

Land in the metaversehas the potential to be equally as valuable as land in the actual world. Every portion of land bought is an NFT, which means it can’t be duplicated.

If you're interested in learning more about the Ethereum-based metaverse, keep reading on to learn all you need to know before deciding to own a property in Decentraland.

Decentraland Real Estate:

What Is Virtual Real Estate?


What Is Decentraland?



当Facebook将其公司名称更改为Meta时,分散的人流行了。经过Facebook的决定,“ Metaverse”成为虚拟世界概念的共同术语。

The Digital World Inside Decentraland

分散的部分(称为包裹)散布在土地上。每个包裹都是52英尺宽,长52英尺。A parcel is the smallest quantifiable area of land that you may possess. Several pieces of land can be bought together to form an estate.

在第一次访问这个虚拟世界后,您将出现在Genesis Plaza,也称为中央广场,因为它位于去分散的中心。结果,创世纪广场是平台上最重要的位置之一。请注意,物业的位置和土地规模会影响其定价。如果您的财产更接近进行大量活动的区域,则您的财产将更高。

土地令牌作为u的所有权的证明ser’s purchased land. It also contains the unique coordinates of a particular plot of land as well as a description of the contents of the virtual property.

Decentraland has a total of90,601 plots of land。您不需要任何技术专业知识就可以构建您的分散地块。一个简单的拖放接口使您可以在属性上创建各种结构。



What Is MANA?

Decentraland's cryptocurrency is called MANA. In essence, it powers Decentraland's economy. ERC20 tokens may be used to acquire LAND and pay for items and services on the platform. As a governance token, MANA allows its holders to have an influence on how the Decentraland protocol will develop in the future. You may purchase MANA tokens on a cryptocurrency exchange.

To purchase LAND on Decentraland, you must spend MANA. When it comes to the current value of MANA tokens, the currency’s worth is rapidly increasing. In just four years, MANA has gone from a low price of$0.007883on October 3, 2017 to approximately$ 5in November 2021.

How Does Decentraland Work?

Every piece of land is an NFT, known as LAND. In other words, Decentraland's real estate transactions are NFT transactions. Following each purchase, customers are offered the opportunity to create a virtual city on their land.


分散的庄园功能使您可以管理许多土地。同时,地区由共同主题的土地包组成。社区成员可以创建一个地区,共享相似的利益,使一群志趣相投的人可以互动和社交。由于Agora的投票系统,用户可以发表意见。目前活跃的分散区包括拉斯维加斯城,时装街,分散大学,E for for for所有人,Ecogames,Musichub,Sports粉丝区和分散博物馆。



How to Buy MANA


1. Register on Binance



2. Ensure the safety of your Binance account by enabling 2FA

2FA, or two-factor authentication, is an optional additional layer of protection. In addition to a username and password, a user can enable 2FA through Google or phone verification.

Following your sign-up, you can go to your dashboard to enable 2FA. You can also click your profile and then “Security”. You’ll have multiple options for two-factor authentication, including phone number and email address verification, security key, and Google Authenticator.

3. Select how you wish to purchase MANA

在Binance网站上,单击左上方的“购买加密”链接。这将向您展示您所在国家 /地区购买法力的选项。这些选项包括:



  • Credit/Debit Card

This is the best way to buy MANA if you're a newbie. Binance accepts both Visa and MasterCard.

  • Bank Deposit


  • P2P交易



In other to keep your MANA tokens safe, you have two options. If you want to keep MANA for a lengthy period, hardware wallets are the best option. Offline wallets are inherently safe and can hardly be hacked. The Ledger Nano S and the Ledger Nano X, which enable cryptocurrency storage, are the most advanced hardware wallets available to store MANA.


How to Buy LAND in Decentraland?


Visit the Decentraland Marketplace

Start by visiting the Decentraland marketplace, where you may either sign in or create an account. With a digital wallet, signing up is simpler. If you don't already have a digital wallet, you can use MetaMask or Trust wallet. The "LAND" tab is where you'll find all the land parcels currently available for purchase.


选择一块土地is the next step. This involves looking carefully at the various options available. At the Decentraland marketplace, you can examine nearby locations and their closeness to popular attractions.


Purchase the Property

You may either make an offer on the land or purchase it at the current market price once you have found the property you want. The "buy" and "bid" buttons allow you to place an order and complete a purchasing transaction.

