如何加入Tiktok Creator Fund:回答您的问题

Like the majority of social networks, TikTok is a great platform to use for influencer marketing and the highest paid users on TikTok make as much $5 million in a year. To help others get a slice of the pie, TikTok introduced another avenue for creators to make money.

In July 2020, TikTok launched its Creator Fund as a way to show its appreciation for its community of creators and empower them to earn money for doing what they enjoy. Early participants included the likes of Michael Le (who’s already one of thehighest paid stars on TikTok),夏安·贾兹(Cheyenne Jaz Wise)和亚历山大大法官。此外,根据Tiktok的网站,截至2021年3月,欧洲所有合格创作者中有一半已经签署。在不到一年的时间里,这是一个巨大的增长(Tiktok仅选择了19个帐户作为该基金的第一批接受者)。

Should you join too? Here’s everything you need to know about the fund. The logistics, the good, and the bad.

The TikTok Creator Fund: Your Questions Answered:


The TikTok Creator Fund is a relatively new monetary program that the platform started to help reward thetop TikTok influencersfinancially. According to its website, in the next three years, the platform has committed to more than £230 million.


Who Can Join?


While there’s no limit on the number of creators that can join the fund (and perhaps therein lies the rub), there are a few criteria that you need to check to be able to join the TikTok Creator Fund. For starters, it’s not open to everyone. If you’re based in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, or the United States, you’re eligible. Creators must also:

✅ Be at least 18-years-old

✅ Have a minimum of 10,000 followers


✅ Have an account that fits with TikTok’s Community Guidelines and terms of service

✅ Have at least one valid linked digital payment account (such as PayPal) which can beused as a payment method

How Can You Join the TikTok Creator Fund?

Get a Pro account

Your first step is to make sure that you have a Pro account. If you don’t have one yet, you simply click on “Me” and then on the three horizontal lines in the top right-hand corner. A drop-down menu will appear. Next, select “Manage account” and below “Account control”, you’ll see the option switch to a Pro account.



打开您的帐户设置,然后单击“创建者工具”。接下来,选择“ Tiktok Creator Fund”。

确认你是18岁或以上,并同意TikTok Creator Fund Agreement (after you’ve read all the Ts and Cs, of course).


现在是该过程中最困难的一步 - 等待批准。一旦Tiktok处理了您加入的请求,他们就会通知您是否成功。好消息是,如果您第一次被拒绝,您可以随时在30天后再试一次。

How Are the Payments Calculated?

有多种因素会影响创作者可以赚取多少收入。Tiktok在其网站上提到了视图数量,这些观点的真实性以及参与程度等因素。内容本身也应该遵守Tiktok的Terms of ServiceandCommunity Guidelines。根据Business Insider和Vice的说法,即使是观看创作者视频的区域也可以用作因素。


Three days after your views were added up, you’ll be able to view the funds in your creator dashboard. Creators will then have up to 30 days after the video was posted to withdraw the payment.

The good news is that the platform hasn’t capped the amount of money that it will release per day. Also, there’s no maximum amount that a creator can earn. The earning opportunities are practically infinite.



While there aren’t any glaring risks, there have been complaints about how the fund lacks transparency. The platform hasn’t offered a clear explanation of how exactly payouts are calculated, leaving their brightest influencers in the dark.


It’s still too soon to tell whether it’s just a ploy to prevent influencers from leaving TikTok and focusing all their attention on platforms like Instagram instead or an earnest attempt to reward the best-performing creators fairly.

How Much Money Can You (Really) Make?

In October 2020, only a few months after the fund was launched, WIRED interviewed a number of TikTok influencers to find out more about how the fund has turned out. The initial reaction didn’t bode well. On social media, creators shared that they were paid only a couple of dollars per day, even though their content received as much as 100,000 views.

