Social Media Content Calendar: How to Easily Plan Every Post




Social Media Content Calendar: How to Easily Plan Every Post









  1. 您的听众目前在哪里?您的社交追随者是否与您作为客户想要的人类型大致相关?
  2. Have you had any noticeable growth on any channel over the last year?
  3. 是否有任何社交帐户吸引更多的网站流量,或者比其他社会账户更有参与度?

Unless you are a large organization with a broad client base, you do not need to spread yourself across all of the social channels. You need to be where your audience is. And there is little point having a substantial social audience of the wrong types of people for your product. Ideally, you want the people who follow you on your social channels, to be the same types of people who would buy your product.


You also need to figure out the types of post you should make. Again this will relate strongly to your target audience. You want your social posts to add value to these people's lives. If you are a B2B company, for instance, with conservative customers, you aren't likely to gain benefit by sharing lots of funny cat videos or off-color jokes on your social sites. If you target Millennials or Generation Z, there is little point making posts that look explicitly like advertisements.


  1. 图像,单片图片或画廊帖子
  2. 视频,包括您自己的视频内容和实时流媒体
  3. Text – where the words (copy) says all that is important
  4. 链接 - 网站上外部内容的链接
    1. 链接到您自己的帖子或网站页面
    2. Curated posts linking to other sites

Different audiences will favor some of these post types over others. Also, your social team will probably be stronger at creating some types of posts than others.


You may have to go to the Analytics sections of each social account for this information. However, if you currently use a Social Media Management Platform, you may find that they show post analytics for all your accounts there. Look for general trends and preferred post types.

A Suggested Layout for Your Social Media Content Calendar



You need to have a row for each post you intend to make on a particular social account on any day. For instance, if you plan to make a Facebook post, a LinkedIn post, 2 Instagram posts, and four tweets on your busiest day, you will need to allow eight rows beneath your headings.

Using Your Social Media Content Calendar

The basic idea is that you pre-write each of your posts in your Social Media Content Calendar before you transfer the details into the actual post.

选择您希望发布的日期。确保将邮政数据输入当天的右列中。您将希望第一个单元格与您使用的社交网络对应。例如,如果您正在计划一篇Facebook帖子,请确保在A列中以“ Facebook”开头的行中输入它。


If you include a picture in your post, add the link to the image in your Image Link column. We will look at that in more detail below.



如果您在社交媒体内容管理器中使用日历,则无需完全转移您的帖子 - 您正在按计划进行创建(并计划在正确的时间进行交付)。在社交媒体管理应用程序中构建帖子时,您可能还会上传图像,因此不需要记录图像链接。



You could consider color-coding your calendar for the different types of posts, so you can see what you should include in each slot.

meetedgar social media management

Some of the social media marketing platforms can help you with this process.认识埃德加is particularly strong, placing a big emphasis on social media categories. You designate a category to each time slot and Meet Edgar automatically selects an item of that category type to go into the queue at that time.PromorePublic也是如此makes good use of categories and provides exceptional tools to help you make your visual posts in particular.

有一些特定的点你应该承担mind when writing copy for your posts:

  • 确保您检查帖子是否正确拼写和语法。考虑使用类似的工具Grammarly来帮助你
  • 尽可能地以主动的声音而不是被动语态写
  • 使用“您”一词比您要做的多“我”或“我们”。
  • Write clearly and concisely. Keep within any character limits for your social media account, e.g., 280 characters on Twitter
  • 向听众提供价值。创建其他人想要分享的帖子。避免公然广告。
  • 使用主题标签,特别是在Twitter和Instagram上。不过,不要过度使用它们。您可以在Instagram上与Twitter上使用更多的使用(在这里您应该将自己限制为每个推文的两个主题标签)
  • If you link to an external page in your posts, make sure that the linked page is relevant for your post. Avoid connecting to generic pages, like your home page
  • 如果您的帖子中有视觉效果,请确保您的副本与视觉效果匹配

Don't Forget to Add Visual Content to Your Posts

Visual content is vital for many of your posts. Indeed you will often start a post on Instagram or Pinterest with the image, rather than the copy.

如果您与团队合作,您可能会发现最容易将图像上传到Dropbox或Google Drive之类的某个地方,以使每个人都可以访问图片和视频。在社交媒体内容日历中显示指向相关图像的链接。

Always select good quality images for your posts. We have written about the社交媒体的最佳图像尺寸,最好修改图像以尽可能接近这些图像。在图像编辑应用程序中调整图像而不是使用社交应用程序中的工具要好得多,因为这可以减少您必须上传才能共享的最终尺寸。我们也有分享视频的最佳尺寸在社交媒体上。



  • 假期
  • 特殊的日子 - 如果您使用PromorePublic,您将直接在平台中找到其中的完整列表
  • 活动 - 您自己或大型活动(例如世界杯,美洲杯,奥运会,选举,当地贸易表演等)
  • Product launches
  • 与您的组织有关的特定主题


Make Your Posts at the Best Times for Your Social Audience


关于最佳发布时间有许多不同的想法。Coschedule分析了25项研究的结果,并提出了详细的清单best times to post在每个领先的社交网络上,用于不同类型的业务社交帐户。另请参阅我们的文章详细说明best times to post to Instagram
