The Ultimate Guide for Using Instagram Live for Business

In 2016, Instagram launched a brilliant feature called Instagram Live that lets users broadcast live videos to their feeds. It was very well-received by the millions of Instagram users who started using it in a myriad of ways.

While it is a fun and engaging way to share travel videos, live experiences, and vlogs, people still have doubts about the business potential of this feature. There are businesses and marketers who have learnt how to leverage it to their advantage, but its adoption for business use is still limited.

This is why we have created this guide to help you understand how you can use Instagram Live for your business. You will find out more about Instagram Live, why you should use it, and the best ways to utilise it for your business.

使用Instagram Live for Business的最终指南:

Instagram Live:基础知识

在我们了解如何将Instagram Live用于业务目的的详细信息之前,让我们首先了解它的工作原理。


这是使Instagram Live对您的业务非常有用的一些功能。

  • 它使您可以实时播放视频。
  • Your users can interact with you by commenting on your video.
  • It also allows you to add others to your live video as guests.
  • You can save a replay of your Live video to your Stories.
  • Another useful feature is the ability to pin some comments to the top.

How to Use






为什么要使用Instagram Live进行业务?

If the list of features has not convinced you of the business potential of Instagram Live, we have a few more reasons for you. Here are some of the key benefits of Instagram Live and reasons why you should include it in your社交媒体营销策略

It Gets Great Visibility

Instagram Live videos appear at the top of the screen among the Stories on a user’s feed. Moreover, they get priority over Stories and are shown first in the sequence. And, they appear with a thick pink ring around them, to distinguish them from regular Stories.

Your Followers Get Immediate Notification of a Live Stream

Another advantage that Live videos have over any other type of Instagram content is that they get immediate audience attention. As soon as you go Live, Instagram will send a notification to all your followers to watch the Live stream. This also creates a sense of urgency encouraging your followers to watch it immediately.

Lets You Interact With Your Followers in Real-Time

使用实时视频而不是其他视频的最大好处之一types of videosis that they allow you to interact with your followers in real-time. This makes the whole experience more engaging for your audience and gives you a chance to understand their queries and concerns better.

利用Instagram Live fis Business的方法

您可以在六种方式中使用Instagram Live为您的业务使用。尝试这些并自己尝试,以找到使用此功能的新型和创新的方法。


One brilliant way to leverage Instagram Live is by using it to launch a new product. Talking about a product launch in real-time generates interest in the product.

It works best if you go Live a little before the actual product launch to create buzz around it. Give people a little sneak-peek before your actual launch, so that they are already interested and ready to find out more.

Use this chance to detail the key features and use cases of the product and what makes it stand out. You can reveal the price, but it’s better to direct people to your website to wait for the product to go live to find the price. This will generate enough curiosity to drive people to your website and check out the product.

Host a Live Q&A Session

Instagram Live最常见的用途之一是与您的关注者进行实时问答环节。这使您有机会直接与关注者进行互动并进行脉冲检查。

Use this to listen to customer concerns or challenges and provide solutions. You can also encourage them to ask any questions they might have about your brand or products.

使用Instagram生活的主要好处is that you can have a conversation in real-time. This means that people don’t have to wait to get their problems resolved or get answers to questions.


问答Instagram Live流的屏幕截图



You might post pictures from the event later on your feed, but it won’t have the same effect as a Live video. Using Instagram Live you can make your followers feel like they are actually part of the experience. That can help you build an engaged and loyal audience for your social media profiles.



作为一个品牌,你可能遇到或与所工作ential people in your industry. You can use Instagram Live to interview such people and get more people to follow you and watch your Live feed.


另一种方法是使用“ Live Guest”功能,该功能将在您和客人的Instagram feed上播放实时视频。而且,为此,您无需与客人保持身体接近。您可以远程采访人们。而且,最好的部分是您的观众和客人的追随者都可以看到视频。

Essentially, this is another way for you to与影响者合作, but with the added advantage of letting your followers talk to them directly via comments.

Use this to ask useful industry-specific questions that will provide valuable insights to your audience. And, allow your audience to ask questions of your guest by posting them in the comments.




Live videos also allow people to ask any questions that they might have and get answers right then and there.



Instagram Live can be very useful for your business and should be a part of your marketing strategy. You can use it to market your products, engage your followers, or simply improve your brand’s social media presence.

这篇文章包括您开始使用Instagram Live为您的业务使用的所有内容。

利用这些技巧,然后开始使用Instagram Live!
