Social Media Video Specs for 2023 | Always Up-to-Date Guide

Video’s become the tool that brands are turning to as they buckle down and strive for higher engagement and conversions. And more marketers are seeing the positive results of video performance.


Social Media Video Specs Change Often



在此博客文章中,我们将分享Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Snapchat,YouTube和Pinterest的视频规格。我们还将更深入地研究每个平台提供的各种视频格式的规格,例如Facebook的旋转木马视频广告,Instagram Instagram Infeed视频以及YouTube的可跳动和不可能的视频广告。

Your Complete Guide to Social Media Video Specs 2023 (With Helpful Optimisation Tips):

Facebook Video Specs

Facebook video ads以各种格式出现。这是由于Facebook致力于使视频广告在尽可能多的格式上观看(想想移动设备和桌面设备)。



Recommended size:1280 x 720像素

最小宽度:600 pixels


推荐规格:Videos should also utilise H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan, and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+. Your videos can be as long as 240 minutes, as large as 4GB large, and have a maximum frame rate of 30fps.


提示:为了获得视频帖子的最佳质量,Facebook建议将视频上传到.mov和.mp4format中,但是,大多数视频文件类型都是支持。See the complete list of file formats

Facebook 360视频


social media video Facebook 360 specs

If you’re planning on creating a 360 video, here’s what you need to know about optimising it for your target audience.

Maximum size:5120 by 2560 pixels, 2:1 aspect ratio

最小尺寸:600 pixels wide


提示360可以包括你的视频相机used to record your video automatically includes the metadata. If not, when uploading your video, head over to the ‘Advanced’ tab, then use Facebook’s ‘360 controls’ tab to convert unformatted footage into a 360 video.

What is 360 Video Metadata?


Facebook In-Stream Video Ads

Recommended size:1080 by 1080 pixels

最小尺寸,景观视频:600 x 315像素(1.9:1纵横比)

最小尺寸,正方形视频:600 x 600像素(1:1 aspect ratio)

推荐规格:.mp4或.mov格式,最大文件大小4GB,最大长度240 min, maximum frame rate 30fps.See the complete list of file formats


提示:When using in-stream ads, Facebook recommends uploading the highest resolution source video available - without letter or pillar boxing.In-stream ads are 5-15 seconds long, therefore, ensure that you produce content that’s strong, engaging to get your audiences’ attention. Only Facebook出版伙伴能够托管3分钟或更长时间的视频。

Facebook Messenger故事广告

Recommended size:1080 by 1080 pixels

支持的纵横比:1.91 to 9:16


社交媒体视频Facebook Messenger规格

提示:对于高质量的视频广告,Facebook建议上传您的最高分辨率视频(满足文件大小和比率限制) - 没有字母或支柱拳击。

Facebook Carousel视频广告

Recommended size:1080 by 1080 pixels (1:1 aspect ratio)

最小尺寸,景观视频:600 x 315像素(1.9:1纵横比)

最小尺寸,正方形视频:600 x 600像素(1:1 aspect ratio)

推荐规格:You can use .MP4 or .MOV formats.See the complete list of file formats


facebook carousel social media video specs

提示:Carousels are handy when creating episodic content. They allow you to use up to 10 images or videos in one ad, making it easier for your audience to get the message without having to click to visit a new page.为了获得最佳效果,请使用1080 x 1080像素正方形(1:1)视频。

Facebook Collection Cover视频

Recommended size:1080 by 1080 pixels

最小尺寸,景观视频:600 x 315像素(1.9:1纵横比)

最小尺寸,正方形视频:600 x 600像素(1:1 aspect ratio)

推荐规格:.mp4或.mov格式,最大文件大小4GB,最大长度120分钟,最大帧速率30fps。See the complete list of file formats


You’ve most likely seen a collection ad for apparel, like the one below.

facebook cover video social media video specs



Recommended size:1200 x 628像素

最小尺寸,景观视频:600 x 315像素(1.9:1纵横比)

最小尺寸,正方形视频:600 x 600像素(1:1 aspect ratio)

推荐规格:.mp4或.mov格式,最大文件大小4GB,最大长度2 min, maximum frame rate 30fps.See the complete list of file formats




Recommended size:1200 by 720 pixels

推荐规格:.mp4或.mov格式,最大文件大小4GB,最大长度15 seconds, maximum frame rate 30fps.See the complete list of file formats


提示:幻灯片旨在容纳互联网访问缓慢的用户。为此,幻灯片广告允许您使用3-10张图像的集合以及声音文件(支持格式:WAV,MP3,M4A,FLAC和OGG),并将它们变成视频广告。尽管互联网速度是一个因素,但对于最佳的用户体验,Facebook建议使用最高质量的图像。你的照片(Facebo必须共享相同的维度ok recommends 1200 x 720 pixels or an image ratio of 16:9, 1:1 or 4:5). Using different size images will result in your slideshow being cropped and that could lead to elements or subject matter in the images being removed.