Ethereum or the native token MANA are the two currencies accepted on Decentraland. Don't forget to have enough cryptocurrency in your wallet to execute the transaction. When funding your wallet, also keep in mind the cost of gas and transaction fees.



Within a few minutes of confirming your purchase, your Land NFT will be in your wallet. You may view your land on the OpenSea platform using a MetaMask wallet or Trust wallet.




When you click on a land plot on the map, you'll see the property's "Highlights." This lets you know how many parcels away you are from a road or district. If you want to build on your land, you may consider purchasing a plot of land that includes multiple smaller pieces merged together. Due to the high demand for larger lots, your options may be limited.

How Much Is Decentraland LAND?

In 2021, the price of a property in Decentraland soared. Currently, plots of land are selling for an average of$ 3,000

Popular metaverse platforms have seen a significant increase in the cost of digital land in the past year. The price of a property in Decentraland is anticipated to climb even more in the future.

Reasons Why Decentraland Real Estate Is a Wise Investment

Here are two main reasons people want to invest in Decentraland real estate.



Keep in mind that, as with all other types of investment, investing in virtual real estate deals can have its cons, such as lack of predictability. Also, be careful while purchasing land in some areas since the prices might be too exorbitant for the value.

2. To set up a community



Thanks to various opportunities on Decentraland, earning money as an investor is possible. Take a look at the top five ways you can make money as a virtual landowner.


The Rental of Parcels

Parcels are rarely developed or built on by their owners. You can still possess a plot even if you don’t develop it. Renting out your home instead of developing it yourself is an excellent option to earn on Decentraland.

出租你的财产可以盈利,部分icularly if you own various parcels next to each other. With the LAND Estates feature, more plots can be developed when they are linked together. The vast majority of developers also choose to build to rent. These homes' valuations might explode if rental revenue rises.

Buying and Selling of Plots of LAND

In Decentraland, you can make a lot of money by selling off land portions at a profit. Locating buyers interested in your property is your first step. After you've found them, all that is left is to negotiate and seal the deal. As the supply of available land decreases, the market for buying and selling would likely become more profitable.

Providing High-Quality Services

On Decentraland, people need different services, and you can make money on the platform by providing these services. For instance, you may design games for people or you can design templates for specific constructions and houses.


Organizing a Show and Then Making Money from It

If you have a plot of land, you can build memorable places and experiences for people on Decentraland. This is possible when innovative entrepreneurs and skilled programmers work together.

Parcel owners can create unique experiences and shows that others will love. Innovative entrepreneurs can charge a premium for their products in the future and develop game-changing technologies.

Virtual Exhibitions

Creating a virtual exhibition is an excellent way to showcase your talents. It doesn't matter if you're selling clothes or new video games, Decentraland creates an opportunity for you to make money off it. For example, you may use the virtual world for advertising your clothing lines and other products.

优点and Cons of Investing in Decentraland Real Estate

优点and Cons of Investing in Decentraland Real Estate







When compared to purchasing real estate, there are lower initial expenditures.



Fluctuation and volatility of cryptocurrency prices


Is Buying LAND in Decentraland Worth It?

The future of Decentraland depends on the thousands of users that visit the platform daily. Users have complete control over the platform’s ecosystem, which is a feature that attracts investors.


对于很多人来说,元元的概念仍然是相当新的,因此现在是在分散的地方获得财产的好时机。Facebook和其他Web 2.0公司和品牌开始将时间,金钱和专业知识用于元开发和可访问性。但是,投资任何虚拟财产都有风险,因此请记住在投资之前谨慎行事并进行适当的研究。



If you have any intention of diversifying your digital portfolio, now is the time to consider buying a plot or more from Decentraland as the metaverse is still rapidly expanding.

Frequently Asked Questions


Decentraland is one of the many platforms that allow you to purchase virtual land. Third-party markets allow you to buy metaverse real estate as well, such as via OpenSea.

In the Metaverse, how much does land really cost?

When virtual real estate was first being sold, users can purchase them for less than a thousand dollars. Currently, the lowest-priced virtual properties are going for around$13,000

Do I need a wallet to join Decentraland?

It is recommended you have a digital wallet to join Decentraland. Your digital wallet stores your MANA tokens, which you can use to purchase digital goods such as wearables and avatars.