一位Tiktok影响者Victory Rhyder在接受业务内部人士的采访时透露,她每天通过该基金每天赚取2.89美元,在2020年8月五天内。在此期间,每1,000次视频视图每千美元的售价约为0.04美元。时间。

相比what YouTubers can makewith more or less similar view counts and same size of audience, the TikTok Creator Fund falls far short. For example, when Business Insider interviewed a couple of YouTube creators, they revealed that they made anything from $500 to five times that amount for a video with about 100,000 views. That works out to as much as $25 per 1,000 views – more than 500 times the amount that Victory Rhyder claimed to earn.

当VICE在2021年初采访了几个加入Tiktok Creator基金的用户时,他们的发现并没有太大不同。以Anika为例。在接受VICE的采访中,她分享了一段超过600万次观看和超过一百万个赞的视频仅产生了70美元。在五个月内,她通过该基金赚了200美元以上。

earn money on tiktok


因此,不要仅仅因为其创造者基金在此阶段并不是那么有利可图,请不要完全解雇Tiktok。毕竟,我们已经看到,许多年轻的影响者通过他们在平台上的活动中过着相当不错的生活。例如,您可以看看我们的TikTok Money Calculatorto calculate your estimated earnings from your TikTok account. One of the most successful strategies is to use TikTok in conjunction with another network. For example, if you’re active on YouTube as well you can take advantage of the video-sharing platform’s established advertising system.

Wrapping Things Up

Whether you prefer to stick to storytelling or dare to dance, joining the TikTok Creator Fund can be a rewarding experience, but possibly less literally than many creators would hope. At this stage, perhaps it’s better to take the approach of Jillian Butler who in an interview with Business Insider shared that she was going to continue posting regardless of if they pay her or not. For her, it was all about simply having fun. Even better if you can have fun on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. It might be 2021, but the old proverb about not placing all your eggs in one basket (or in this case one platform) still rings true.



To work out your earning potential on TikTok, you can, for example, check out Influencer Marketing Hub’s TikTok Money Calculator. This tool was created to provide potential earning guidelines to influencers. Ultimately, a brand and an influencer negotiate what they consider to be fair value. While it’s not an official TikTok tool or endorsed by TikTok, it’s one of the easiest ways to work out how much you could potentially earn from TikTok. All you need to do is add your username, total likes and followers.

How many followers do you need on TikTok to make money?

There’s no set number of followers that you need to make a living on TikTok. What’s more important is the strength of your following. Yes, it’s more likely that someone will buy a brand’s products if you have more followers, but engagement and authenticity are crucial. Your followers will only take notice of your content if you’re a genuine influencer. Generally, TikTok accounts with 500,000 to one million followers have the highest average engagement rate overall.

Can you make a lot of money by joining the TikTok Creator Fund?

TikTok创造者基金仍然是相对较新的一个d, at this stage, not a lot of information is available. Though, a number of TikTok users who’ve joined shared that they haven’t made nearly as much as they had hoped. For example, one user claimed that she made just slightly over $200 in five months by means of the fund. So, while you can for sure make money by posting on TikTok, you’ll need to use other monetization opportunities like brand deals too.

How can you get more followers on TikTok?

It’s key that you have loads of active and engaged followers if your goal is to make money on TikTok. To help you get more followers on TikTok, here’s what you need to do:
- Get to know your audience
- 完美您的个人资料
- Create relevant content consistently
- Engage with your followers regularly
- Share your TikTok videos on other social media platforms
- Take advantage of trends
- Use hashtags
- 在正确的时间发布
- 创造并参与挑战
- Use user-generated content (UGC)
- Engage with other creators on TikTok

What types of videos are popular on TikTok?

There are many different types of videos that get good engagement on TikTok (not just funny dance and lip-syncing videos). The following are some of the types of videos that you can create to help you get more followers and increase your chances of getting accepted into the TikTok Creator Fund:
- 社交媒体挑战
- Videos using trending hashtags
- Song imitations
- Dialogue re-enactments
- Cute animal videos
- 您日常生活的视频
- Science experiments


