12 Essential Free WordPress eCommerce Plugins (And Why You Need Them)


但running an online store can be a lot of work. Betweenmanaging inventory,,,,shipping products, and dealing with customer service issues, it can be tough to find time to focus on marketing your business.

That's where free WordPress plugins come in handy! In this article, we will discuss 12 essential plugins that every eCommerce business should install. These plugins will help you manage your website more efficiently and improve your marketing efforts.


1。WooCommerce Marketplace Plugin

This is themost popular eCommerce pluginfor WordPress. It allows you to create an online store from scratch and sell products and services directly to your customers. WooCommerce is free to download and use, but you may need additional plugins to customize your site with advanced features like payment gateways, discount codes, or shipping options.

WooCommerce插件拥有超过500万个活动设施,适合任何人看的人创建在线商店。它提供了您网站所需和想要的一切 - 无需任何技术知识。

2。Jetpack by WordPress.com

Jetpack is one of the most popularall-in-one solution pluginsfor WordPress sites, and there’s a good reason— it's packed with features! Among its many features are social media integration, security, backup, and performance tools.


Of course, security is essential for any e-commerce website. Jetpack provides a wide range of security features, including malware scanning, automatic and real-time backups, reporting, and hack protection.

3。Yoast SEO Online Plugin

If you're looking to rank higher in search engines, thenYoast’s free SEO pluginis essential for driving traffic and increasing sales. This powerful tool can handle all of the important aspects ofon-page content optimization,,,,从控制标题和元描述直至创建XML站点地图,以便Google了解您的网站。

4。Really Simple SSL

移动你的WordPress站点HTTPS是一种很好的方式not only to protect your site and all who visit it. With the nasty "Not Secure" warnings that Google has been adding for non-HTTPS sites, theReally Simple SSL pluginwill help keep people safe and give them peace of mind when they visit yours.

The availability of free SSL certificates has made it easy to move your WordPress site from an unsecured connection without costing you anything. Really Simple SSL plugin takes care of all the heavy lifting for this process, making safe redirects and handling other updates needed on sites that already have a valid certificate installed--all in just one click.

5。Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA


The Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR/CCPA plugin + web application version includes technical compliance features to meet requirements in over 100 countries and legal jurisdictions.This free plugin帮助您添加cookie同意通知,并根据用户偏好自定义网站的隐私设置。这样,它符合欧洲新的通用数据保护法规(GDPR)和加利福尼亚州民法典程序(CCPA)所规定的标准。

6.Akismet Spam Protection

Akismet Anti-Spam is asuper simple plugin这有助于使您的网站清洁垃圾邮件。所有传入的评论都会由Akismet筛选在网站上,以确保只有合法的访客才能在您的帖子上发表评论。

7.Smush Site Image Optimizer

Created bywpmu dev,,,,Smush是a free WordPress plugin that optimizes your images as you upload them to your site. This not only saves on storage space, but it also helps your pages load faster- a must for any e-commerce website.

Smush是the perfect pluginif you're looking to speed up your page loading times without sacrificing image quality or sacrificing valuable storage space on your server. It's easy to install and use, making it an essential tool for any e-commerce website.

8.WPForms eCommerce Plugin

如果您有在线商店,那么您知道客户反馈对于成功至关重要。WPForms是用于创建自定义表单和调查的免费WordPress插件。它易于使用,并让您收集有价值的客户数据和反馈。有了这些数据,您可以改善商店的客户体验并提高销售 - 这对于任何电子商务业务都是必不可少的。

9.Google Site Kit for WordPress

Site Kit is Google’s official plugin for WordPress that provides insights into how people find and use your site. The tool provides accurate and current information在多个产品上在无需任何额外努力或费用的情况下可以访问的单个仪表板中 - 全部免费。

In e-commerce, it's essential to know where your traffic is coming from and what pages they're visiting. Google Site Kit for WordPress gives you all of this data and more so that you can make informed decisions about how to improve your website and increase sales.

10.WP移动菜单 - 移动友好的响应式菜单

WP Mobile Menu is a free WordPress responsive mobile menu that transforms your website navigation into a user-friendly mobile experience. Withthis plugin,,,,you can provide easy access to your site's content on any device - even if he has no coding knowledge! It works with all WP themes and will give visitors an enjoyable experience using their smartphones or tablets as well as desktops.

