5 Influencer Marketing Insights You Need to Know

我们生活在一个充满广告的世界中。消费者几乎全天都在市场上销售。据估计,人们看到了up to 5,000 ads during their waking hours,,,,a rate of one every 11.5 seconds. It’s a number that, in practice, overwhelms the senses—and the target audience has grown very adept at tuning out all the background noise. To put that another way: nobody reads ads.


没有比在线更量化的地方。有了印刷或电视广告,您可能会对它们的影响力有所了解,但是很难从广告中划出一条直接界限到任何消费者动作。在线,这是一个不同的故事 - 一个对营销人员来说并没有非常幸福的结局。查看有关传统“展示广告”的这些统计数据(例如网站上的横幅和侧边栏广告):

  • According to Google’sDisplay Benchmark Tools,,,,the world-wide average click-through rate (CTR) of all ads, across all formats and placements, is sitting at 0.18% as of this writing.



  • 在来自Pew Research Center,,,,受调查的人中有28%表示,他们试图向广告商隐藏自己的在线活动。唯一不信任的群体?罪犯和黑客(33%的受访者说这是一个问题)。
Users that can remember the last ad they saw online14%

All of these statistics on their own should be pretty alarming if you’re a marketer, but together they paint a grim picture. Users proactively take steps to block display ads, ignore most of the ones that make it to their screen, can’t remember the ones they might have looked at, find the ads irrelevant if they do remember them, and—most damning—don’t trust the people who are crafting these messages.

The one thing all these ads have in common is their adherence to the time-worn advertising techniques. Online display ads are nothing more than digital versions of their print and broadcast counterparts. The only thing that makes them unique to the modern era is the delivery medium. Otherwise, they use all the same tactics that people have been effectively tuning out for years.

这些是激发了影响者营销发展的挑战,金博宝188备用网址basic premise其中不仅避免了这些障碍,而且直接出现在它们上,使它们变得毫无意义。也就是说,如果您做对了。

Some marketers hear about IM as the Next Big Thing, learn the basics, and then make the mistake of applying traditional marketing techniques to an influencer campaign. Unfortunately, conventional marketing wisdom doesn’t apply here, and can even be a detriment to the process. If you’re looking to up your Influencer Marketing game, it’s time to let go of your attachments to the way things were—and start learning what those who’ve been successful at it have to say.

1。You are no longer a marketer, you’re a relationship manager.

有人会认为该品牌/影响关系nship in more old-school terms: companies would use celebrities to hawk their wares, celebrities would use companies for money and free stuff. But this isn't how Influencer Marketing works. Sure, there’s the instant cachet of having a recognisable name doing some of the heavy lifting for you, but influencers aren’t people looking for a quick payday from businesses. And remember, their influence pre-dates your involvement with them. They’ve spent time building up a following of people who want to hear what they have to say, precisely because他们已经有话要说。他们不是在寻找您,也不需要您可以提供的任何“机会”。如果他们正在寻找一笔巨额的付款,那么他们可以通过多种方式来货币化,包括与寻找发言人的品牌上床睡觉。


Brian Solis, Principal Analyst for the Altimeter Group,describesthe currency of this relationship as “social capital,” and it’s a marketer’s job to make sure a client doesn’t spend too much of it. He went on to say,


The only way to understand that is to start researching, and participating in, the communities that evolved around them. You would be missing the mark by urging a high-end clothing company, for example, to work with an influencer doling out thrift store fashion expertise. That just isn’t of value to her audience, and could end up violating the trust she’s built with them.





Nothing concrete, anyway: theyare您要吸引广泛的受众的好指标。作为有影响力的营销活动的一部金博宝188备用网址分,这些指标甚至可以接近量化影响您的影响。但是,在任何广告系列结束时,您不应该比PowerPoint幻灯片甲板更多地展示自己的努力,以详细说明有多少人喜欢它?

任何内容营销活动的目标,无论是否涉及影响者,都是为了向您的受众展示并提供价值。营销内部人群首席执行官迈克尔·布伦南(Michael Brennan),建议为任何广告系列定义特定和以客户为中心的任务:


“客户价值”是一个模糊的术语。在某些情况下,这可能意味着为客户提供实际好处。在其他情况下,这可能意味着要给客户自己带来价值,鼓励她成为活动的积极组成部分。无论哪种情况,目标都是通过将客户(而不是产品)前面和中心放置来与观众建立联系。Influencers are especially effective in this regard. First, their already-established credibility gives a brand a headstart in driving engagement. Second, because the influencer is the gatekeeper of an active community of followers, it’s more likely that a campaign will have more measurable engagement beyond a like or share.