Instagramsupports square, vertical and horizontal video. You’ve likely seen Instagrammers use horizontal video, but it can be tricky to produce.

If you’re not keen on the extra editing work, opt for square videos. They’re easier to produce and work well for both desktop and mobile users.


Square video: 600 by 600 pixels (1:1 aspect ratio)

Horizontal video: 600 by 315 pixels (1.9:1 aspect ratio)

Vertical video: 600 by 750 pixels (4:5 aspect ratio)

推荐规格:。MP4 or .MOV format.See the complete list of file formats。The maximum file size is 4GB, maximum length 60 seconds, maximum frame rate 60fps.Your video should not exceed 4GB in size, must be within ratio limits, have H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan, and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+.


提示:Like Facebook, Instagram’s recommendations are similar and you’re urged to use the highest video resolution possible.

InstagramCarousel Video Ads

Recommended size:1080 by 1080 pixels

最小尺寸:600 x 600像素

推荐规格:.mp4或.mov格式,最大长度60秒,最大帧速率30fps。See the complete list of file formats

InstagramCarousel Video Ads



Recommended size:1080 by 1080 pixels

最小尺寸:600 by 1067 pixels


推荐规格:.mp4或.mov格式,最大长度15秒,最大文件大小4GB。See the complete list of file formats



As with Facebook recommendations, it’s a good idea to use the highest resolution video possible.


推特Video Specs

作为移动优先的平台,Twitter视频自然优化了移动设备捕获的视频。但是,这并不意味着您不能以其他方式上传视频。有关如何上传在其他设备上录制的视频的详细信息,see Twitter’s video specs recommendations and best practices

推特horizontal videos

Recommended size:1280 x 720像素

最小尺寸:32 x 32像素

Maximum size:1900 x 1200像素


Recommended sizes:

  • 在256K比特率:320 x 180像素
  • 在768k比特率:640 x 360像素
  • At 2048K bitrate: 1280 by 720 pixels

推荐规格:use .MP4 for web, .MOV format for mobile, video cannot exceed 140 seconds in length, however, we have seen longer videos as shown above.

推特horizontal videos

The maximum file size is 512MB with maximum frame rate 40fps. Videos must use progressive scan, have 1:1 pixel ratio, audio should be mono or stereo and not 5.1 or greater.

推特Vertical Videos

Recommended size:720 by 720 pixels

最小尺寸:32 x 32像素

Recommended size at 256K bitrate:240 x 240像素

推荐的尺寸为768K比特率:480 by 480 pixels

Recommended size at 2048K bitrate:720 by 720 pixels

推荐规格:use .MP4 for web, .MOV format for mobile, video cannot exceed 140 seconds in length, however, we have seen longer videos as shown above.

The maximum file size is 512MB with maximum frame rate 40fps. Videos must use progressive scan, have 1:1 pixel ratio, audio should be mono or stereo and not 5.1 or greater.

Snapchat Video Specs

Snapchat 10-second video ads:

Recommended size:1080乘1920像素(9:16 aspect ratio)

推荐规格:。MP4 or MOV, H.264 encoded, between 3 and 10 seconds long, maximum file size 32MB

Audio specs:2个通道,PCM或AAC编解码器,192个最小KBP,仅16或24位,48 kHz样本率


Snapchat Long-Form Video Ads

Recommended size:1080乘1920像素


推荐规格:。MP4 or MOV, video length is 3 to 180 seconds, maximum file size 1GB

Audio specs:2个通道,PCM或AAC编解码器,192个最小KBP,仅16或24位,48 kHz样本率

Snapchat Long-Form Video Ads


Snapchat视频广告还带有16个限制,涵盖了从使用信箱和一行呼叫的动作文本,到促销和快照。务必review all 16 restrictions在计划视频内容之前。


