The Ultimate Guide to Etsy Influencer Marketing

对于小型企业和创意企业家来说,出售Etsy可能是一项有利可图的贸易。2021年,该平台内的总商品销售(GMS)达到了$13.4 billion–30%比上一年增加了30%over 110%at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

You might be wondering how you can maximize your sales on Etsy, especially when you’re just starting out. Good news is you don’t need a massive email list or a huge social media following to do it.

As more and more consumers shift to online shopping,金博宝188备用网址一如既往的强大。今年,预计品牌将增加其影响者的营销预算,因为该行业预计将飙升至金博宝188备用网址164亿美元




Etsy统计 Etsy统计



截至2021年,Etsy拥有9630万用户和7.5 millionsellers. As much as81%这些卖家中有妇女,97%从家里经营商店。大多数商店都是初创企业,为卖方提供了次要收入。平台上的顶级供应商至少赚取$ 10,000a year.


Why Should You Use Influencer Marketing on Etsy?

Influencer Marketing on Etsy Influencer Marketing on Etsy



Two years ago, Etsy purchases generated almost40亿美元在小型企业的收入中。另一方面,该公司在2021年的年净收入相当于4.93亿美元,比上一年增加了40%以上。


由于Etsy产品是独特而稀缺的,因此该平台已经达到了各种各样的用户群。在2021年第一季度,Etsy大约9000万活跃的买家and8 million habitual buyers。这些是指至少花费的忠实的Etsy客户$ 200on more than six purchase days.


个性化是2022年的关键营销趋势之一。Salesforce的连接客户的状态report finds that over half of consumers expect offers to always be personalized. Etsy’s market of highly individualized handicrafts creates opportunities for both sellers and influencers alike.

Sustainability response

This year, the对可持续和本地产品的需求更高,千禧一代和Z世代消费者都希望与代表其价值的品牌建立联系。相似地,71%of Etsy sellers consider sustainability essential to growing their business. Etsy not only advocates for independent creators within the local market but also seeks to reach净零排放到2030年。


Etsy is responsive to consumer trends. Instead of selling the same thing repeatedly, vendors adapt to the times. In 2020, for example,20,000个Etsy卖家made facemasks right after the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommended people to wear one. For marketers, Etsy’s flexibility as an e-commerce platform demands creativity and originality.

Good value

Other online marketplaces cater mass-produced items. On the other hand, people shop on Etsy for products that they can’t find anywhere else. Compared to competing platforms, these products are also lower-priced. Moreover, Etsy’s much lower fees keep shoppers coming back for more.


For their influencer marketing strategy, most Etsy shops have mainly been using influencers from different social media platforms. But as Etsy continues to make itself more accessible to influencers, a shift is starting to take place.


  • 最喜欢的物品和商店

在2020年,Etsy推出了一个工具,允许有影响力的人在平台上策划他们的首选,并将其显示在Etsy店面上最喜欢的项目。When users click on that item, they are directed to the original product page. There, they can add the product to their cart and check out. Or, they can add it to their own Etsy collection or bookmarked Etsy items.

相似地,influencers can include a list of最喜欢的商店on their Etsy storefront. Clicking on those shops directs users to the original seller’s page, where they can browse through all the listed products.

Items that are low on supply, include a discount, or have been sold are automatically marked with a disclaimer to inform the buyer. If the shop is on break, Etsy lets potential customers know that as well.

One influencer who uses these Etsy features to promote her favorite shops and items is Toronto fashionistaShannae Ingleton。Her top shop picks range from African head wrap sellers likeNubiangrace到可打印的墙壁艺术供应商Frankieprintco

  • Etsy编辑


Additionally, that product automatically becomes part of that influencer’s Edit. Edits act like an online catalog that visitors can browse. They are so aesthetically pleasing that you can’t help sharing them across other social media platforms.

最大化Etsy编辑的有影响力者的一个值得注意的例子是生活方式博客作者克里斯汀·李(Kristine Lee)。在访谈中,她谈到她的顶级Etsypicks for family-friendly summer finds. Some of the items that she listed included a personalized pompom hat fromLittlelooksbylilly和枫面包板亲戚– both of which have already been sold.


