利用Instagram SEO提高您的发现性的5种方法

Instagramusers create millions of posts per day. So you can bet that it’s easy for your posts to get lost in a sea of content. Low visibility means low engagement rates, which further damages your post discoverability–it’s a vicious cycle. This is why it’s crucial to optimize yourInstagram内容策略为了在平台上获得更好的覆盖范围和可见性。

在这篇文章中,我们帮助您了解Instagram SEO是什么以及考虑哪些排名因素。您甚至可以获得一些有关在Instagram上提高可发现性的实用技巧。让我们潜入。

Instagram SEO指南:提高发现性的5种方法:

什么是Instagram SEO?

InstagramSEO is the process of optimizing your content to make it more visible across the Instagram platform–including search results and Explore pages. It involves having a closer understanding ofInstagram算法的工作方式and using that knowledge to strategically publish your Instagram posts so that they’re prominently displayed to the right users.

因此,Instagram SEO策略可能涉及使用正确的主题标签并在正确的时间发布。它也可能涉及寻找不同的方法来推动您的帖子互动。换句话说,Instagram SEO是提高Instagram帖子的可发现性和可见性所采取的步骤的组合。

了解Instagram SEO的关键排名因素

As mentioned above, effective Instagram SEO is all about understanding how the algorithm works and using that knowledge to your advantage. The Instagram algorithm considers the following key factors to rank content on the platform:


Instagram首先重视搜索文本使用to display relevant content. It looks at the keyword or phrase a user types into the search bar and then finds relevant usernames, bios, hashtags, captions, and locations. Based on this, it displays the top posts, accounts, audio, tags, and places related to the search query with each category sorted under a separate tab.


In order to create a highly personalized experience, Instagram also considers the user’s previous activity to display results that it thinks they’ll be more interested in. This includes the accounts, hashtags, and posts they’ve viewed or interacted with in the past. So the top search results will be completely different for two users using the same search query.


For searches that have too many relevant results, Instagram uses popularity signals to determine which ones to prioritize. It looks at the number of likes, shares, and follows that an account, hashtag, or place has to decide which ones to rank first.


现在,您可能想知道:“有什么大不了的?”Instagram SEO有什么重要的事情,您应该花时间和精力?

如前所述,有效的Instagram SEO策略有助于提高您将帖子放在合适受众面前的机会。更多的人看到您的内容意味着更高的参与机会,这进一步推动了您的内容可发现性。这意味着您更有可能吸引新的追随者和grow your Instagram account


此外,Instagram SEO在用户建议的帖子中显示的内容也起着至关重要的作用。这是用户主供稿上的空间,Instagram显示了他们不遵循的帐户的帖子。这些建议是根据用户遵循的帐户以及通过喜欢,观看或保存来互动的帖子的帐户提出的。

Instagram SEO可以帮助您的帖子出现在相关的搜索结果以及目标受众的建议内容中。换句话说,这是提高平台上的内容和帐户可见性的最终工具。


You now have a clear idea of the factors that influence search ranking on Instagram and why SEO matters on the platform. Now let’s get to the most important part. Here are some practical ways to increase discoverability on Instagram:

增加您的可发现性Instagram SEO


The first step is to optimize your profile for search if you haven’t already. Instagram looks at the terms used in your name, username, and bio to determine what your profile is about. As a result, it may display your account in the results of relevant searches that were made using the key terms you use in your profile.



在下面的示例中,您可以看到Corner 17(一家中国餐厅)如何在其个人资料名称中包含“面条”和“泡泡茶”之类的关键字。虽然用户名仅包含餐厅的名称,但在该地点闻名的食物的两个关键术语允许他们出现在面条或泡泡茶的搜索结果中。








请参阅West Elm的以下文章中的标题。除了包括家具的名称外,标题还具有一些关键字,例如“如何样式”,“公平贸易”和“可持续采购的桌子”。描述是简短的,至关重要,同时仍包含一些重要的关键字。


标签总是Instagram的核心rch. Even before you could use keywords to conduct searches, hashtags were always the go-to solution. This makes them vital for effective Instagram SEO as they can significantly boost your post discoverability. So make sure you’re optimizing your captions with hashtags that are relevant to the content.


Instagram专门推荐that creators use about 3-5 hashtags in their posts. Here’s an excellent example from Nat Geo Travel.

Additionally, you should use the right balance of niche hashtags,趋势主题标签,并品牌标签,以便有更大的机会被发现。您可以使用主题研究工具to find the best hashtags to use for your Instagram posts.


Select the keywords that you want to include and the tool will automatically find popular hashtags based on those keywords. It also displays the popularity of each hashtag, which makes it super easy to narrow down the best hashtags to use in your posts. Select the hashtags you want to use, then click on the “Copy Selected Hashtags” button and paste it into your caption.



Another important benefit is that Instagram can use the alt text to gain a better understanding of what your post is all about. As a result, it can more easily determine whether the post is relevant to a certain search result. So you can be extremely descriptive here and incorporate some crucial keywords to improve the discoverability of your content.

Although Instagram automatically generates alt text using its object recognition technology, the automated text is never going to be as descriptive as the one you manually input. Plus, the auto-generated text will generally not include the main keywords you want to use. Make the most of this space to help Instagram understand when to show your content in search results.


当你create an Instagram Collab post与另一个创作者一起,该帖子在您的两个受众面前都显示。这种结合的范围使您能够获得大量的参与度,尤其是因为Instagram从您的每个帐户中获得了喜欢和评论并将其集体计数。

因此,您不仅要在更多人面前获得帖子,而且您也是驾驶大量参与。只要您遵循其他Instagram SEO最佳实践,这会大大提高您的内容知名度,并提高您在相关搜索结果中发现的机会。

Take a look at this Instagram Collab Reel created by London-based food blogger, Liv (@livbyfood) and the London Unknown page. You can see that the combined likes have reached a total of 7,225, which is much higher than the number of likes they get for their other, non-Collab posts.




Making Instagram SEO Work for You

如果您的最终目标是增加您的Instagram帐户并建立一个强大的追随者社区,那么您就无需忽略Instagram SEO。它具有提高平台上可见性和可发现性的关键。因此,它还可以随后帮助您提高参与度并在平台上增长关注。

充分利用上面的Instagram SEO技巧,以开始提高您的发现性。请记住,这全都是关于在所有正确位置上的战略使用主题标签和关键字。另外,与其他品牌或内容创建者一起工作可能会在Instagram上立即提高可见性。





You can optimize Instagram posts by using relevant keywords and hashtags in your captions and writing descriptive, keyword-rich alt text for your images.




Hashtags can improve SEO for Instagram when used strategically. This would involve using highly relevant hashtags and using a combination of popular/trending hashtags along with niche hashtags and branded hashtags. It also involves using just 3-5 hashtags as using too many can harm search visibility.
