
多通道网络(MCNS)帮助成功你ube creators monetizetheir content and make videos that may have previously been beyond their capabilities. And with YouTube having over 2 billion monthly active users, there are now more opportunities than ever for creators to find success on the platform.

However, if you're considering signing up with an MCN to helpbuild your channel, you must make an informed decision. You have to pay fees to belong to an MCN, and their contracts are legally binding. You can't just change your mind once you sign up for a specified period. While MCNs can offer you many benefits to grow your channel, you also have obligations to them. To some extent, you lose your independence as a YouTube creator.

MCNs for YouTube Creators:

What's a Multi-Channel Network (MCN)?

Multi-channel networks (MCNs) are exclusive to YouTube. You won't find them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or even most other video platforms like TikTok. Former YouTube employee Jed Simmons coined the term "multi-channel network" to describeYouTube频道companies and clarify what a YouTube "Network" was. However, MCNs aren't internal to YouTube. They are independent businesses, generally aiming to profit by assisting你ubers in making an income

Perhaps the best way of thinking about MCNs is to compare them to television cable networks that sign up multiple TV channels for their customers to watch. In that case, the TV channels are still independently owned, but the cable networks pay for the rights to broadcast the channels under their overarching brand. Likewise, MCNs act as networks on YouTube, signing up multiple YouTube channels they believe will make worthwhile members of their roster.

Just as many TV networks specialize in a single type of programming, many MCNs focus on YouTube channels in a particular niche. For example, they may only sign-up美容创建者or perhapsgaming channels。This makes it easier for an MCN to build their network focusing on a specific target audience, rather than trying to be a general network trying to cater to the tastes of everybody. It also means that the viewers of one MCN channel are far more likely to take an interest in and begin to watch the videos of other channels of that MCN.

The multi-channel networks typically work with creators in one of two ways:

  1. The channels become会员渠道, with the video content remaining the property of the video creator
  2. The MCN uses theOwned and Operated model并购买渠道上内容的权利。MCN购买了该频道的专有权YouTube内容并积极管理频道的操作

How Can MCNs Benefit YouTube Creators?

It is relatively easy to see how popular YouTube creators can help MCNs. They pay money to the MCNs and provide quality content for the MCNs to promote. So, what do the MCNs do that benefit the creators in their network?

How Can MCNs Benefit YouTube Creators

An MCN can help its creators by提供资金to help them make videos that would otherwise have been unaffordable. For example, the MCNs might pay travel costs or purchase products, or props needed for a video. Some have set up well-outfitted facilities in major cities that their members can use to make and edit their videos.

Because the MCNs have a与YouTube的工作关系, they gain访问各种工具和分析not available to independent creators.

MCNs are often large and have signed up leading YouTubers in one or more niches. By signing up to an MCN, you gainbetter access to other MCN members。Therefore, it may allow you to network and collaborate with high-powered YouTubers you might not otherwise have.

Many of the channels working with an MCN cross-promote each other's videos. This can be particularly beneficial in MCNs focusing on a single niche – their channels' audiences will generally all have similar tastes and often be receptive to viewing the content of the recommended channels. Often, channels can gain significantly increased traffic through this交叉促销, and every ad watched on their channels results in increased income. Ideally, the additional traffic will generate more revenue than the payments the channel has to make to their MCNs.

Also, MCNs can take charge of some of theadministrative workthat many content creators dislike immensely, such as chasing up copyright infringement. The creators can place their focus on creating entertaining and informative videos rather than mundane admin activities.

Finally, some其中像经理and can find you opportunities you would not otherwise have, many off YouTube like an acting role or TV appearance.


Signing up to a Multi-Channel Network for YouTubers

MCNs don't work for nothing. They will keep aportion of yourYouTube收入。您必须判断加入特定MCN的好处是否超过其成本。

Many MCNs are extremely large with asizable client base。不幸的是,这可能使他们对所有最有影响力的客户除了所有人外观。结果,您可能会发现自己几乎没有收到他们的时间,并且开始怀疑他们的参与价值。

Signing up for an MCN will bring义务。They aren't going to be interested in a channel that isn't making regular,relevant videos that attract views反过来,广告收入。您可能会发现您的合同详细介绍了每个月上传所需的视频数量(和质量)。如果您不符合您的内容配额和其他性能目标,则可能会在MCN上删除。如果MCN不继续看到合理的投资回报率,则不太可能投资您的频道。

How MCNs Make Money

The primary way that MCNs make money is by taking a percentage of the advertising revenue from their creators' channels. However, they can sometimes make money by placing claims on the earnings from ads on videos that breach their clients' copyrights.