Now that you know how influencer marketing works on Etsy, here are a few essentials to help you get started.


  • 了解您的听众


To discover the right influencer, segment your audience by interest then identify top influencers within each segment. Aim to tap the top 20 influencers for each target segment. These conversation leaders should also be flexible enough to address changes in consumer interest or trends. These strategies can help you not only reach audiences faster but also save time and money in the future.

  • Set clear goals and key performance indicators (KPI)



  • Set a budget


Influencers ratesdepend on various factors, such as follower engagement, reach, platform, industry, content, and demand. If you’re a small business, you should consider getting micro-influencers or influencers with about 10,000 to 50,000 followers. Depending on the platform, micro-influencers will typically cost$25 to $1,250 per post


  • 找到您的影响者

While there are many influencers out there, the challenge is in discovering the best one for your brand. You don’t just want someone with lots of followers—you need someone who can provide valuable social proof.

Here are some ways for you to discover the best influencers on Etsy:

  • 使用正确的主题标签

Adding well-populated hashtags on your product pages and descriptions can easily make you discoverable to potential consumers and influencers. You can also add item-specific hashtags and check out which users are already using these. It’s also a surprising way to discover potential influencers.

  • 查看您的Etsy关注

Sometimes, the right influencer is already following you. If you’re lucky, they’ll even be the first ones to introduce themselves to you. Provided that they meet the standards that you’ve set, your followers can be an effective influencer for your brand as they already believe in your product.

  • 加入Etsy团队

Etsy团队function like online forums, where sellers can converse and collaborate with one another. Like any forum, teams have topics or categories that they want to focus on. Aside from gaining tips from like-minded creatives on how to grow your shop, you also get a chance to meet sellers who are influencers themselves.


  • 开个价

Once you feel comfortable with the level of engagement you have with your chosen influencer, send them an email or a message. Ask if they’re interested in collaborating with you for an influencer marketing campaign. If they’re receptive, send them a formal email discussing your terms of offer.



  • Provide marketing materials

拥有有影响力的人并不意味着您应该把一切留给他们。远非如此 - 信息营销是金博宝188备用网址您和他们之间的合作。此外,制造自己的材料可以帮助您更多的商店流量。


  • 产品描述:重要的是创建针对搜索引擎优化的特定关键字的产品描述,因为这可以提高或降低产品页面的搜索引擎排名。
  • Hashtags:这些can increase an item’s visibility to potential buyers, so you must be aware of the ones that potential buyers are using to search for brands like yours.
  • 相片:Using high-quality images for your products is particularly important for Etsy, especially since they also get featured every time your product gets a shoutout anywhere in the platform.


一旦你有了这些基础知识后拍,应该incorporate some of these techniques into your influencer marketing campaign.


Target products that do well

The Etsy marketplace is big on niche products, as well as products for women. Here are specific categories that perform well on the platform:

  • 工艺和用品: This category, which includes knitting and crochet patterns, make up三分之一Etsy的十大卖家名单。那包括PlannerKate1, the number one Etsy seller of 2021.
  • 珠宝:个性化项链,戒指和脚踝的普及它是ScaitlynminimalistEtsy的2号畅销书150万sales.
  • 婚礼装饰:UnmeasuredEvent,此类别的顶级商店已经结束222,000销售
  • Home Living:在2020年,此类别组成25%Etsy上的手工卖方股票。
  • 可打印:此类别下的最热门项目是平台上有超过1,000个相关搜索的计划者。
  • 数字艺术品:The bestseller under this category isLouMarksPhoto。她创建了照片过滤器和Instagram预设,并且有大约400,000sales.

Provide a discount code


Offer giveaways





While influencers can draw a crowd, it’s your job to identify leads and engage with them. Leads can be anyone who adds your products to their Collections or Favorites, adds your item to their cart, or mentions your shop on social media. Some ways to connect with them include engaging with them on social media, adding them to your email list, or simply offering them product discounts.




