
YouTube已成为一种内容现象。YouTube现在有超过每月20亿个活跃用户,每天观看10亿小时的视频。因此,令人惊讶的是YouTube明星往往比传统的更有影响力itional celebrities?

Of course, successful YouTube stars do not provide their entertainment for free. They do not put themselves on the medium for philanthropic reasons. They have found that it is perfectly feasible to make money on YouTube, and if you manage to break into the ranks of the famous and influential it can be seriously good money. For those of you interested in understanding earning potential, we have developed this easy to use earnings estimator below.

Daily Video Views
Views per Year
$28.50-$ 47.50
$ 855-$1,425
Projected Yearly Earnings
$10,403-$ 17,338

Let’s assume you have the ability to create quality video content (nowadays virtually anybody with a phone and an imagination can).您可以从YouTube赚钱的主要方式是什么?

How to Make Money on YouTube:

#1 Advertising Revenue

Google拥有YouTube,因此他们使您非常容易注册Google Adsense并将广告附加到视频上也就不足为奇了。The ads displayed will be different for everybody who views your video, as it is dependent on the viewer’s web-surfing history (have you wondered why it is that you keep seeing ads for a product you have previously taken a look at on the internet?)

虽然这听起来像是免费的钱,但现实是,大多数注册Adsense的人很少或根本没有钱。首先,您可以与Google分享广告商的钱。尽管尚未明确披露,但似乎Google keeps about 45% of what advertisers pay。In reality, you will earn somewhere between $1 and $2 per 1000 views (CPM). This rate changes regularly. People do have to fully watch the ad, rather than bypassing it, to count as a “view.” Another option is to have cost per click (CPC) ads on your YouTube page, where you are, of course, reliant on people actually clicking on your ads.

Most important for the average YouTube user, however, is that there is a minimum payout threshold of $100. If you do not earn enough money, then Google never pays out at all. It all comes back to traffic. Like virtually every other type of website, if you can build up traffic, you will get to the point where you have enough visitors to exceed Google’s threshold and start to receive payments from them.

You need to ensure that you create quality videos, and promote them. This is how all YouTube influencers begin. They build up an audience for their channel, reach the Google $100 payment threshold, continue promoting their videos, and as subscriber numbers continue to rise gain for themselves healthy incomes, which they supplement with other income-generating methods.


Being a YouTube partner does not earn you money per se, but it provides you with tools that make it easier to do so.


YouTube provides extra promotion to their YouTube Partners, and includes them in various advertising programs worldwide, both online and offline.

You receive special framed Play Buttons on your site, once you gain certain levels of subscribers: a framed Silver Play Button for 100,000 subscribers and a framed Gold Play Button at 1,000,000 subscribers. You gain further tools and community support the more subscribers you receive.



#3 Joining an MCN (Multi-Channel Network)

如果您操作成功的YouTube频道,则可以考虑加入多通道网络的选项。三个最著名的是全屏,,,,AwesomenessTV, 和自由。The official Google definition of Multi-Channel Networks (MCNs) is that they are “entities that affiliate with multiple YouTube channels, often to offer content creators assistance in areas including product, programming, funding, cross-promotion, partner management, digital rights management, monetization/sales, and/or audience development.”



如果你是一个突出的人才,这些网络greatly help your growth. If you are lucky, they will invite you to participate in their original productions. They are the best way to get mass exposure for the truly talented. They also provide an opportunity for you to cross over into other media, such as t.v., films and books.


一旦您自己取名,您将有追随者 - 您的个人粉丝群。这些追随者通常会很乐意在您出售的任何商品上花钱。例如,您可以创建一系列推广您的网站的衬衫或帽子。许多追随者很乐意购买您的商品 - 这有助于使他们感到属于您的团队。

These are niche products aimed purely at your most loyal fans. The bigger your channel grows, and the more popular you become, the more your followers will happily pay for merchandise. Indeed quite a few YouTube influencers find merchandise sales more lucrative than the advertising income they share with YouTube.

Interested to find out how much Youtubers make? We have gathered all the information in one place for you 阅读更多

You can market your merchandise on your YouTube channel. Of course, YouTube audiences, particularly those in Generation Z, can be enormously fickle, if they believe their heroes have sold out to commerce, so you do have to be careful that your merchandising does not alienate your audience. You still need to appear as genuine to them.

