How to Find TikTok Influencers [+Free TikTok Influencer Search Tool]


TikTok has spawned a new generation of influencers, too; a group of people who have far more clout with today’s teens and tweens than more conventional movie or television stars. But how do you find TikTok influencers, particularly if you are of "more advanced" years yourself?

In this guide, we are going to take a look at some of the methods you can use to search for TikTok influencers, beginning with a new tool we have created in partnership with Fanbytes.

How to Find TikTok Influencers:




  • 影响者的用户名和个人资料照片
  • Link to their TikTok bio
  • Brief bio description
  • Number of followers they have
  • Average likes
  • Engagement rate
  • The percentage growth in their follower numbers over the last seven days.

我们的工具非常清楚的一件事是,Tiktok只是一种唇部同步设备的日子已经不复存在。您会发现流行的影响者分享几乎可以想象的任何主题的视频,以及现在有针对品牌和官方组织的Tiktok帐户。You can access additional TikTok influencers by clicking on the “Get More Results” button at the bottom of the list, which takes you to additional results (and stats) courtesy of ByteSights. You can access 100 results per month on ByteSights free Trial plan.

How Popular is TikTok?


Despite falling foul of India’s regulatory regimen, earning itself a short-term ban in that country in early 2019, TikTok now has more users in India than anywhere. In even has more Indian users than those in its homeland of China, with the United States holding the third place, with 123 million downloads.

蒂克托克(Tiktok)的受欢迎程度引起了一些美国政客的关注,但是,他们对中国应用在美国表现出色感到不安。参议员查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)和汤姆·科顿(Tom Cotton)写了letterto the Acting Director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in October 2019, claiming that “With over 110 million downloads in the U.S. alone, TikTok is a potential counterintelligence threat we cannot ignore.” Time will tell how much credibility is given to their concerns.


Tiktok下载的数量现在处于惊人的水平,特别是考虑到30岁以上的人使用该平台。现在,每月下载超过Instagram,Facebook,YouTube和Snapchat的下载。这意味着现在的Tiktok用户比Snapchat上的用户要多得多,并且它正在迅速接近“ Big 3”社交平台的用户数量。188滚球地址

Tiktok growth

Source: TikTok Growth Visualization

The type of content featured on TikTok differs from what you see on the other platforms. This is partly because of the way TikTok is structured, as well as the nature of its user base. TikTok’s users share short videos, not text posts, static images, Stories, or longer-from video. TikTok users don’t write the types of captions you see on Instagram posts, nor the longer blocks of text commonly included in Facebook posts. While you can use hashtags on TikTok, users don’t use the quantity of them that Instagram fans do.


现场流媒体在Tiktok上很普遍,这可能是Live.ly的宿醉,在音乐剧中占据了主导地位。但是,有一个利基市场没有与年轻用户一起统治直播栖息地 - Twitch仍然在游戏玩家中更受欢迎。


尽管Tiktok最近推出了official advertising platform, influencer marketing is still probably the most common way for brands to market on TikTok. Here, brands partner with influential TikTok creators to create relevant content and share it with their audience.

如果您生产一种会让一群典型的Tiktok用户感兴趣的产品,那么Tiktok Importer Marketing可能是建立品牌知名度的一种非常有效的方法。金博宝188备用网址当然,像所有有影响力的营销一样,您与Ti金博宝188备用网址ktok影响者的合作伙伴关系必须成为真实的。您的品牌与所选的Tiktok影响者之间必须具有真正的协同作用。蒂克托克(Tiktok)的Z一代观众愤世嫉俗又精明,并将通过任何尝试在影响者和品牌之间的糟糕态度来迅速看到。


If you do believe TikTok to be a good fit for your audience, you then need to find compatible influencers. A good starting point would be searching for influencers who share videos on relevant topics in our new TikTok influencer tool.

Of course, you first need to understand the types of videos that your potential customers prefer to watch. What kinds of influencers will attract them most? TikTok is now far more than just an app for youngsters to lip-sync. So you need to understand your target audience well.

When you get to the point where you have an excellent understanding of the types of influencers to approach, you will want to take a closer look at the posting habits of individual influencers. Ask yourself why they are popular. What types of videos do they share? Do they appear to follow the same kinds of values as your brand, or is there a high likelihood of a conflict of interest. Indeed, you should take a good look to ensure that they aren’t already making posts promoting your competitors.

In particular, look closely at their engagement metrics. You want to work closely with people who are capable of genuinely influencing the tastes and interests of their audience, not just people with large follower numbers.


  1. Do all of the research yourself, using TikTok itself and whatever other tools you can find to help you
  2. 支付订阅支持Tiktok的有影响力平台之一188滚球地址
  3. Work with an agency, and use their suggested method to discover your TikTok influencers


Apart from our new tool, the obvious starting point to find influencers if you aren't paying to use a platform or agency is to start with a Google search. Be aware that there is no particular correlation between those TikTok influencers who appear at the top of a Google search and those who make the most successful influencers. You will need to take a good look at the available statistics and the types of videos shared by the influencers you find this way.

Use a search term like “top TikTok creator” along with the name of your niche. For instance, you could search for “top TikTok beauty creator."

检查如果您现有的影响力也例外el on TikTok

如果您已经在Instagram,Snap Chat,Twitch或YouTube上使用了影响者,那么这些人也可能会在Tiktok上经营尺寸良好的受众群体。假设他们的Tiktok受众符合您喜欢的人口统计学,那么将您现有的关系扩展到Tiktok可能值得。

Indeed, it is worthwhile checking whether influencers you know of on another platform also feature on TikTok, whether you have an existing relationship with them or not. If they are popular on YouTube or Instagram with a Generation Z audience, they may also have a sizeable following on TikTok as well.


我们已经写了广泛的有关影响者平台的文章,并188滚球地址审查其中很多。我们注意到其中许多正在为他们的产品增加Tiktok。目前,Grin,Fanbytes,Upfluence,Post for Rent和Izea都包含一个工具来帮助您找到Tiktok用户。



You might prefer to pay an agency to organize your influencer marketing for you. Although fewer agencies cater to TikTok than the better-known platforms, many now do so. These include Fanbytes, the Influencer Marketing Factory, 6Degrees, Influencer Agency, and PMYB, amongst others.