MCNs Keep a Portion of the Ad Revenues on Their Clients' Channels

Advertisers pay YouTube一个地方广告视频平台。你ube ads have an average cost-per-view of $0.010 – $0.030, and the average cost of reaching 100,000 viewers is around $2,000. YouTube has various ad formats, but the most common are skippable video ads that appear before, during, or after a video which a viewer can skip after 5 seconds. Some viewers prefer to avoid seeing ads on YouTube and are willing to pay a monthly subscription to YouTube Premium. YouTube uses some of this subscription money to compensate channel owners (and indirectly MCNs) for lost advertising revenue from YouTube Premium subscribers.

Like most social networks with a formal advertising market, YouTube makes advertisers bid for ad placement, so the price they pay will vary from one day to the next. Bids operate on a CPM basis – Cost per Mille, i.e., cost per 1,000 views.

Auctions occur instantaneously behind the scenes, with advertisers competing for every suitable advertising slot using algorithms rather than physical bidding. Therefore, the potential revenue from each advertising slot may differ depending on the price the winning bidder pays (which will be slightly higher than the bid made by the second-highest bidder). The advertiser with the highest bid for an ad slot pays YouTube at a rate that equates to the winning CPM rate multiplied by the number of views (divided by 1,000). However, people have to fully watch an ad rather than skip it to count as a "view."Google保持约45%广告商向渠道所有者支付和分配剩余的55%的费用。


MCNs Can Act to Collect Ad Revenue from Videos That Breach Their Clients' Copyright



Many MCN salespeople are highly skilled and make their networks sound incredibly inviting to你ube creators。但是,您应该始终停下来思考,然后再与MCN合作伙伴关系。您需要问自己的关键问题是,这个网络可以为我做什么,我无法为自己做。成为该MCN的成员所获得的好处是否超过了归属成本?

The MCN is likely to present you with a contract full of legal language. Remember that you can make changes to a contract before you sign it. They don't have to be a "take it or leave it" situation, although some MCNs may walk away from the deal if you propose altering the contract they present.



  • 网络收取的费用
  • The specific services and level of support the MCN offers your channel
  • 您对网络的义务
  • 合同期限
  • 如何终止您的协议
  • Any extra revenue opportunities that the MCN may promise to provide you with

Once both parties agree and sign a contract, it will be binding, assuming that it obeys any contract legislation; for example, you're not under the legal age to make a contract (usually 18, but it depends on where the contract is registered.) At that point, YouTube will begin paying any ad revenue from your channel to the MCN's AdSense account, and your MCN gains access to yourYouTube分析revenue data. You will lose direct access as YouTube is no longer paying you money, so you will have to check with your MCN how to access revenue data.

Popular YouTube MCNs

Socialblade used to keep an up-to-date record of the MSNs with the most members. But unfortunately, they have had to disable this report due to YouTube compliance rules. So there doesn't currently appear to be a definitive list of the largest YouTube multi-channel networks.

一些最著名的MCN不再单独存在,通常是因为较大的公司已经获得了它们。例如,迪士尼于2014年3月以5亿美元和4.5亿美元的基于绩效的激励措施收购了制造商工作室。RTL Group于2013年6月收购了BroadbandTV,并于2014年11月收购了Stylehaul。在几年内逐渐增加了投资后,华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)(后来的Warnermedia)于2016年收购了Machinima的所有股票,然后于2019年1月关闭。

However, MCNs still survive and thrive. They just tend to be smaller and often more niche-based nowadays. BroadbandTV still exists in the guise ofBBTV然而,。到2015年12月,BBTV成为了number one MCN globally. BBTV works with creators in multiple ways, including assistance with direct sales, developing custom apps, merchandising, genre-specific value ads, and distribution and label services.

Other successful MCNs currently operating include

  • 高于平均水平, a New York-based comedy production company
  • Channel Frederator Network,美国动画,视频游戏和流行文化多通道网络(MCN)
  • VShojo, a network of channels founded by Justin "TheGunrun" Ignacio, a member of the team that founded Twitch, and CTO Phillip "MowtenDoo" Fortunat, a content creator on YouTube to promote and empower English-speaking VTubers (virtual YouTubers)
  • 迪士尼数字网络– the section of Disney that took over Maker Studios
  • Tastemade, Inc.– a video network that offers food- and travel-related programming for online audiences
  • VA Media- YouTube,Facebook和其他AVOD流媒体平台上基于类型的电影和电视频道的澳大利亚(但全球操作)网络188滚球地址

你应该成为的一部分Multi-Channel Network?

So, the question that any YouTuber who has enjoyed the first stages of success has to ask is whether they should become part of a multi-channel network.

确保您在签署之前阅读MCN提供的任何合同。一些渠道错过了合同条款,使他们很难离开MCN。此外,如果您同意注册拥有和操作的模型,则通常不会拥有Back Video目录的版权。

Ultimately it comes down to whether they can offer you a better deal than what you currently have. Can a multi-channel network offer you anything you can't get yourself, and does it warrant the cost?

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