
Over one billion hours of content get watched on YouTube every single day. What’s more, 500+ hours of content get added to the platform per minute, according tostatisticsshared by YouTube. Though, who are these creators who are keeping us entertained?

From gamers to儿童影响者对于喜剧演员来说,我们已经搜寻网络向您展示YouTube上最受欢迎的内容创建者的15个。无论您是寻找一个新的频道来订阅还是想知道如何将自己的内容提升到一个新的水平,这里都是一些最大的成功案例(并确保阅读Mrbeast揭示的内容是他的频道背后的秘密)。



1。瑞安·卡吉(Ryan Kaji)


瑞安·卡吉(Ryan Kaji)remains one of the top YouTube content creators. As of March 2022, his main YouTube channel, Ryan’s World, has more than 30 million subscribers. To quantify his success further, his earnings for 2021 was estimated at almost $30 million, making him one of the付费最高的YouTuber在过去的几年中,根据我们的数字。

不过,YouTube并不是他唯一的收入来源。他还拥有自己的表演和一系列在沃尔玛,亚马逊和Target发行的品牌玩具。考虑到他的YouTube频道背后的许多成功与他的年龄有关,Kaji家族希望多样化是有道理的。与迪士尼的前高管克里斯·威廉姆斯(Chris Williams)一起,该家庭开始更多地关注如何随着年龄的增长,他的孩子有影响力的品牌继续前进。例如,他们创建了一个动画角色,红色泰坦(Red Titan),该角色与瑞安(Ryan)一起出演。他可以成为(超级)英雄,将保护瑞安成为另一个被遗忘的儿童明星吗?


Mrbeast(正式称为Jimmy Donaldson)的年龄不仅是Mrbeast(正式称为Jimmy Donaldson),而且他在YouTube上的订户数量也三倍。但是,在估计收入方面,他仍然落后于瑞安(Ryan),这只是表明没有真正的方法可以确定您需要多少YouTube视图来通过该平台赚钱。

自10年前MRBEAST首次加入该平台以来,他上传了数百个视频,主要涉及某种特技。在最近接受乔·罗根(Joe Rogan)的采访中,他透露了他在YouTube上成功背后的一些秘密。例如,他和他的团队(他有一家50人的公司来帮助他)决定确保可以通过雇用配音演员以多种语言访问他的频道。他还谈到了未来的计划。除了他已经设立的西班牙和巴西葡萄牙频道外,他还计划推出日本配音频道。

As you would have guessed, MrBeast’s content doesn’t come cheap. In an interview with咖啡, he revealed that they can spend as much as a million dollars on a video. He also added that while most content creators film for only a few hours a day, their team sometimes film for 10 hours per day. So, to be a creator in his league, you need to have time and money to invest.


If you’re a regular reader of Influencer Marketing Hub, you would probably already be quite familiar withPewDiePie(更正式地称为Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg),他的壮举和争议。他成立于2010年,设法将自己的YouTube频道发展到了他亲切地称为兄弟军队的1.11亿订户。


尽管他有时可能不敏感,但他已经对自己的心理健康问题开放了自己的问题,并承认内容创建过程损害了他。他有几次公开宣布,他将休息一下来应对倦怠和压力。在接受采访内部人士, he explained that it can be challenging for online content creators to stop, especially when you get blessed with several opportunities.



Dude Perfect证明了如何成功地将您的在线成功转变为有利可图的离线企业。除了他们与超过5700万订户创建的流行的YouTube频道外,他们还拥有其中之一top influencer merch stores,启动了自己的手机游戏,开始了自己的电视连续剧,花花公子的完美表演, and went on live tours. Most recently, they also shared that they will reveal the WrestleMania 38 set from inside the stadium in Arlington, Texas.

One of the secrets to their well-known and much-loved brand is that the content that they create appeals to a much broader target audience. Their immensely popular videos that mostly involve stunts and trick shots help adults to rediscover their inner child, while kids want to be them when they grow up.

5.Rhett and Link

Rhett and Link(正式称为Rhett McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln) are a comedy duo and the hosts of Good Mythical Morning, a type of daytime talk show. They’ve dubbed themselves as “intertainers” and have created a number of YouTube channels. While their own channel has nearly five million subscribers, it’s not their most successful channel and their Good Mythical Morning channel has over 17 million subscribers.