Snapchat GeoFilters是特殊的叠加层,只能在某些位置访问。


Recommended size:1080乘1920像素

Overlay format:.png具有透明背景,最大250kb

YouTube Video Specs

YouTube Video Player Specs

Recommended sizes:

  • 426 x 240像素(240p)
  • 640 x 360像素(360p
  • 854 by 480 pixels (480p)
  • 1280 x 720像素(720p)
  • 1920 by 1080像素(1080p)
  • 2560乘1440像素(1440p)
  • 3840 x 2160像素(2160p)

最小尺寸:426 x 240像素

Maximum size:3840 by 2160 pixels

支持的纵横比:16:9and 4:3

推荐规格:。MOV, .MPEG4, MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP, or WebM, maximum file size 128GB, maximum 12 hours long.

YouTube Video Player Specs

提示s:As the second largest search engine in the world, YouTube reaches an audience with varying internet connectivity speeds. To ensure that you video can be enjoyed by as many people, YouTube recommends that videos be uploaded using the highest possible resolution.


YouTube Video Ads


Unskippable video ads:最大长度为15、20或30秒

Mid-roll video ads:minimum length of 30 seconds

Bumper video ads:最大长度为6秒

重要的:In 2017, YouTube announced it would remove unskippable 30 second ads in 2018. You can, however, use TrueView ads that run to a maximum of 30 seconds.

提示:Aim to make your ads as compelling as possible by using call to action text and interactive elements.



Maximum size:4,096 x 2,304像素

最小尺寸:256 x 144像素


推荐规格:。ASF, .AVI, .FLV, .MOV, .MPEG-1, .MPEG-4, .MKV, and .WebM, maximum file size 5GB, maximum 10 minutes long, maximum frame rate 60fps


LinkedInVideo Ads

Maximum size:1080p (1440 x 1080; wide 1920 x 1080)

最小尺寸:360p(480 x 360;宽640 x 360)


Audio size:Less than 64KHz

Aspect ratios:Video ads created with a 1:1 aspect ratio should have a minimum resolution of 600 x 600px, and a maximum resolution of 1080 x 1080px.

推荐规格:。MP4, File size between 75 KB and 200 MB, maximum 30 minutes long, maximum frame rate 30fps

LinkedInVideo Ads

提示:LinkedInrecommends keeping your video ads to 15 seconds or less in length based on stats they’ve collected over time. It is, however, possible to use longer video ads if您的社交媒体营销策略includes running a native ad series, or have created a collection of ads as part of an episodic content campaign.





Recommended size:

  • 正方形视频:600 x 600像素(1:1纵横比)
  • 垂直视频:600 x 900像素(9:16长宽比)



提示:By nature, Pinterest is all about pins and boards. A smart way to showcase all of your ads in one place is to create a board. This works particularly well for content such as how-to videos or promotions you plan to run for an extended period of time.


Using video on social media but so is optimising yours. The extensive list of social media video specs covers all you need to produce videos that can be enjoyed by your audience across multiple devices.



根据研究经过theEword, video is for sure getting more engagement across all the major social platforms. For instance, on Facebook, videos get up to 135% more organic reach, six times more retweets on Twitter, and 75% of executives say they watch world-related video each day on LinkedIn.

What are the specs for YouTube videos?

最小尺寸为426 x 240像素,而最大尺寸为3840 x 2160像素。受支持的纵横比为16:9和4:3。最大文件大小为128GB,视频可能不超过12小时。为了确保与许多人一样欣赏您的YouTube视频,该平台建议使用最高的分辨率上传视频。最后,由于YouTube会自动使用天然长宽比,信箱或支柱箱形式进行框架视频。

What are some tips for creating video for Instagram?

It is best to opt for square videos (600 by 600 pixels) if you do not want to be stuck with additional editing work. These videos are easier to produce and work well for mobile as well as desktop users. You can use .MOV or .MP4 format, but your file size may not exceed 4GB and may not be longer than a minute. It is also best to use the highest video resolution possible.




While the maximum length of LinkedIn video ads is 30 minutes, LinkedIn recommends that you make your videos much shorter and keep your video ads to 15 seconds or less based on the stats that they have gathered over time. Though, it is possible to use longer video ads if your social media marketing strategy includes running a native ad series or have created a collection of ads.
