
在快节奏和充满活力的业务世界中,公司一直在寻找保持领先地位并最大化投资回报的方法。同时投资回报(ROI) has long been a key metric for measuring profitability, it may not always provide the full picture when it comes to marketing investments. As businesses grow and invest more in marketing, it becomes increasingly important to understand the concept of marginal ROI, which measures the additional return on investment gained by making small incremental changes to an existing investment.





在业务世界中,很少有指标与投资回报率(ROI)一样重要。毕竟,企业是建立在进行盈利投资的基础之上,这些投资将来会产生回报。计算ROI是一个相对简单的过程 - 只需将收益与投资成本划分。但是,当企业想在特定领域进行更多投资时会发生什么?那是边际投资回报率的地方。


实际上,测量边际投资回报率使营销人员可以通过确定哪些关键字,广告组和定位方法来优化其付费搜索活动,从而产生每美元所花费的最多收入。例如,Bing Ads最近使用机器学习算法来分析其广告系列中数十亿个数据点,这帮助他们确定了边际投资回报率最高的广告组。通过将其预算重新分配给这些高性能的广告小组,Bing广告能够将投资回报率提高43%,同时减少每次点击成本。这只是衡量边际投资回报率如何帮助企业最大化其付费搜索活动价值的一个例子。

Real-life examples of companies that have successfully used marginal ROI to their advantage include Amazon and Netflix. Both companies have invested heavily in data analysis and customer insights, allowing them to identify areas of potential growth and refine their investments accordingly. This has helped them stay ahead of the competition and maintain their positions as industry leaders.

重要的是要注意,尽管ROI仍然是衡量盈利能力的重要指标,但在投资方面可能无法提供全部情况。通过分析边际投资回报率,企业可以确定具有最大增长和盈利能力潜力的领域,并做出明智的投资决策,从而产生最佳的回报。因此,下次您考虑投资新计划时,不要只是考虑投资回报率 - 还要考虑边际投资回报率,并发现新的成长和成功机会。



Calculating marginal ROI in marketing involves comparing the ROI of an existing marketing campaign or investment to the potential ROI of a slightly modified or increased investment. For example, a company invests $1,000 in a digital advertising campaign and sees an ROI of 10%. They're pleased with the results, but they're also curious about what might happen if they invest just a little bit more. By analyzing the marginal ROI of investing an additional $500 in that campaign, they may discover that the potential return is even greater than the original investment.


Calculating marginal ROI in marketing can help businesses identify areas with the greatest potential for growth and profitability, and make informed investment decisions. By investing in marketing initiatives with high marginal ROI, businesses can achieve sustained growth and profitability over time. So, the next time you're considering a marketing investment, don't just think about the ROI - think about the potential of marginal ROI to unlock new opportunities for success.






roas = $ 10,000 / $ 2,000 = 5


计算边缘ROA涉及比较现有的ROA广告宣传活动or investment to the potential ROAS of a slightly modified or increased investment. This can help businesses determine where to allocate their advertising budget to achieve maximum returns.




Incremental Cost Formula

Once you have calculated the incremental revenue and incremental cost, you can calculate the marginal ROAS using the formula:



Incremental Revenue = $12,000 - $10,000 = $2,000

Your incremental cost would be:

增量成本= $ 3,000- $ 2,000 = $ 1,000

Using the formula for marginal ROAS, we can calculate the marginal ROAS for this additional investment:

Marginal ROAS = $2,000 / $1,000 = 2






例如,Apple's investment in the iPod provides a compelling案例研究on the power of marginal ROI analysis. When Apple launched the iPod in 2001, it was a new and untested product with uncertain prospects for success. However, by analyzing the marginal ROI of investing more in the iPod, Apple was able to identify opportunities for growth and refinement, such as adding new features, expanding the product line, and improving the user experience. Over time, Apple's investment in the iPod paid off, with the iPod becoming a major driver of growth and profitability for the company.

In another example, the online retailerZappos used marginal ROI analysis确定增长和扩张的机会。通过分析Zappos在客户服务上进行更多投资的边际投资回报率,Zappos能够将客户服务确定为增长的关键领域,并投资于诸如免费送货和收益,24/7客户支持等计划,并专注于与顾客。这些投资为Zappos带来了回报,该公司成为客户满意度和忠诚度的领导者,并被亚马逊以12亿美元的价格收购。

在哪儿e to Spend Your Advertising Dollars


Additionally, businesses should consider the long-term impact of their advertising campaigns on customer lifetime value and brand awareness. Investing in brand building and customer relationship management can have significant long-term benefits that may not be immediately visible in ROI calculations, but can contribute to sustainable growth and profitability.





By combining ROI, marginal ROI, and ROAS, businesses can make effective and profitable advertising investment decisions that balance short-term and long-term growth strategies. Understanding and utilizing marginal ROI helps businesses to identify areas with the greatest potential for future growth and profitability, and to invest in initiatives that will drive sustained success over time. By doing so, businesses can create value for their customers and stakeholders, achieve long-term growth and profitability, and stay ahead of the competition.