For quite a few businesses it works the opposite way. Their primary focus is merchandising their product. They give away video content in return for the opportunity to pitch their merchandise, or even simply get their name visible. Red Bull is a case in point. They have 5.5 million subscribers who love watching the Red Bull action-focused videos. Red Bull may not actively market their drinks in their videos, but there is no doubt what the product behind the channel is.

#5 Ancillary Products

大多数YouTube内容创建者都参与了其他活动 - YouTube并不是他们的一生。但是,如果他们能为视频建立巨大的订阅者,但是,他们有一个现成的受众可以向他们推广其他活动。


Some of the more influential YouTubers gain enough fame and traction that they can use this fame to help launch new products. PewDiePie, for instance, was able to collaborate with Canadian developer Outerminds Inc to create his own 2D side scrolling video game,Pewdiepie:Brofist的传奇。该游戏在美国发行当天票房收入超过100,000美元。根据Moneynation的计算,Pewdiepie在2016财政年度从商品和辅助产品中赚了890万美元的税前收入。



Once you have made a name for yourself sponsorship opportunities often arise. Realistically you need to have a substantial audience first before companies are likely to consider sponsoring your channel. It is similar to any other type of corporate sponsorship If a business believes that it can benefit from having its name linked to your channel it will consider sponsoring you. As with everything else, the larger your audience size, the larger the sponsorship you will be able to negotiate.


An extension of this is product placement, where a sponsor pays you to use their product in your video. This might be as simple as wearing a branded hat or t-shirt in a video, or even driving a particular make of car. If you not only use a product but also recommend it, too, you are providing an endorsement for it. This is another example of how trends in movies and television have moved into YouTube videos. If your videos are good enough, and tremendously popular with a large audience, companies recognize your influence on your audience as being nearly as important as that of mainstream media.

A combination of sponsorship, endorsements, and product placement can be a highly lucrative form of income for the more popular YouTube channels.

甚至有一家公司旨在在YouTube创建者和品牌之间建立赞助协议 -Grapevine。They consider YouTube channels with 10,000 or more subscribers to be large enough to be thought of as influencers.


Quite a few YouTube channels regularly review products. These are in a wide variety of niches. Some are pure advertorials, but quite a few have educational content that teaches the viewers about a particular product’s features and how the viewer can best use the product. There will usually be a link in the video description directing the viewer to a site where they can buy the product. These links are set up as affiliate links (so that the shopping site knows exactly where potential visitors arrive from). If the visitor ends up buying the product, the owner of the YouTube video receives a percentage of the purchase price.

会员链接是与YouTube规则有关的灰色区域。但是,它们相对常见,只要您明智地使用它们,YouTube似乎接受它们。成功使用会员链接的关键是,您必须保持诚实和透明(不要隐藏您的观众所做的事情),并且您仍然需要为订户提供价值。会员链接只是货币网站货币网站的另一种方式 - 您不应该创建YouTube视频,其唯一目的是赚钱。




The amount you receive per click is substantially higher than with AdWords, as you are only paid for actual sales made. There can be an additional bonus for some types of affiliate sales when people sign up a recurring payment (for instance they sign up to a type of SAAS software with monthly payments). In that case, you are likely to gain affiliate income every time they make a payment.


#8 Subscription Fees


The range of paid channels varies by country, but there are currently 303 paid channels available to American viewers, with topics ranging from music to episodes of Sesame Street to learning woodworking.

One problem of putting your videos behind a paywall is that there is no way that they can go viral. You cannot even easily promote individual videos - just your channel as a whole; casual viewers cannot see your videos.

您也许可以将免费的YouTube频道用作付费服务的免费增值。在免费的YouTube网站上赠送一些高质量的视频,但请放回您自己网站上的付费墙后面的最佳视频。在实践中的一个很好的例子是The Young Turks





一个例子是The Nerdwriter他制作的每周网络系列视频旨在培养世界观。他设定了3,000美元的众筹目标,以扩大对原始动画的使用并购买新的相机设备。这是在他已经针对并超过了400美元,700美元,1,000美元和2,000美元的资金任务的里程碑之后。得益于1,909名顾客的捐款,他达到了3,000美元的目标。作为对他的人群资助者的激励,他发布了30个视频,仅限于他们可以看出。视频制造商为其人群资助者制作独家内容是一种普遍的做法。


