14 of the Top Viral YouTube Videos Everybody Talks About





“查理咬我的手指 - 再次!”

“ Charlie Bit Me Video”与非常轻松的可爱性混合在一起,而且非常有趣。如果您已经看过这个,那就不足为奇了,但是如果没有,您很可能不得不观看五次以满足(这是第一次)。

它是2007年最有病毒的YouTube视频之一,在任何其他一代人都可以很容易地流行起来 - 好吧,那就是他们的东西和我们可爱的YouTube一样酷。此视频还有什么?甚至有人说该视频是在乌萨马·本·拉登(Osama Bin Laden)的一台设备中发现的。


“Children interrupt BBC News interview."

从大多数BBC采访中获得热闹的模因和服装并不罕见,总有一些事情要撇开意见。尽管这主要是受访者的表情,但这一次,从令人尴尬的时刻,罗伯特·E·凯利(Robert E. Kelly)教授的孩子决定加入他对BBC的采访。他被问到他对前韩国总统帕克·盖赫(Geun-Hye's)弹each的看法,当时他的一个孩子漫步,然后是他的小孩坐在轮子上。

However, what made it more amusing was Kelly's wife – Jung-a Kim – speeding in after the kids to drag them out. However, it was already late as the Prof got a bit distracted, while the video made its way to YouTube to attract millions of views!



截至2007年,克里斯·克罗克(Chris Crocker)与人们(媒体)恳求“离开布兰妮”(Britney),制作了一个眼泪,热情的录像带。这是在布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)对她2007年MTV视频音乐奖表演的主要批评之后提出的。

The effect of Crocker's viral YouTube video is like that of a whole fan base making a physical campaign. The video caused a widespread emotional trigger that could be seen in the comment section, with some finding it ridiculous and another skit from the comedy videos prodigy. However, ten years after the video, Crocker posted on his Instagram page that the video was one of the few where he was actually serious.

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“Rebecca Black – Friday”

如果周五的聚会和“ TGIF”(感谢上帝的星期五)是竞选运动,那么丽贝卡·布莱克很可能会因将运动提高到更高的高度而获得认可。该视频实际上是在告诉我们,我们应该继续期待周五的“聚会”,“星期五”和“周末”,并在视频中不断提及。

该视频于2011年发布,并迅速开始吸引疯狂的观看次数。这位13岁的丽贝卡(Rebecca) - 表演者 - 随着歌曲炸毁并变成家庭嗡嗡声,方舟音乐工厂一定会感到震惊,尤其是当我们到达周末时。这位少年的可爱笑容是视频中还有其他事情。

“愚蠢的手 - 更坚硬,更好,更快,更强壮”

大约六年之后,Daft Punk的热门歌曲 - “更硬,更好,更快,更强,臭名昭著的“ Daft Hands”是在YouTube上向我们提供的,YouTube仍然是迄今为止迄今为止最有病毒的YouTube视频之一。

该剪辑具有超过7100万的观看次数,其中包含手眼协调,动画师奥斯汀·霍尔(Austin Hall)在他的手指和手上写了歌词中的每个单词。他透露了两半单词以满足歌曲的时机。例如,他显示“强和-er”以跟随歌曲的停顿。该视频爆炸了互联网,直到霍尔就邀请了艾伦·德杰内雷斯(Ellen DeGeneres)节目。

“美国青少年小姐2007年 - 南卡罗来纳州回答了一个问题。”

In this viral YouTube video, Caitlin Upton – Miss Teen South Carolina – gives a uniquely perplexing ramble of an answer to a question thrown at her about “why a fifth of the American population can't point out the United States on the map?"

The video was more embarrassing than hilarious, so it might be a little wonder why it got so much attention online to become on the most viral YouTube videos. Going not too deep into the comment section, you might see people asking what’s particularly funny about the video. Well, after checking, if you haven’t, you can come back to tell us.

“ numa numa”


The video shows a 19-year-old young man, Gary Brolsma, cheerfully miming the popular Romanian track “Dragostea Din Tei” in his room. What makes the video so remarkable is that there's nothing out of the ordinary Gary was doing.


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“鞋子 - 完整版”

With this video, Liam Kyle Sullivan, a comedian, showed the world another side of his “Kelly,” with her profound love for shoes. Yeah, that’s what this one is all about – shoes. We can all agree that the video quickly took its place in the most viral YouTube videos because it was posted in the mid-2000s, a web comedy boom period.

音乐视频很容易与观众相关,它们很快就与之联系。我们几乎所有人都在凯利说话时走来走去。利亚姆(Liam)继续获得人民选择奖,并受到当时著名喜剧演员的掌声,例如玛格丽特·乔(Margaret Cho)和安迪·桑伯格(Andy Samberg)。但是,他吸引人的视频像大多数病毒YouTube视频一样流行。


回到YouTube首次介绍给我们时,简单性对于获取视图至关重要。那时,观众和用户仍然无法确定视频的意义。当时的“舞蹈演变”视频在他的一场演出中显示了鼓舞人心的喜剧演员Judson Laipply。

The video is a six-minute of hilarious demonstrations of famous dance moves from the "Hound Dog" hip swivel to "Bye Bye Bye," both from Elvis Presley and N Sync. The video had its moment as one of the most viral YouTube videos of all time, with people still referring to it to date as we haven't seized to see several dance moves on the internet today.

“蒂姆和埃里克 - 芹菜人”






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大卫是由他的父亲拍摄的,因为他正在摇摆问题,以了解他为什么会感到有趣 - 他不仅觉得很有趣,而且表现得很有趣,因为他一直试图在不断倒下时抬起自己。




Brian Collins, a Telecommunication major, lost his way on his words right on the teleprompter and found himself mumbling all through updates. However, compared to major train wrecks we've experienced since then, you might give Collins a free pass, as he still has hope.

“ Antoine Dodson的'Bed Intruder'混音”

这是一个新闻故事,疯狂病毒the internet. It’s about a lady, Kelly Dodson, who was nearly raped by an intruder right in her room. Fortunately, we escaped the horror and were able to tell the story through a news report. However, Antoine, her brother, furiously gave his take on the matter. His original message went viral as "Bed Intruder," before a remix was made that also found its way into the most viral YouTube videos. The video became a popular source for memes, with his notable warnings – "hide yo wife,” “hide yo kids."

该视频并没有在YouTube上结束,因为音乐喜剧表演Gregory Brothers掌握了这一消息,并在他们的“ AutoTune The News”电视连续剧中使用了该消息。他们成功地将恐怖故事修改为疯狂的热门歌曲,该热门歌曲被广告牌热100倒计时。安托万(Antoine)迅速成为明星,在泰勒·佩里(Tyler Perry)的电视巧妙作品中出现了“麦迪(Madea)圣诞节。”


病毒式视频由于多种原因而成为病毒:出色的执行,一个相关的主题或只是愚蠢的运气。Viral videos go viral因为他们提供了人们想要的东西。他们被谈论并分享了很长时间。他们通过这种联系和沟通形式极大地影响了文化和社会。我们今天与您分享的这14个病毒视频完全证明了我们的观点。
