
Influencer marketing certainly is not a groundbreaking concept anymore. In fact, we're hearing this term used more and more frequently with every passing day. Yet even still, many brands are unfamiliar with how to effectively incorporate this rapidly growing tactic into their marketing plan. With a325% increase in searches for "influencer marketing"仅在Google上,在过去的12个月中,这种方法不仅是一种趋势:它要留在这里(而且品牌必须学习如何相应调整)。因此,如果您想知道如何有效地将有影响力的人整合到您的营销策略中,则需要考虑三种方法:


1. Promoting your Product or Service

虽然这似乎有些明显或过于简单,但雇用有影响力的人来推广您的产品或服务是一个很好的起点。为了做到这一点,品牌必须首先能够确定能够成功(和真实地)以引人入胜的方式传达您的信息的正确影响者。非常重要的是要意识到并非所有的影响者都是平等的,并且可以选择最理想的候选人采用多种方法。将此识别过程外包给第三方机构通常是最有效的方法,但是,如果您选择自己选择影响者,请确保仔细观察他们的真实性(照片上的喜欢的数量是否与观众人数保持一致?他们照片上的评论似乎是真实的,还是看起来像是很多“机器人般的回复?by a number of followers that were paid for or hiring an “influencer” who actually, isn’t very influential at all. Overwhelmed by where to start? Just look to the influencers you or your friends follow yourselves… chances are if you followed them organically, other people did too.


Once you have a list of influencers you feel make sense for your brand, it is time to create a brief for the campaign so you can propose your terms for collaborating with them. Again, utilizing a third party agency to serve as a liaison provides tremendous help with the negotiation process, however you can also tackle this on your own by including the following information: Are there specifics or restrictions you want to convey to the influencers to help guide their content creation? What are the deliverables you’re asking of them? What compensation are you offering in return? What’s the turn-around time? While it can’t be guaranteed that the influencer will accept your proposal as is or that their rates will align with everything in your brief, having this as a starting point helps guide the conversation and negotiation process. At the end of the day, remember that we’re all still writing the rules a bit as we go, so if you don’t like the answers you get straight away, that doesn’talwaysmean you’re far off. The more you reach out and gather prices, the more you’ll get a feel for what influencers are expecting to help guide your rates.

2. Creating a Community of Repeat Influencers and Ambassadors

Once you’ve dipped your toes in the water and have some experience working with influencers, most people in the industry will agree that the best next step is to hone in on some of those pre-existing relationships that have proven to be successful. While Influencer A may have promoted your product to quadruple the people as Influencer B, you may have seen a much greater success from working with Influencer B (again, numbers aren’t always everything!) Look for the influencers who talk about your product with an effortless and authentic ease because it naturally aligns with their lifestyle. The ones who aren’t forcing anything and can organically advocate with your brand are the ones who have serious persuasion power. While it can be tempting to diversify and constantly work with new influencers to maximize your reach, it’s often more effective to invest in repeat influencers who have already proven to be a fit. Furthermore, consumers aren’t naive that sponsored Instagram posts are essentially the new print ad, so when they see an influencer post about something once - it is easy to disregard as “that’s an ad.” Yet if an influencer they love and trust continues to talk about your product over and over again, that message is more likely to stick.

一些品牌通过使这些影响者成为更正式的冠军,例如大使,将此迈出了一步。这通常不仅仅是让他们只是在社交平台上发布,而且看起来更像是雇用他们代表您的品牌参加活动或展示体验。188滚球地址例如,American Express以其#AMEXAMBASSADOR计划而闻名,在该计划中,有影响力的人会在旅行和享受机场高管休息室(例如机场执行休息室)时使用卡来定期展示公司的奖励计划。这是一种聪明的方法,因为它不仅以讲故事的形式显示了卡及其特权的现实生活经验,而且随着时间的流逝,消费者开始将Amex与他们最喜欢的影响者联系起来,因为他们跟随世界各地的旅程。随着时间的流逝,不可避免地会慢慢建立这种认识,从而增加了该品牌在消费者心目中的价值。

3. Inviting Influencers Into the Design Experience

有影响力的人已经从仅获得产品推广的赔偿方面走了很长一段路。很有可能,您已经跟随一个或两个有影响力的人,他们将品牌提升到了远远超出自己的范围。当合适的品牌Influencer Duo互相找到彼此时,赚取的机会就无穷无尽。例如,Nordstrom现在与几位时尚博客作者合作(包括Gal Meets Glam,Shote Shots,Spots Spects and Cupcakes和Cashmere等),以创建自己的服装系列,这些服装可在商店和在线上出售。特里西娅·史密斯(Tricia Smith)告诉时尚达人“我们认识到客户对这些合作的积极回应,并故意与客户了解和爱的影响者进行类似的合作。”Tricia是Nordstrom的女装EVP和GMM,为女性服装提供了凯特·莫斯(Kate Moss/Topshop)的合作(Nordstrom(Nordstrom)(Nordstrom)(自2012年以来,Nordstrom)在其商店和在线上携带了Topshop),而碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的Ivy Park系列是其他早期成功的销售影响者和名人驱动者和名人驱动者的早期成功示例product. We’ve also seen this done before with Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s or Alexa Chung for Madewell. The list of collaborations like this goes on and on and on…

然而,这种策略远远超出了时尚博主设计自己的系列线索,并且可以以数十种创意的方式执行。最近,Coach与#TheFutureProject合作,雇用诗人转变为Instagram的影响者Morgan Harper Nichols, to collaborate with muralist Toby Triumph to paint murals in a New Jersey high school to inspire students.The Future Project是一个不断发展的年轻人社区,建立了他们想象的生活和世界。除了支持一个良好事业外,通过教练促进这种伙伴关系,他们还能够扩大自己的品牌声音,使有影响力的人分享她的经验,从而使这种愿景栩栩如生。

If brands think beyond single advertisement models and allow influencers to become co-creators with their brand, not only does this make the influencer far more invested in the promotion of your product, but it also opens up a secondary buying audience by inviting in their followers. For example, perhaps you’re an alcohol brand piloting a book of cocktail recipes featuring your product. Why not identify relevant mixology or food + beverage influencers and invite them to create their own recipe to be featured in the book?这不仅使您的产品对消费者具有可识别的名称的附加方式更加有趣,而且这些影响者可能会很兴奋地分享他们的作品的发表,因此也会促进他们的观众。



Jason Pampell是Hireinflue.com的首席执行官兼创始人,他是一家“白人”有影响力的营销机构,在纽约州,洛杉矶和休斯敦设有金博宝188备用网址办事处。自2011年以来,HirinFluence为全球最著名的品牌提供了创新的运动,并获得了行业领先的业绩。该机构被公认为是精英服务提供商,其中包括有影响力的铸造,战略开发,现场参与支持,体验式项目管理和专家咨询。