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A case in point: fashion giant Calvin Klein’s “#mycalvins” campaign, which debuted in February 2014 and is still going strong. No stranger to provocative advertising, the company decided to get its fans involved, inviting users to submit their own (possibly NSFW) photos with the tagline prompt, “I ________ in #mycalvins.” The company enlisted the help of 600 influencers worldwide, collaborating with them to fill in that blank and encourage their followers to do the same. The结果

  • 全球范围为4.69亿人,有2350万的粉丝互动
  • CK, already a household name with millions of social followers, still increased their social fanbases significantly: by 2.2 million, 1.8 million, and 1 million people on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, respectively
  • 100,000 user submissions in the first year, and the launch of amicrosite致力于展示他们中的最好的


共享的帖子克里斯蒂娜·托西奥(Cristina Tosio)(@cristinatosio) on

You can do a search on this campaign to find out more, and you’ll notice that anything written about it does not include any references to how many likes or shares the posts received. But you’ll definitely learn how CK sold out of all its women’s underwear styles in the wake of the campaign.

3. A bigger audience isn’t necessarily the best option.


There’s数据that bears out this thesis, too: on Instagram, in a review of over five million posts, the people over at Markerly found that users with around 1,000 followers or less see an 8% like rate on posts. Yes, the previous section noted that likes don’t matter. And they don’t, in terms of the success of a campaign. But as the bare minimum of engagement from a user, the social like is a good indication of the engagement ceiling—where you can expect interactions to max out. And those interactions decrease as a given follower-base gets larger.


莎拉·韦尔(Sarah Ware),马克利(Markerly)的首席执行官,提供一些不错的轶事证据去统计。与我们合作ight-loss tea company, Markerly recruited several Kardashians for an Instagram campaign and, yes, they saw good results. But they also brought in another 30 - 40 micro-influencers—at 10K to 100K followers each—and saw higher levels of conversion that, all told, more than kept up with the Kardashians.


Visualize your influencer marketing efforts as a computer network, connecting a large number of devices through which users can access services. Those services are the various forms of engaging and useful content you create as part of your marketing campaigns. The users who access these services are the members of your influencers’ audience, and the devices that enable access are the influencers themselves. You and your marketing firm are the cables and hardware working behind the scenes to make sure everything is connected and operational.


Also, as with any network, the fact that it’s working well today is no excuse not to try to improve and expand on it. In the IT world, that means staying current with hardware and software trends, to make sure you’re not falling behind and putting your network at risk. Again, the same goes with influencer marketing. When you’re not busy interacting with all the influencers you have or might like to have worked with (your current network), you’ll spend another large chunk of time looking for the Next Big Things you haven’t heard of yet. Influencers are everywhere, and new ones are made everyday: finding those who are on their way up in terms of building a following is key to future success.

警告LinkedIn营销解决方案内容营销的小组经理Jason Miller。他继续建议,

Comb over the agendas of the most important conferences in your space and look for the new speakers on the scene who are making waves, search on your topic for up and coming bloggers who have a unique point of view. THIS is where the opportunity is.”



Let’s take the analogy one step further: the people who you reach with content—your network’s end users—are members of an entirely different network, a social one. That is, they’re each connected to their friends, family, co-workers, and so on down the line through their social accounts. All of these are potential connections you can make, and it’s important that you try to make them through the right platforms. With actual peer to peer networking, communication is established through a mutually agreed upon protocol—a kind of language both sides speak. Here the protocol is the social platform you’re communicating through, and you need to speak the language of your intended audience. The product needs to be aligned with the platform.


In trying to market its city to a millennial audience, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) aimed right for their digital hearts by launching its own channel on Snapchat. In true Vegas style, the city went big for the launch, recruiting the so-called “King of Snapchat” DJ Khaled to spend a weekend posting his experiences there—the food, the drinks, the entertainment, including his own performance at the Marquee Night Club.


该活动的成功恰恰是因为产品和平台之间的亲和力。该产品是拉斯维加斯市本身及其提供的经验。该机构执行副总裁Rob Dondero负责营销Snapchat发射(R&R Partners),saidas much:

We have to market the destination based on the products that are offered. And if you look at the products that are being offered by the hotels, especially in the DJ world, the day club world, even the food and entertainment side, it does skew young."

考虑到这一点,Snapchat是不费吹灰之力的。60%的用户不到25岁,,,,and nearly two-thirds of that group are in the hard-partying 18-24 demographic that Las Vegas was going for.

但这只是将产品与平台保持一致的含义的一部分。拉斯维加斯本可以与Instagram一起使用,Instagram具有类似于Snapchat的人口崩溃。90%的用户35岁以下。但是Snapchat似乎是该消息的更合适的媒介。LVCVA营销高级副总裁凯茜·塔尔(Cathy Tull)解释说:

It works well with our what-happens-here-stays-here mentality, because snaps are only available for a limited amount of time."


正如您可以看到的,影响力Marketi的方法ng turns the old school methods on their respective heads. You don’t spend a lot of time directly pitching a brand or product itself. You don’t market to the people you want as your customers. Your best options for spokespeople (for lack of a better word) aren’t necessarily going to be the most famous. You won’t succeed just because you’re reaching millions of people across different platforms. That this is new territory shouldn’t discourage you, though. It isn’t uncharted, and with these insights you can better prepare yourself to find your way.


