Top 22 Digital Marketing Stats to Blow Your Mind


We have previously examined the topic ofWhat Is Digital Marketing?在那篇文章中,我们将数字营销视为“使用战略,计划和对您的市场的敏锐理解,以创建有针对性的数字媒体,以推动您的品牌和产品/服务的认识和教育,并最终销售。”使用网站,着陆页,社交媒体,付费广告,可下载内容和其他数字工具可以帮助品牌参与目标市场并实现数字营销目标。




Content Marketing and SEO Stats

Content marketing and SEO stats

1. Google中排名第一的典型CTR为39.6%

第一页鼠尾草has calculated the click-through rates (CTR) for the various positions in Google's search engine. With over 270 million visitors per month, Google is clearly the largest driver of commerce in the United States and, indeed, much of the world.



  • 搜索位置139.6%
  • 搜索位置218.4%
  • 搜索位置310.1%
  • 搜索位置47.6%
  • 搜索位置55.1%
  • 搜索位置64.7%
  • 搜索位置73.5%
  • 搜索位置82.9%
  • 搜索位置92.2%
  • 搜索位置10 (if present)2.1%

These CTRs compared favorably to those for the top four ad positions:

  • 广告位置12.1%
  • 广告位置21.6%
  • 广告位置31.4%
  • 广告位置41.2%



  • 摘要143.7%
  • 摘要227.1%

3. Image and Videos Have Less of an Impact on CTRs in Google Than You'd Expect

Perhaps surprisingly, having your images and videos appear in a high Google position doesn't guarantee high CTR rates. First Page Sage found the following CTRs applied:

  • 图像结果1.4%-4.9%
  • Video results2.5%-6.1%


Social media stats


When compiling its2021不是另一个营销报告, HubSpot asked its respondents what they considered their organization's primary approach to marketing. Social media topped this list by a sizable margin, with 68% favoring this approach. This suggests that personalized marketing and conversational marketing is now the preferred approach.



6. 91% of Brands Use Social Media

Salesforce Research's营销第七状态(2021) indicates that social media is even more popular for businesses than HubSpot’s study suggests. When asked about the various channels marketing organizations used, 91% of the respondents admitted using social media.

Some other important marketing channels include:

  • Digital ads 91%
  • Video 90%
  • Digital content 88%
  • 网站/应用86%
  • 事件and sponsorships 84%
  • Email marketing 76%

7. 2021年,社交媒体营销的主要策略是社交倾听

Perhaps surprisingly, 62% of HubSpot’s survey respondents considered社交听力他们社交媒体营销的重要组成部分。其他流行的策略包括主题标签(48%)和实时视频(46%)。实时视频对于许多公司的营销策略,尤其是针对年轻受众的营销策略,迅速成为必不可少的。增强视频现在正在引起轰动,有19%的受访者声称将其纳入其社交媒体营销的一部分。

8. Instagram现在是企业最常用的社交平台,但Facebook仍然提供最好的ROI



Email marketing stats

9. 63% of Firms Use Email Marketing

尽管电子邮件营销是一种相对较古老的数字营销风格,但仍被许多公司视为有价值的,这是HubSpot最近报告中第三大流行的渠道(63%)。每年,您都会发现预测电子邮件营销消亡的报告 - 但似乎从未发生过。尽管“电子邮件”一词在1993年流行以来,电子邮件营销仍然像以往一样受欢迎,尽管已经出现了所有新的数字渠道。

电子邮件营销的概念是much older than its name,确实比互联网大。第一条消息于1969年10月从ARPANET上的计算机发送到计算机,我们知道它发生的第一条电子邮件是在1971年发出的,Ray Tomlinson使用 @-Symbol作为用户地址的一部分创建了Arpanet的网络电子邮件系统。

正如我们上面看到的那样,Salesforce Research的第七个营销状态的受访者中,有76%的受访者声称在2021年使用电子邮件营销。

10. Message Personalization is the Most Common Tactic Used for Email Marketing



Other important tactics include:

email marketing tactics




11. Google广告获得了超过90%的全球互联网用户

According to谷歌,Google Display网络在全球范围内达到了90%以上的互联网用户。Google Display Network(GDN)是一组由超过200万个网站,视频和应用程序,您的Google广告出现的。

12. Google's Ad Revenue in 2021 Exceeded $200B

毫无疑问,广告对Google是有利可图的。Statistareports that Google's advertising revenue in 2021 was $209.49 billion. This represented a sizable 43% increase from 2020's figures and showed a colossal boost from the $0.07 billion Google earned from advertising in 2001.


