

These new consumer habits that we have developed aren’t necessarily down to laziness - it’s the fact that the sheer volume of content out there is overwhelming. We don’t have the time, or the patience, to dig a little deeper for those extra details - we want clear, concise messaging and we want it straight away. We’re also starting to see that online audiences are getting younger and they are used to having answers quickly, usually through the use of a search engine or even on social media. Heading down to the library to delve into books for exam studying is a thing of the past - you’ve now got Google or Alexa to answer your questions for you in the comfort of your own home.

Despite a seemingly lack of attention to intricate details and having no desire to trawl through pages and pages of content, audiences are still becoming more conscious over the platforms and brands they interact with. We might not want to spend more time on something, but we do want experiences that make us feel something and we’re actively seeking out brands and people who share our values to align ourselves with. It’s one of the reasons influencers, both micro and macro, have become so popular - they are relatable and we can identify with them in some way.

在研究影响者营销的全球价值时,仅在2019年至2021年之间,货币数字就金博宝188备用网址达到了一倍。今天,影响者市场的价值$ 138亿美元and that’s only set to continue to grow. Global brands across all sectors including Adidas, Ciroc and Daniel Wellington have all been utilising influencer marketing in their overall strategies and it works, both for good and for bad reasons.

During a Euro 2020 press conference, Cristiano Ronaldo moved some Coca Cola bottles out of the shot and instead opted for a bottle of water. The result? Coca Cola’s value dropped by around $4 billion overnight, simply because Ronaldo chose to be seen drinking water instead. It isn’t just this occasion either. Cryptocurrency is often up and down depending on the mood and opinions of Elon Musk and the Kardashians are notorious for sharing their personal opinions which, in turn, influences the actions of their followers.


对社区,品牌价值观以及相关影响者使用的重要性对诸如Prettylittlething等品牌至关重要。这家总部位于英国的零售商通过其价值观与包容性和身体积极的消息传递以及其目标受众认识和欣赏的影响者的使用相关的价值观,积累了全球时装爱好者。Instagram上有超过1,490万关注者和品牌大使在内,包括Molly-Mae Hague和其他现实明星等人,Prettylittlething在品牌中创造了真正的社区感和它创造的内容以增强它的内容有很长的路要走。

从游戏的角度来看,肯德基在2020年登上全球头条新闻,这是由于其“自己的控制台” KFConsole的推出。KFConsole配备了内置的鸡肉温暖,通过与游戏玩家受众有关的策略吸引了数百万次参与,例如利用这些观众经常的社交媒体平台。188滚球地址不过,肯德基超越了这一点,并开始创建一个感兴趣的追随者和对话社区,从6月至12月跨越,相当于总计31亿人。正是这种对社区的理解确实使肯德基能够发光,并为肯德基提供了应有的曝光,尤其是在PlayStation和Xbox推出的同时进行聊天。要了解有关它的更多信息,请前往www.kairosmedia.com.


当我们专门关注游戏行业时,社区主导的体验比以往任何时候都变得越来越流行,这是品牌需要关注的东西。由于大流行,全球游戏软件和服务的收入实际上增长了21.6%,达到估计1745.3亿美元。These are figures that can’t be ignored and it’s unlikely that it’ll be slowing down anytime soon.

Digital media has opened up a world of cooperative play that has seen tools such as Discord, Twitch and Facebook Gaming really take off and it’s the community element that makes them work so well. As of 2021, Twitch now has 9.5 million unique streamers each month and when you look at Facebook Gaming as a whole, you have 800 million people using the platform every month to play connected games.


但是,在这个空间中引起关注时,Tiny Banner广告和赞助徽标已经不够了。您必须控制叙事,并且需要查看使在线游戏超出娱乐因素的两个方面。这些方面是推动游戏流媒体行业和围绕它建立的社区的影响者。





在寻找这些影响者的同时,一个很好的起点是您想象的是您的目标受众在大部分时间里花费他们的时间,如果这不是您已经知道的事情,那么该进行研究了。Explore popular content types on different platforms, conduct a survey with your existing audience, test the waters on multiple channels - by investing in influencers who are already using the platforms that your target audience is on, you’re cutting out the legwork and sometimes impossible task of expecting people to change their usual habits.

After you’ve found a shortlist of influencers who are on the right platforms and share similar values, delve into their content creation. Is it compelling and exciting? Could the content be shareable and in turn, can attract even more people? Does this influencer use references, language and creative assets that your audience will relate to? All of these questions are things to ask when you consider utilising influencers in your marketing to ensure that this is a community that like-minded gamers will want to be part of.

Opt for a fully-customisable platform

数字广告现在是一个全新的球游戏,社交媒体在其中发挥了重要作用。我们不再能够在这里和那里依靠MPU或奇数徽标 - 观众不愿意寻找它们,让我们面对现实,我们被证明了很多,以至于我们倾向于完全忽略它们。

但是,赞助和广告还没有死,您只需要更聪明地投入资金即可。选择完全可自定义的锦标赛软件(例如Kairos Verus)将您的品牌放在首位和中心,以确保您拥有整个游戏体验,并且竞争赞助商不会忽略或隐藏品牌。

A clever pull of utilising platforms that are fully-customisable is that you are more inclined to get buy-in from a director level in your business. A marketing case of having your brand fully visible across an activation or campaign is much more of an attractive prospect than competing against other brands for space. It’s also a great way to have your brand associated with something else, for example when Pizza Hut sponsored Kairos Groups’ Fifa Fridays tournament, the game and influencers were directly linked with the popular takeaway chain through visual assets and conversations.

Create and nurture a community

在你的影响关系时,平台188滚球地址and social media all in place, community building is when the fun really begins. By building a community and creating ongoing conversations you can go a long way in engaging your audience more and making them want to stick around. It’s also beneficial for them to take these conversations offline too - harnessing the very power of word of mouth marketing.

One particular tool in the gaming space for building a community is Discord. Already a staple platform for gamers, meaning that minimum education will be needed, Discord offers the opportunity for your audience to communicate directly with your brand and your people, as well as any influencers they may be watching on streaming platforms.






Kairos Media董事总经理Drew Townley

Drew是游戏和电子竞技专家,经营Kairos Media,并与寻求进入或扩展到游戏和电子竞技领域的地方性和非流行全球品牌合作。他们的创意领导团队是真实且可靠的激活的专家,提供了咨询和支持:创造性策略,社交策略,付费媒体,有影响力的市场营销和锦标赛创建。金博宝188备用网址从参加一些最早的在线电子竞技比赛中,Drew一直是竞争性游戏的核心,到开发获奖的全球电子竞技激活和肯德基和Vodafone之类的市场。
