35 Web开发统计数据,您应该在2023年知道


In this post, we look at a selection of web design and web development statistics, examining what matters to web users today.

35 Web开发统计数据,您应该在2023年知道:


web usage statistics


2. 96.1% of internet users aged 16 to 64 own a mobile phone(数字2022)。几乎所有(95.8%)拥有智能手机,只有7.7%的人仍然拥有一款老式功能手机。

3. 92.1% of internet users access the internet via their mobile phones(数字2022)。Even allowing for the fact that a few mobile phone owners don't use them for the internet, it is clear that the vast majority of people do nowadays.

4.现在只有59.0%的16至64岁的互联网用户使用笔记本电脑或台式计算机(Digital). However, there is clear evidence that web developers can't ignore mobile users nowadays and possibly even design using a mobile-first philosophy. Other internet-enabled devices that people own are tablets (34.0%), games consoles (20.3%), smart watches/wristbands (28.7%), tv streaming devices (15.9%), smart home devices (15.2%), and virtual reality devices (5.4%).

5. However, 28.1% of internet users accessed the internet on a work laptop or desktop last year。This suggests that many businesses still require computers, even if people do (most of) their recreational internet activity on their mobile devices.

6.互联网用户在互联网上平均每天6小时37分钟。(数字2022)。The average user spends more than a third of that time (2 hours, 28 minutes per day) using social media.

7. 58.4% of internet users say their main reason for using the internet is to find information(数字2022)。Web developers should remember this when creating websites to ensure they contain valuable content. Other popular reasons people use the internet include staying in touch with friends and family (54.2%), keeping up-to-date with news and events (50.8%), watching videos, tv shows, or movies (49.8%), and researching how to do things (48.1%).

8. Google processes more than 100,000 search queries per second(Kinsta)。这相当于每日搜索超过85亿。根据当天的不同,Google的平均市场份额为86-96%。



10. The average internet user spends 55.7% of their daily internet time on their mobile phones(数字2022)。这进一步强调了Web开发人员在创建网站时如何忽略移动用户。

11.下载时移动互联网连接的中值为30.79 Mbps(数字2022)。中间移动上传速度为8.62 Mbps。这些速度仍然比中位固定互联网速度(69.14 Mbps - 下载 / 29.09 Mbps - 上传)低一些。





14. Chrome现在提供近2/3(65.68%)的网络流量(Digital 2022)野生动物园以18.68%的网络流量获得第二名,其次是Microsoft Edge(4.33%),Firefox(3.15%),Samsung Internet(2.75%),Opera(2.26%)和UC浏览器(0.71%),留下””(2.44%)。尽管微软从Internet Explorer主导的那天就失去了市场份额,但他们将很高兴知道Edge的同比变化最大(14.9%),主要是以Firefox为代价。

15. Google.com是访问量最多的网站(2022)。Semrush在这篇文章中可能最令人惊讶的消息可能是最不令人惊讶的消息,报道Google是2022年8月访问量最多的网站(有801亿次访问,670亿个唯一),其次是YouTube(662亿,49.9亿,唯一)和Facebook(135亿,135亿,21.9亿独特)。这些统计数据还很好地表明了Web开发人员餐饮对重复访问者的重要性。

Web Developer Demographic Statistics


Web Developer Demographic Statistics


17. 64.6% of US web developers are white(Zippia)。尽管过去十年来一直存在(轻微的)积极趋势,但美国网络开发人员中的多样性很少。开发商在2019年确定的非白人种族是亚洲(15.4%),西班牙裔或拉丁裔(5.9%),美洲印第安/阿拉斯加人(0.3%)和“未知”(2.7%)。


19. The average age of web developers in the USA is 30-40 years old.While this may surprise some people, with the stereotypical image of a web developer being a teenager or someone in their early 20s, it is a fair guide to how long people have been developing websites now. Indeed, 42% of US web developers are aged 30-40 years old, with a further 36% aged over 40. Only 22% of web developers are aged in their 20s.

20. Only 2% of US web developers lack学位,只有高中文凭。The vast bulk (71%) have Bachelor-level degrees, with 14% having Masters-level degrees, 11% Associate degrees, and 2% "Other."

21.美国所有网络开发工作中有50%在拥有> 10,000名员工的组织中显然,大多数小型企业都将其网络开发外包,只有9%的员工为员工不到1,000名的公司工作。

22.美国网络开发工作中有一半以上(54%)发生在上市公司Clearly, one of the reasons for the large average size of organizations employing web developers is the sizable number of positions in public companies. Notably, only 1% of web developers work in government jobs.


23.您有50毫秒可以给您网站的访问者留下良好的第一印象(Taylor & Francis Online). According to a series of studies ascertaining how quickly people form an opinion about web page visual appeal, you don't have long to impress potential visitors to your site. If visitors don't like your design (or your web developers have implemented it poorly), expect people to look elsewhere.

24. It takes 2.6 seconds for eyes to settle on key areas of a web page(CXL)。研究表明,仅需平均用户2.6秒即可降落在最大程度地影响其第一印象的网站区域。第一印象越好,访问者留在页面上的时间就越长。研究人员发现,从观看者那里吸引最大兴趣的六个网站部分是(按顺序)网站的徽标,主导航菜单,搜索框,网站的主要图像,书面内容和网站底部。如果您希望人们进行更长时间的访问,则必须确保至少这六个要素在您的网站上看起来很棒。

25. 85%的网站访问者认为,公司的移动网站应该比其桌面网站好或更好(Curatti)。手机的小屏幕在设计网站时可能会具有挑战性,但是随着移动用户的优势及其UX期望,您不能忽略他们的UX期望。

26.开发网站的平均成本为$ 3200(Goodfirms)。GoodFirms研究对美国,乌克兰和印度的200多个网页设计机构进行了调查。35.1%的参与者引用了他们的客户$ 1000至1500美元,13.51%的收费在5000至6000美元之间。总体平均值为3200美元。

27.功能和功能是影响网页设计成本的主要因素(Goodfirms)。Other important factors include UI/UX design and responsiveness to mobile devices.

28. 80.7%的网页设计师在一个月内准备好网站(Goodfirms)。GoodFirms asked their respondent web development agencies how long it typically took to design a website with all the necessary features. The vast majority did so within one month, although 11.5% took three months or more.

29. Professional web designers prefer to use the Adobe suite of products(Goodfirms)。不,这不是Adobe的广告。GoodFirms收集了有关受访者认为是可用于网页设计的最佳工具的信息。88.5%选择了Adobe Photoshop,其中76.9%也使用Adobe Illustrator和23.1%的Adobe Indesign。这种模式的显着例外是75%使用草图(Apple Macintosh上的数字设计工具包)。

30. 50%的消费者认为网站设计对企业品牌至关重要(Top Design Firms) – this finding emphasizes that companies need to prioritize web design.


视觉元素 /网站设计


33. If given only 15 minutes to consume content, 59% would prefer to browse something beautifully designed(Adobe)。相反,仅41%的人更喜欢简单而简单的东西。如果您仅专注于美国公民,数字将更加极端。在这里,Adobe发现66%的人更喜欢看一个设计精美的网站,而34%的人则喜欢简单而简单的东西。

WordPress Statistics

34. WordPress由43.1%的所有网站使用(W3技术)。这是使用某种形式的内容管理系统的所有网站中的64.2%。此外,58.5%的WordPress网站使用当前版本6。

35.所有WordPress网站中有20.1%使用WooCommerce(W3技术)。这使WooCommerce WordPress最受欢迎的插件随后是Elementer(18.5%)和WPBakery(13.7%)。
