




1. 52.7亿独特的手机用户



We Are Social also reports that internet users aged 16 to 64 spend on average 6 hours 55 minutes per day on the internet across all their devices. This gives plenty of opportunities for brands engaging in c-commerce to reach potential customers.


在每天的7个小时的互联网活动中,普通人在社交媒体上花费2小时24分钟。这包括所有类型的社交媒体,并将结合他们对WhatsApp和Facebook Messenger等消息传递应用程序的使用。相比之下,人们只花2个小时3分钟阅读媒体媒体(在线和物理印刷)。

4. 95.2% of Internet Users Use Chat or Messaging Platforms

全球互联网用户调查的16至64岁found that 95.2% of respondents admitted using chat or messaging platforms in the past month. This is only slightly down on the 95.7% who use social networks, and ahead of such activities as using search engines or web portals (84.1%), shopping, auctions, or classifieds (59.7%), maps, parking, or location-based services (54.4%), email (50.9%), and music (47.5%).

5. 23.2%在上周使用语音助手

We Are Social used updated data from the Global Web index in their July Report that showed 23.2% of internet users aged 16 to 64 used a voice assistant in the past week, globally. However, this figure varied somewhat from country to country. The country most advanced with c-commerce and social commerce is China. This ties in with these voice assistant usage stats. In China, 31.9% of internet users used Siri, Alexa, or another voice assistant in the past week.


6. 13.5% of Internet Users Own a Smart Home Device


7. 25.3%的互联网用户在线查看健康症状

An area of potential growth in c-commerce is the health sector. 25.3% of internet users aged 16 to 64 admit they have checked health symptoms online in the past week. This is possibly a result of the COVID pandemic.


There was also a noticeable difference in the genders of those checking their health symptoms online. At all age levels, females were more likely to do so than males. For example, globally, 27.2% of females and 21.5% of males aged 16-24 checked their health symptoms online, as did 23.0% of females and 18.9% of males aged 55-64.

8. 26.1%的人要求寻找购买产品是他们使用社交媒体的主要原因


9. 20亿人使用WhatsApp

当您分析所有类型的社交媒体(包括Messenger应用程序和社交视频平台)时,您可以看到领先的Messenger应用程序使用情况如何。188滚球地址用户数量最多的平台是Facebook(28.53亿),其次是YouTube(22.91亿)。但是,WhatsApp与20亿用户获得第三名。其他高性能的Messenger应用程序包括Facebook Messenger(13亿),微信(12.42亿),QQ(6.06亿)和Telegram(5.5亿)。


10. WhatsApp被评为最受欢迎的社交媒体平台


Despite the popularity of WhatsApp as a messenger app, this has not followed through to other such apps. Only 3.6% rate Facebook Messenger as their favorite social platform.

11. 15.2% of Internet Users Use Messaging and Live Chat Services to Research Brands

GWI survey respondents were asked about their use of social media to research brands. 71.6% use some form of social platform (social network, question and answer site, forums, message boards, messaging, live chat, micro-blogs, vlogs, or online pinboards.) 15.2% used messaging and live chat services for their brand research.

12. Facebook Messenger的潜在受众为10.7亿


尽管印度的总覆盖范围最高(1.4亿),但您会想到,考虑到人口最多的国家允许Facebook运作(中国不允许在中国),蒙古以百分比的方式保持了记录。在那里,Facebook Messenger的13岁以上的人达到91.7%。


GWI asked its survey respondents about features that would increase their likelihood of buying a product online. By far, the most popular option was free delivery (51.1%). This was followed by coupons and discounts (39.6%), reviews from other customers (33.1%), and an easy returns policy (31.8%). In addition, respondents rated having a live chat box to speak to the company at 14.0% and a “Buy” button on a social network (12.1%).



15. C企业买家与品牌聊天的主要原因是用于产品或定价信息

More recently, Facebook commissioned Boston Consulting to conduct focus groups, in-depth interviews, and an online survey relating to people’s c-commerce habits. They asked the respondents why they messaged brands. The most popular reason was for product or pricing information (45%). Other popular reasons included instant responses at any time (35%), an easy way to shop (33%), personalized advice (31%), and the ability to negotiate prices or offers (30%).

16. 55%的婴儿潮一代宁愿亲自开展业务,而超过70%的非婴儿潮一代更喜欢数字业务


17. More Retailers Expected to Introduce Voice Commerce in 2021



Drift and Heinz Marketing于2020年7月对B2B专业人员进行了一项调查。他们向受访者询问了(业务)客户感到的主要挫败感。最大的挫败感是在社交或电子邮件上无反应的品牌,这比上一年增长了5.7倍。其他增加的挫败感包括感到不个人化(2倍),必须处理质量差的在线表格(1.6倍)以及在正常运营时间(1.4倍)之外缺乏服务。

19. 46%的人期望使用聊天机器人的响应<5秒



49% of the respondents in the above survey felt the most important factor in having a positive experience with a Conversational Marketing solution is getting quick, detailed, and expert answers to their questions. 36% also believe it’s important to get complaints and issues resolved quickly, and 29% say it’s important the solution is friendly, approachable, and easy to communicate with.


我们是社会 - 数字2021 7月全球统计报告


INMAR 2021电子商务报告

漂移 - 2020年对话营销状态


