The Winner’s Guide to Using Social Media in Sports for Fan Engagement

从成千上万的切尔西球迷聚集在一起,反对裁判的请愿书,到周四夜足球的现场直播,毫无疑问,社交媒体在体育领域有影响。正确播放卡片,您可以将其变成促进运动队或运动员的主要资产。在这篇文章中,我们仔细研究体育中的社交媒体状况以及如何有效地使用它sports marketing。Let’s get started.

The Winner’s Guide to Using Social Media in Sports for Fan Engagement:


It goes without saying that social media is already a huge part of our lives. We use it to follow our favorite celebrities, find out more about brands, and participate in trending conversations. It’s no different when it comes to the sports industry, with people following their favorite athletes and sports teams on social media.

By breaking down communication barriers, social media offers a way for sports teams and athletes to connect with their fans and strengthen their bonds. In fact, over35% of U.K soccer fans在Twitter上,与使用社交媒体之前相比,在Twitter上使用该平台跟随他们的团队和运动员。他们还感到与团队更加紧密联系。


此外,根据英国的说法,使用社交媒体不仅限于英国凯捷咨询调查, 67% of respondents aged between 18 and 27 were consuming sports content through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. The trend rises slightly among 28-27-year-olds, 68% of whom use social media to watch sports content.



But what do these percentages translate to in terms of actual engagement numbers? Looking at the social media accounts of leading sports brands, events, athletes, and teams can help us answer that question. SportsCenter, for instance, has amassed 31.7 million followers on Instagram while the official NFL Twitter page has 30.7 million.

这些庞大的追随者计数也转化为重大参与。在超级碗LVI期间,该事件产生1.8 billion impressionson social media and 618 million video views with 78 million engagements. Further surpassing these numbers, WrestleMania 38 hit a record 2.2 billionsocial media impressionswith 1.1 billion video views, resulting in 87 million engagements.



Considering the significance and impact of social media in sports, you can’t afford to miss out if you want to get ahead of the competition. Check out the following tips on how to engage sports fans using social media.

1. Generate real-time engagement with live streaming

When it comes to sports, nothing beats real-time engagement while tensions are high, and fans are enthused to share their commentary with others. Livestreaming some parts of your sporting event can be a great way to generate this type ofengagement on social media

In fact,42%的人希望在社交媒体上看到更多现场运动。39%的社交媒体用户已经在社交媒体上直播了体育运动。



live stream on social media


2. Provide real-time updates and highlights throughout the event

Even for events that can’t be streamed live on social media, there’s still a way to generate fan engagement in real time. You can use in-the-moment platforms like Twitter and features likeInstagramStoriesto continuously share updates and highlights as the event is taking place. That way, you can give your fans the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions throughout the event.


Liverpool FC regularly shares highlights in real-time as the team plays a match. This allows them to give fans an opportunity to share their comments and opinions about the match even as it’s happening.

3. Give recognition to your biggest fans

In the world of sports, building fan loyalty is crucial to driving revenue and engagement. You need loyal supporters who keep buying your team merchandise or coming to your matches to survive as a sports team or an athlete.

While entertainment is certainly the first factor in building a loyal fanbase, fans also love to be rewarded for their loyalty. That reward can be in the form of recognition. And social media can be the perfect channel to recognize your biggest fans and strengthen their loyalty.

You could give them a shout-out, respond to their comments, and show them that you’re listening. You could even tap into the interests and values of more niche and obscure fanbases to show your appreciation for them.

As the second biggest team in the English Premier League, Chelsea FC has over49 million fans worldwide。One reason for the team’s huge popularity is their ability to engage and acknowledge fans on social media.

4. Build excitement through pre-game teasers

For many sports events, one of the main goals is to drive revenue by selling as many tickets as possible. Or in the case of pay-per-view and live streaming events, you’d want to drive as many purchases as possible. A great way to achieve this goal is by building excitement during the lead-up to the event.

Social media serves as an effective channel to do this as it allows you to share pre-game teasers that could entice fans to tune into the event. For instance, you could share videos of athletes as they warm up for training or you could post photos of them gearing up. Instagram Stories of prep work at the venue could also be a great way to entice your fans to watch the event.

例如,Misfits拳击定期共享Instagram卷轴showcasing the training session for YouTube star KSI as he prepped for his fight with Swarmz and Luis Alcaraz Pineda. This managed to drive tons of views and engagement among fans, with one of the Reels garnering 484k views and 13.8k only 3 hours after it was posted. Not to mention hundreds of comments cheering for the star. These numbers speak volumes about the impact of Reels, considering how the page only has 49k followers to begin with.

5. Show your support for a social cause

Another way to strengthen your bond with fans is by showing that you care about causes and issues that are important to them. A survey by尼尔森甚至发现that fans expect sports leagues and athletes to lead the way in supporting social causes. Whether it’s about empowering youth or taking a stand against racial discrimination–sports fans are likely to back athletes and sports teams on important social justice issues.

According to anESPN调查, 71% of fans supported athletes who spoke out about racial injustice. So, it’s no surprise that 55% of NBA fans supported in-court messaging that stood up for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Considering this, you should take the opportunity to share your support for a relevant social cause via social media. Make sure to focus on issues that your fans care about and align with your team’s values. That way, you can authentically support the cause and earn the trust of your fans.


That’s why Naomi Osaka received tons of support from fans for helping a young tennis player to pursue her dream. Naomi shared a video of the young player thanking her, which received 74.4k views on Twitter.


Athletes are the human faces behind your sports brand or team. As such, they can help you build a human connection with your fans. Further, they could bring fans closer to brands and sponsors as well. In fact,26% of avid sports fanswho consume sports content through social media say that athletes help them connect with brands and sponsors.

因此,请不要犹豫,将运动员带到对话的前面。要建立更深的联系,请鼓励他们将粉丝带到幕后 - 无论他们正在为比赛做准备还是在大型比赛之后放松。他们可以分享坦率的照片和时刻的视频,这些视频让球迷们对运动员的生活进行内部的了解,从而使人感到“人类”。

Instagram和Facebook故事是运动员向追随者提供幕后观察的理想方式。另外,他们还可以共享Instagram卷轴,以展示他们如何为游戏做准备。这正是Simona Halep向她的粉丝们展示她如何为美国开放2022年的粉丝所做的。






If there’s one thing that sports fans are known for, it’s their competitiveness. Sports fans like to win, and they enjoy the thrill of competing for something. This is why giving them the opportunity to win through contests and giveaways is a great way to engage them on social media.



9. Leverage the power of humor

Humor is powerful and it’s infectious. In fact, it could be the very tool you need to boost your social media engagement and drive better visibility. When people see something funny that you posted, they could feel compelled to engage with it by reacting or commenting. Some might even share the post with their friends.

因此,幽默可能是您的一个很好的补充social media strategyas it helps you entertain and engage your fans. Share relevant memes, have your mascot perform some hilarious challenge, or show your athletes just letting loose and having fun. You could even conduct funnyInstagramStories polls像Igaświątek一样在以下Instagram故事中做到了。

Iga Świątek Instagram Story




Frequently Asked Questions

Why is social media important in sports?

Social media brings sports teams and athletes closer to their fans, giving them the unique opportunity to strengthen their bonds, engage them, and win their loyalty. It could also be used to build up excitement for upcoming sporting events, which will subsequently contribute to better ticket sales and attendance.





How do you grow sports social media?

You can grow sports social media by following the examples of major sports organizations. This includes putting a spotlight on your star athletes, sharing pre-game teasers to build excitement, and creating visual recaps of the game.