您可以看到Google 2019-21的广告收入的细分Alphabet的2021年度报告。2021's $209 billion comprised income from Google Search ($149B), YouTube ads ($29B), and Google Network ($32B).


Native advertising stats

本地广告涉及付费广告,这些广告与它们出现的外观,感觉和功能相匹配。例如,社交媒体上的本地广告看起来像相关平台上的任何其他社交媒体帖子。一些品牌在其网站上包括赞助广告,看起来与网站上的其他内容相似。本地广告看起来非常类似于社论 - 尽管它们当然会讲一个精心制作的信息。本地广告之所以成功,是因为它们看起来不像广告,即使它们在上面带有赞助消息。


13. Native Video Advertising Forecast to Make Up More Than 80% of all Video Ad Spend in the US


14. Online content on Editorial Sites is More Positively Perceived Than on Social Media Sites

AnOutbrain-Savanta研究found online content on editorial sites (e.g., news and lifestyle sites) to be more positively perceived than social media sites. For example, 75% of the respondents said they trust editorial sites compared to 54% who trust social media sites. This trust is particularly notable among household decision-makers. Conversely, ads on social media were the least trusted across sites.

15. Consumers Prefer to See Their Recommendations Personalized with Headlines

Another finding of the Outbrain-Savanta study was that household decision-makers are significantly more likely to prefer personalized recommendations (59%) and headlines (58%) than non-decision makers (54% and 52%).


Outbrain-Savanta受访者给予4 types of ads and asked to rank them from most to least intrusive. The percentages ranking each type as most intrusive were:



我们已经广泛写了有关影响者营销中心的会员营销,包括我们的金博宝188备用网址188.博金宝 。我们也有一篇更深入的文章,详细介绍了Top Affiliate Marketing Statistics

17. The Global Affiliate Marketing Industry is Worth More Than $17 Billion

According toMhojhos研究,2020年的全球会员营销市场规模超过170亿美元,高于2016年的130亿美元。预计到2020年,美国价值70亿美元。

18. The Annual Passive Income of Affiliate Marketers Averages Over $50,000




19. 52% of Marketers Use Native Ads/Sponsored Content

One finding from Salesforce Research's State of Marketing 2019 research was that 52% of marketers were currently using native ads/sponsored content, while 37% planned to use such methods within the next 12 months. Unfortunately, they had changed the questions for their 2021 report, so we don't have current stats on this. However, using sponsored content, on websites other than a business's own, was one of the most used paid content distribution methods by both B2C and B2B marketers in 2019.


Online PR stats

20. 88%的公关专家说数字讲故事是未来

USC Annenberg传播和新闻学院found that 88% of public relations professionals and 80% of marketing professionals consider digital storytelling an important trend affecting the future of public relations.

21. Global PR Market Worth $US88B in 2020

According toStatista,全球公关市场在2020年价值880亿美元。到2025年底,该行业预计将超过1.29亿美元的价值,复合年增长率为7.4%。

22. Content Creation is the Most Important PR Task

Cision在他们的2020 Comms Report他们有41%的受访者认为创建内容是他们最重要的公关任务。随后是媒体外展(27%),归因和投资回报率(11%)。

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the success rate of digital marketing?

The success rate of email marketing? Email marketing is a key part of digital marketing. The average open rate across all industries is 80%, and the average click-through rate is 2.78%

What are statistics in digital marketing?


  1. 排名# 1谷歌生成一个Typical CTR of 39.6%
  2. 摘要在Google上具有很高的CTR
  3. 图像和视频对Google中的CTR的影响少于您预期的
  4. 91% of Brands Use Social Media

What percent of marketing is digital?

Digital and affiliate marketing grew dramatically in 2021. Digital spending outperformed expert predictions, with digital advertising accounted for 64.4% of overall ad spend that year. That far surpassed the expected 50%.

What are the 4 P's of digital marketing?

The four Ps of marketing are product, price, place and promotion. These Ps of marketing are called the marketing mix. These Ps are the most important parts of planning and marketing a product or service.
