How to Hide Instagram Likes and Why It’s Important

If you don’t like Instagram likes anymore or you’ve never liked it much from the start, there’s an Instagram feature that you’ll like a lot — hiding your likes. Before this “new feature” was officially released in May 2021, the platform had been testing hiding a user’s number of likes for a while already.


If that sounds likable, continue reading to find out what you’ll need to keep in mind before you make the switch and how to hide it. In this article, we also explore a few tips for获得更多喜欢on Instagram. So, if your goal is the complete opposite, you’ve landed on the right page too.

How to Hide Instagram Likes and Why It's Important:

Why Now?

Aren’t likes, part of what makes Instagram so engaging? Why would the platform then give its users the option of hiding these counts on posts?

选择隐藏您的Instagram喜欢的价值是,它可以使您使用应用程序更正面的整体体验。在他们在网站上分享的官方声明中,他们解释了这一举动背后的原因(顺便说一句,因为Instagram和Facebook都是Meta所有的​​,您也可以在Facebook上隐藏您的喜欢,这是许多有用的一个有用的人之一Facebook featuresand updates). In this article, they share that they’ve heard from experts that a hidden like count could benefit some users as it can make them feel less pressured.

In fact, a global survey that was completed in 2021 found that more than a third (36%Z世代的使用者认为,社交媒体的使用对他们的社会福祉产生了负面影响。尽管千禧一代分享了这种担忧(30%),但与老一辈相比,它仍然高得多。而且,考虑到Instagram统计数据显示,使用的主要是年轻的观众,it’s something to ponder about.

Not only can it cause some users to experience a sense of “performance anxiety”, but it can also detract from what's getting shared. By not seeing a like count, users can focus better on the actual videos, photos, and captions being shared.



In addition to giving users the option to hide the like count, they’ve also partnered with third-party experts, like the non-profit organization The Jed Foundation that protects the emotional health of teens and young adults, and creators to put together an Instagram guide. In this guide, they share advice on how people can manage online pressure. So, for those wanting to keep their like count on, this could be a good resource.

To Hide or Not to Hide

Which function do likes play? Are they actually important?

For aspiringInstagram influencersor emerging businesses, it can be useful.

When you choose to hide your like count, all you’ll see is a list of a couple of users, followed by “and others”. Though, there will be no numerical value added to quantify your engagement. So, measuring the level of engagement that your posts are receiving will be more difficult to track.

If you’re posting from a business account, this might be a problem. Potential customers can turn to the number of likes that your posts generally receive as an indication of brand credibility. However, there are still various other ways that you can use to boost brand credibility like sharing online reviews, partnering with influencers, etc.

That said, from Instagram’s point of view, it won’t really impact how your posts perform. Its app will continue to keep track of the number of likes your post has received andits algorithm在决定哪些内容应推向更大的受众群体时,将继续将其用作因素。因此,您的内容仍然会出现在那些定期与您的内容互动的人的供稿中,反之亦然。

From a mental well-being point of view, that’s up to you. If after some introspection you discover that you’re most likely chasing those likes too much and you’ve become obsessed with others’ successes, it’s probably better that you try out this feature.

That said, there’s a catch… There’s still sort of a workaround. If you’ve activated it to hide the number of likes that everyone else’s post has received, you can still get an idea by clicking on the “and others” part. It might not give you an exact number, but you’ll see a list of everyone else who has liked that particular post.


So, if you’re doing it as a type of detox to wean you off a social media addiction or to reduce the pressure, you’ll need to practice some serious self-discipline.

If you still can’t decide whether or not you should hide it, know that it can easily be reversed. Plus, the process to hide it in the first place is just as simple and straightforward.

How to Hide Likes On Everyone Else’s Posts

If you want to hide the like count for content posted by others, here are the steps you need to follow:


Open your Instagram app and go to your profile section by clicking on the icon of a person in the bottom right-hand corner.


Go to “Settings”


Instagram Likes - Go to “Settings”

Step 3: Go to Privacy

Another drop-down menu will pop up. Click on “Privacy” and then on “Posts”.

Instagram Likes - Go to Privacy

Select the Hide option

Right at the top of the Posts menu, you’ll see the option to hide like and view counts. Drag the toggle to the “On” position. Once this option has successfully been selected, the toggle will turn blue.

Instagram Likes - Select the Hide option


To hide likes on your own Instagram posts is slightly trickier. You can either hide the likes before you’re posting a new video or photo or apply it to posts that you’ve already published.


Step 1: Create your post


Step 2: Click on “Advanced Settings”


Step 3: Select the Hide option

You’ll now need to do exactly the same thing that you did when hiding like and view counts for posts shared by others. Drag the toggle to the right so that it’s in the “On” position. The toggle will turn blue when completed successfully.

Instagram Likes - Advanced Settings

Here’s how to hide likes for posts already published:




按k on the three dots (...) that appear towards the right of your name and username. A drop-down menu will appear with the option “Hide like count”.

Instagram Likes - Hide Like Count

Monitoring Instagram Likes

Tracking the count of likes doesn’t always have to do with vanity. If you’re using it for business purposes, it’s a key element of engagement metrics and will help you to measure if your marketing campaigns are hitting the right mark.

为了帮助您跟踪自己的喜好,您可以使用平台自己的应用程序内分析,Instagram洞察力, or invest in a third-party social media management software. If you’ll be using the app’s own analytics solution, you’ll need to switch to a business account. In addition to likes, you’ll also be able to use Instagram Insights to track:

  • Accounts reached
  • Accounts engaged
  • 表现最好的内容
  • Total followers
  • Other performance metrics

Alternatively, you can invest in a third-party tool. There are several great tools (and some of them are available for free) that can help you with various other tasks like post scheduling, communication, etc. in addition to analytics. You can, for example, check out:

How to Get More Likes on Instagram

If you do decide that you don’t want to hide your number of likes on the platform and you’re in it for the long run, you might as well play around with a few strategies that could possibly help you to attract more likes. Being an Instagram influencer can be lucrative, but, to reach this status, you’ll need to post with a plan.

If that’s your goal, here’s how you can get more likes and improve your engagement:

How to Get More Likes on Instagram


If you’re going to be using the platform to monetize your content, you need to approach it like you would when you’re running a business, right? Any business owner will tell you that it’s crucial that you know who your target audience is as well as possible rivals.

Knowing your target audience will help you to refine your style and tone of voice; knowing your competitors will help you to get new ideas for posts.


2. Share more videos

According toHubSpot’s Instagram Engagement Report该视频在2022年发布,平均每篇文章产生1,000多个赞。它还平均带来了24条评论,使其成为最吸引人的内容类型之一。

3. Include hashtags




Growing the number of likes that you receive on average isn’t going to happen overnight. The best approach is to let it increase gradually by posting consistently. According to HubSpot’s report, four posts per week seems to be the optimum number for businesses.

While posting more is better, it shouldn’t be at the expense of quality. Don’t just post for posting’s sake. Keep all of the other strategies mentioned above in mind and create a posting schedule.

Wrapping Things Up

Recently Instagram has come under fire for their practices. The Wall Street Journal published docs about what Facebook’s own internal research has found out about the impact of Instagram on the mental health of its users, in particular teen girls.

The picture is not good. In fact, it’s because all the photos “look so good” (thanks to hours of editing behind the scenes) that the bigger picture doesn’t look good. Now that’s a paradox for you.

