and tap the envelope icon from the menu at the top of the screen. This will take you to the invite screen where you can type into the search bar or scroll down to select a contact. Tap the邀请button next to the person you want to invite. The person you've invited will get a text message letting them know they've received an invitation to Clubhouse.


The Clubhouse calendar shows a list of upcoming rooms (events). Any users can add a new room or event to the calendar. When you add an event to the calendar, anyone who follows you or the club your event is part of will get a push notification.


You can view your notifications by tapping on the bell icon at the top of the screen. This will show you a list of actions involving clubs and rooms you're following as well as actions taken by your friends on the app. You'll get notifications whenever someone follows you, someone you're connected to is speaking, you get a room invitation, or when a club you're following schedules a room to open. You can change your notification settings by tapping the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.


Rooms are where everything happens in Clubhouse. As you're scrolling through the hallway, you'll be able to see details about each room (room name, number of people and speakers, and some of the people already in the room) so you can decide if you want to join in. Clubhouse rooms that are listed in the hallway are open for anyone to join. Users can also start private rooms. If you want to find out who's online and available, you can swipe left from the hallway to see a list and which room they're in. When you join a room, you'll see a list of everyone on the stage:

Clubhouse Tour: Listeners, Speakers, and Moderators


Once you're invited up as a speaker, you'll be able to mute and unmute your microphone to share your thoughts and comments or ask a question. The number of people able to speak is determined by the moderators. Sometimes, you'll see a small number of people brought to the "stage" to share before being moved back to the audience. Other times, the moderators will invite everyone on stage to participate in an open forum format.

Moderators are an important part of keeping rooms orderly. You're automatically a moderator if you open a new room. In a room that you haven't opened, a current moderator will need to promote you from speaker to moderator. Moderators can:

  • 邀请或接受听众的要求担任演讲者
  • 静音扬声器
  • 向主持人推广演讲者
  • Toggle on/off the ability for the audience to raise their hands
  • Send speakers back to the audience

Clubhouse Tour: Clubs

俱乐部基本上是基于兴趣的团体,健身房bhouse users can create and join. There are four types of membership within a club:

  • 创始人:一个俱乐部的创始人是俱乐部的所有者。他们can edit the description and rules and invite members. Clubhouse asks that club founds host at least one recurring conversation.
  • Admin:The Admin role is given by the founder of the club to other club members. Admins can approve and remove members from the club as well as open public or private rooms.
  • Members:Members can create private rooms as well as view and participate in both public and private rooms.
  • 追随者:A follower can follow the public club activities but has no authority to create rooms.


Starting your own Clubhouse room is really easy. From the hallway, just tap on the+开一个房间button at the bottom of the screen. There are four room types to choose from:

  • 打开:任何人都可以查看或加入的公共房间。
  • 社会的:只有房间主持人已经跟随的房间可以查看和加入。这意味着,随着越来越多的主持人加入,越来越多的人能够看到并加入房间。
  • 关闭:只有被邀请的人才能看到和加入的私人房间。
  • 俱乐部:Rooms hosted by a club that isn't on the events calendar.

Wrapping Up

总体而言,俱乐部似乎是对社交媒体平台188滚球地址that are already out there and we have no doubt that there will be tons of opportunities for influencers as the app's user base grows. In the meantime, while you wait for your coveted Clubhouse invitation, why not work ongrowing your Instagram followers,start a podcast, or构建自己的YouTube频道? Then, when you're ready to go live on Clubhouse, you'll have content that you can point visitors to off the platform.
