
With so many people losing their jobs through COVID, many will inevitably investigate the possibility of setting up anonline eCommerce business。尽管以相对较少的成本建立电子商务业务可能相对容易,但是您需要花一些时间确保您的业务可行。在线可能会有很大的竞争,您需要建立与其他人的不同点。

You generally can't expect to make much money in the early days of your business. It takes time to build a following and establish yourself online. However, assuming that there is a demand for the products you intend to sell (or services you will perform), then you should be able to build a client base in the end, as long as you have the patience and resilience to survive the initial lean times. Creating an online eCommerce business is probably not the way to end a time of unemployment. It is better to set your business up while you still have work and can initially rely on another income for your living expenses.


How Much Money Can You Make with an Online eCommerce Business?:


landing page visitors/month:

Conversion Rate


Monthly Revenue Potential


Yearly Revenue Potential

$ 120,000

Active vs. Passive Income

You can think about making money online by whether you are trying to make active or passive income. The type of eCommerce business you create will reflect this. The most common ways for you to make money online are:

  1. 活跃,例如销售服务或产品
  2. Passive, e.g., receiving affiliate commissions or advertising earnings

也许最常见的电子商务企业s is actively selling goods. These include both physical products and digital products, such as eBooks, SAAS products, courses, and membership communities.



One of the biggest pitfalls eCommerce beginners encounter is that they think that once they have created an eCommerce website, people will magically flock to it and purchase their goods. Unfortunately, it isn't as easy as that. In January 2020, there were over 1.74 billion websites on the internet. You're competing with all of these for people's eyesight and attention.


There are two key factors relevant to an online eCommerce business: traffic and conversions. Traffic represents the number of people who come to and browse your website. Conversions are the people who meet some desired goal. In the case of an eCommerce site, your conversions will generally be the people to whom you make sales.



The easiest way to build traffic to your site is through judicious marketing. And you don't even need to spend a fortune to have a noticeable effect.

Email Marketing

尽管在互联网上是一种古老的营销方法,但电子邮件营销仍然可以成为企业获得流量和销售的一种有利可图且成功的方法。电子邮件营销仍然是吸引目标受众的最佳方法之一。一项eMarketer研究表明median email marketing ROI is 122%,是任何其他数字营销渠道的四倍。





This is referred to as PPC marketing because the amount you pay usually depends on the number of people who click on your ad or listing. Most successful eCommerce stores have PPC campaigns operating, as it can be a very successful way to help you make money online. The more visible you are to your target customers, the greater the likelihood of them coming to your eCommerce site.

For example, if you sell "Woolen work socks," you might pay Google (and possible Bing too) to place your listing near the top of their search results whenever somebody searches for that term.


One disadvantage of paying for PPC advertising on the search engines is that you have a comparatively limited ability to define your target audience. And every "wrong" person who clicks on your ad is wasted money.




As renowned marketer尼尔·帕特尔说:“无论您是狂热的社交媒体专家还是聚会的全新成员,您仍然可以使用社交媒体来发展业务。”他观察到社交媒体与联系,人际关系和参与有关。在您的公司中有积极经验的人将在社交帖子中提出建议。有偿营销专家拉里·金(Larry Kim)也有一个重要的建议:“确保您只为最大的成功而宣传最高内容。”







Revenue vs. Profit. Net vs. Gross


You calculate your Gross Profit by taking your Total Sales and subtracting the cost of making or selling your product. If you don't make products yourself, then the cost of sales of an eCommerce store will generally be the cost of buying your products.

Gross Profit = Total Sales – Cost of Goods Sold

However, your Net Income is the total amount of profit your eCommerce business makes in a set period. You deduct all your expenses form your Total Sales (and Other Income). As well as your Cost of Goods Sold, your expenses will include all of your overhead and tax (if you are a company).

Net Income = Gross Profit + Other Income – Overhead – Tax (Companies Only)

If your eCommerce store's business structure is a sole trader or a partnership, then the owners, not the business, pay the tax.


One of the requirements for creating a successful eCommerce business is patience. It will not be an overnight ticket to riches. It takes time to build your site, get your SEO working, set up social accounts and campaigns, market as much as possible, and slowly shift people through the buyer's funnel on your site. Don't ever think that eCommerce is a way to make quick money. However, it can be a way to create a long-running income stream, particularly if you can set up sources of passive income.

根据Mike Allton on B2C,在线收入的关键要求是BAM:

  • Brain – you need to know a lot about a niche
  • 态度 - 您需要保持积极和乐观
  • Motivation – you need a high level of determination to get things done



What are the biggest mistakes e-commerce beginners make?

最大的一个错误beginners to e-commerce make is that they think that after they have created their e-commerce website, customers will magically visit it and buy their products/services. It is more difficult than that. There are over 1.7 billion websites that you need to compete with for attention. Many people mistakenly think that they will get rich overnight. This is not the case. You need to be patient. So, you can’t allow your website to stagnate after you have created it.

What can you do to make your e-commerce website stand out?


What is the difference between conversions and traffic?

Traffic refers to the number of people who visit and browse your website (in other words, they do not bounce immediately to another website). Conversions refer to the people who satisfy some specific goal. For example, if you have an e-commerce website, this goal will usually be to make a sale. So, the people who have actually purchased a product will be your conversions. Needless to say, in order to get conversions, you need to get traffic first.


Active income refers to when you are, for example, selling services or products. Passive income refers to when you, for example, receive affiliate commissions or advertising earnings. The most common type of e-commerce business is most likely one that actively sells products.

What is PPC marketing?

