How To Use Twitter’s Advanced Search To Drive More Business Leads


But Twitter's size also presents a challenge. With more than6 000 tweets每秒发送一次,Twitterverse是巨大的,并且以令人难以置信的速度移动。确定营销机会有时可能就像在以200英里 /小时的速度移动的干草堆中找到针头一样。




简单的答案是,它会让你的生活作为一个marketer so much easier and save you a lot of time. Essentially, you want to use Twitter to find out where potential customers are, what people are saying when they are talking about your brand and how to engage people to get them to buy your product, right?

因此,尽管许多Twitter用户可能正在谈论您的公司或产品,但他们可能不会使用 @符号在帖子中标记您,或者即使是,每天都会发送数亿个推文,他们可能只是简单迷失在人群中。

Using advanced search makes it easy for you to find those tweets.


Enter your search term into the search bar on Twitter. At the top of the results page, click on "More options" and then click "Advanced search". This will open Twitter's advanced search page where you can search in various combinations of search filters to get the exact results you are looking for to optimize your search for business leads.



If you want to find users who are potential customers, do an advanced search for usernames to track mentions. You do this by entering 'to:' or 'from:' before a username. The 'to:' search will show you all the tweets sent to the username you have searched. For instance, if you search "to:InfluencerMH" the search function will reveal all the tweets the were sent to Influencer Marketing Hub. Similarly, if you search for "from:InfluencerMH" you will see all the tweets Influencer Marketing Hub has sent.

If you want to find out if Influencer Marketing Hub has sent any tweets about how to generate more leads, you can tweet "from:InfluencerMH lead generation" and Twitter will find all the tweets金博宝188备用网址影响者营销中心已经发送了此主题。

Once you've found tweets that were sent to you or relevant tweets from specific accounts you can start engaging with those users to start the conversion journey from lead to paying customer. It really is a simple as that.

This function is also useful if you want to find out what people are saying to your competitors or asking them. You may, for example, find that a user is unsatisfied with one of your competitor's products, which gives you the opportunity to connect with them and offer them a promo code or way to try your product instead.

记住要保存搜索,以便您以后再次使用它们。这样,您不必以后再进行相同的搜索,您可以密切关注人们对某些品牌的评价 - 无论是您自己还是您的竞争对手。保存包括您的品牌名称以及常见的拼写错误和网站的Twitter高级查询,是更努力地监视您的提及的良好开始。Twitter允许每个帐户节省多达25个搜索。

Search by tweet content

The easiest way to find potential customers is through looking at their tweets. Most people who tweet about a specific or niche topic to market their product by offering a solution to a certain problem will include a link to their product or website. In contrast, people who tweet about certain topics without including links are likely looking for a solution to a problem. These are the people you want to engage.

如果您很聪明,您将研究您行业或利基市场中没有链接的那些推文。您可以通过在搜索查询中添加-http -https来做到这一点。例如,搜索“潜在客户生成” -http -https。或者,您可以输入“ HTTP,HTTPS”,而没有引号中的“这些单词”框中的“高级搜索”页面上。

Sentiment searches

现在,您知道如何有效地找到您的品牌,您也想知道人们对您的产品的看法。最简单的方法是通过在高级搜索中添加诸如“ :)”和“ :(”之类的表情符号来输入产品或品牌的名称。



Remember that you can filter you search results according to top tweets, most recent tweet, photos, videos, people, news or broadcasts related to your search phrase.


如果您拥有一家为某个领域的人提供服务的小型企业,那么您实际上不需要分析来自世界各地的推文。例如,如果您在纽约拥有一家咖啡店,则可以通过游客设计搜索来筛选成千上万的推文,要求提供有关在哪里获得最佳咖啡并将其引导到您的业务的建议。通过输入与您的行业相关的关键字(例如“卡布奇诺咖啡”),然后添加“附近:(您的位置):( 30 mi)”来寻找潜在客户,以此来解决此操作。您要瞄准的区域是“近”,并且“在”内部是该区域周围的参数或距离。例如,搜索附近:“伦敦”或内部:30MI,它将在伦敦地区附近30英里内的所有物品范围内。

Searching by location can also be useful for tracking Twitter interactions before, during and after events or conferences. By specifying a location, you make sure that you are looking at posts from people at the event itself as opposed to those just tweeting about it.



Monitoring what the influencers in your industry are talking about and将它们整合到您的营销策略中将为您一个好了解什么有效,什么是生成潜在客户的方法。


为此,您可以使用您要寻找的主题标签与操作员“ min_retweets:10”一起使用,例如,查看最近获得至少十个转发的标签帖子。您可以增加该数字,看看谁在您的空间中获得最多的股份。然后,这将使您看到他们在推文以及他们的追随者对此的反应。通常,您会在评论线程中发现流行推文的线索,您可以通过回答他们的问题并提供建议来吸引用户。尝试尽可能有机。任何人都可以发现一英里外的营销人员,因此请聪明地吸引用户,使其使其对话或古怪,而不是看起来像是要出售产品。

Exclude irrelevant results

The original issue with using Twitter to generate business leads is that the platform is so vast that it can be hard to find what you are looking for. Excluding irrelevant results is therefore at the heart of the problem you are trying to solve with Twitter's advanced search.

排除过滤器切除了您不想看到的搜索结果。您可以通过在关键字,过滤器或Twitter用户之前添加( - )符号中的( - )符号来使用它。

例如,如果您想找到谈论相机的用户,但您不想看到竞争对手(Sony)的推文,只需搜索“相机” - Sony。这将完善您的搜索结果,以排除有关索尼相机的所有推文。

You can also use this operator to find tweets without links. To do this, add '-filter:links' to your search.

Create hashtags


一个成功的例子是可口可乐的#ShareAcoke广告系列。该品牌使用此标签活动以及个性化的可口可乐瓶来鼓励分享和赠送可口可乐瓶。主题标签获得了全球牵引力。根据正确的研究,使用主题标签有双重优势主题分析工具. It allows your customers to generate marketing for you for free, as well as allowing you to search later to interact with Twitter users.


Benefits of social media monitoring


不要让自己处于客户谈论您而不是与您的位置。当品牌时do social media monitoring right, they unlock opportunities for social conversation and lead generation. Customers feel more appreciated and more inclined to do business with you when they're able to easily search, find and respond to conversations about your brand.

Monitoring the Twitter landscape can be challenging, but advanced search does make it easier and knowing how to use it properly will give your business the edge it needs.