11。Easy Digital Downloads

随着在线市场购物的兴起,销售数字产品变得比以往任何时候都变得容易Easy Digital Downloads。这个免费的WordPress电子商务插件将帮助您通过简单,用户友好的界面来管理所有数字产品销售。

Easy Digital Downloads has a lot of free integrations available across most major payment methods and extensions that allow you to add features like memberships, email subscriptions, and more. It's a preference for many business owners that want to sell digital products online.

12。Ultimate Social Media Sharing Icons

Social Media Share Buttons Popup & Pop Up Social Sharing Icons byUltimately Socialis a free e-commerce plugin that lets you add share icons for any of the most popular social media platforms. With thissimple yet powerful tool,通过使客户可以轻松地在其社交媒体网络上共享您的产品,从而使您的在线商店很容易立即提高流量。

Are there considerations when choosing e-commerce WordPress online plugins?

There are plenty of considerations when choosing e-commerce WordPress online plugins. It depends on the type of store you're running and the features you want to offer.



2) What features does the WP plugin offer?

A product's features are the things that make it unique. Remember that features are not necessarily what differentiates one product from another. Most of the time, the quality of the user experience sets it apart from the rest.

An online store is no different. The plugin should include everything needed to run your online stores, such as a shopping cart, checkout process, and order management system. Remember, the features of your eCommerce plugin can make or break the success of your store, so you'll want to be sure that it offers everything you need before making a decision.

3) How often is the plugin version updated?

When selecting a WordPress eCommerce plugin, it is important to consider the frequently updated ones. Plugins that aren't frequently updated can result in compatibility issues when your WordPress version is updated. This could lead to a negative experience for customers.

If you're wondering how to find out how often a plugin is updated, look at the changelog. The changelog is alog of all the updates制作到插件 - 包括更改的内容以及何时更改。这将帮助您确定插件是否正在积极开发。


It's not enough to choose a plugin with great features. If you're not sure how to use those features, you'll need help from the developer. This is why it's essential to consider the support options that are available before making your decision.

You can check out the support options available by reading through the developer's description on their website or by sending them a message directly. It could be from customer service for any product-related assistance or technical support for any technical issues. If you can't find any information about support, don't hesitate to ask for help.

5) Are tutorials available for the plugin?

When choosing a WordPress eCommerce plugin, it's essential to consider how thorough their tutorials are. It is important that you have all of your questions answered and get any assistance when needed. After all, if this is something new for you, then there will definitely be some things that need explaining before taking full advantage of its features

6) What are the user reviews saying about the products?

If you are considering a free plugin for your e-commerce store, it's essential to read through some of its reviews. This will give you an idea of what others think about the product before making your final decision on whether or not it is right for you. Reading customer reviews can also help identify any problems that might have been encountered by other customers.

7) Is this plugin for eCommerce in WordPress compatible with your website's theme?


你可以通过开发人员的阅读website or contacting them directly if you have any questions about compatibility issues with a specific theme. In other words, make sure that the look of your e-commerce website doesn't change when installing a new plugin. If there are any issues after installation, contact its developer for assistance.

8) Are these WordPress eCommerce plugins up to date with the latest security standards?


你可以检查一个插件的安全标准reading through its changelog. The changelog will list all of the updates that have been made to the plugin, including any security enhancements that have been implemented. If you're not sure how to read a changelog, don't hesitate to contact the developer for assistance.

Final Thoughts and Things to Remember About Free WP e-commerce Plugins

选择正确的电子商务插件可以帮助您简化您的marketing efforts。这是创建自动营销机器的关键步骤,可以帮助您推动更多的销售。

there is no one-size-fits-all approach使用电子商务插件。您需要找到可以帮助您的业务发展的基本插件。

Here are some things you should remember:

  • 在一个网站上不要使用太多的电子商务插件。这样做可以减慢您的网站,甚至可能损害其安全性。所以不要过分!
  • Always read customer reviews from people who have used it before. This will give you an idea of the plugin's capabilities and whether it suits your needs or not.
  • 一些电子商务插件对小型企业更有利,而另一些电子商务插件则是为大型商店而设计的。确保为您的业务规模选择合适的产品。
  • Always test drive a plugin before committing to it. You don't want any surprises once your website goes live.
  • Make sure that the e-commerce plugins you choose are compatible with the rest of your site's features.

Do your research and choose wisely. If used correctly for your business, free WP e-commerce plugins can help take your business to new heights.