多年来,他们的视频已获得了几个奖项和提名。他们还建立了一个神话般的加速器基金,以在社交媒体名人的业务中获得所有权。例如,最近他们获得了Smosh,另一个建立实际的YouTube频道lly been around longer than their own channel. With the fund, they hope to help other content creators by taking on a type of venture capitalist role.



His unique style has landed him a nomination for a Kids Choice Awards in the Favorite Funny YouTube Creator category. Though, in the end, Liza Koshy, one of the top creators on Instagram and女性Tiktok影响者,带着标题走开。

7。Preston Arsement


如果您喜欢游戏视频,但更喜欢比生存恐怖游戏更恐怖的事物,则可以查看Preston Arsement的YouTube频道。他以Minecraft的游戏玩法而闻名,但也扮演Fortnite和Roblox。除了分享自己的游戏玩法外,他还专注于创建涉及恶作剧和更针对孩子的挑战的内容。他的工作不仅得到了他的19多百万YouTube订户的认可,而且还受到了福布斯(Forbes)之类的作品,其中包括他在2021年的30岁以下榜单中。


For more Minecraft content, you can also check out Dream’s YouTube channel. In addition to YouTube, he’s also active on Twitch where he has nearly six million followers. Not only does he use a pseudonym, but he also doesn’t reveal his face in his videos. So, not a lot is known about this mysterious smiling logo (though, he has hinted that he might reveal his face in 2022).

Like is the case with many gaming creators, his career is not without controversy. One of the controversies involved a speedrun cheating scandal. While he admitted that he used a disallowed modification, he explained that this was unintentional.


Jeffree Star将自己描述为化妆师和化妆品创作者。就像YouTube上的许多领先内容创建者一样,他还设法在其他渠道上找到了成功。他不仅在Instagram上也有数百万个追随者,而且他还开始了自己的化妆品系列,Jeffree Star Cosmetics,并发行了一张录音室专辑,其中包括Nicki Minaj。

In fact, before Instagram was even a thing, he already crafted his space on social networking via Myspace (石板杂志将他列为Myspace上最受欢迎的无签名音乐表演之一)。快进了很多年,到Myspace几乎与邮票一样过时的时代,Jeffree Star现在可以吹嘘超过1600万的YouTube订户和数百个平均数百万次观看次数的视频。



sssniperwolf(正式称为Alia Shelesh) 其中一个顶级女性YouTuber您应该检查一下,而不仅仅是因为她是少数女游戏创作者之一。她的视频平均获得了近500万次观看次数,而她的订户在过去五年中稳步增长。实际上,据HypeAuditor称,她的频道每月有大约145,000个新订户。

她不仅在YouTube上拥有最受欢迎的游戏频道之一,而且她在平台Little Lia上也成功了第二个频道。使这一方面的喧嚣如此有趣的是,它探索了完全不同的利基市场 - 手工艺品和DIY项目。




虽然没有许多女性玩家,SSSniperWolf is definitely not a lone wolf. You can also check out Valkyrae (formally known as Rachell Hofstetter) on YouTube. As a matter of fact, she was the platform’s most-watched female streamer for the past two years. Plus, in 2021, she won Adweek’s Gaming Creator of the Year award.

除了YouTube明星外,她还是与Nickmercs之类的服装和电子竞技公司100 Thieves的内容创作者之一。实际上,她是第一个加入该品牌的女性内容创作者。




In March 2022, the man behind Blippi, Stevin John, also welcomed his first child. In an interview with父母杂志,他分享说,儿子出生后,他现在对孩子的兴趣有了更好的了解。因此,有趣的是,他的角色将与他的年轻但忠诚的追随者分享哪些新智慧。






有关音乐模仿和其他喜剧视频,您可以查看Whindersson Nunes Batista的YouTube频道。自从他大约10年前就开始了自己的频道以来,他将自己的粉丝群增加到了超过4300万订户。

Most recently, he has campaigned for a boxing fight against fellow internet star, Logan Paul. While the match is yet to be confirmed, so far Whindersson takes the lead when it comes to followers. Not only does he have more followers than Paul on YouTube, but also Instagram.

15.Felipe Neto


Felipe Neto在YouTube上的成功证明,您不一定需要坚持特定类型的内容。他的内容来自巴西,重点是一般娱乐。在他决定将所有注意力集中在YouTube频道上的4300万订户上之前,他还参与了YouTube商业网络,该网络专门用于巴西在线视频市场。



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